A Fake Smile #35

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Narrators    P.O.V
As Dick, Jason and Tim went through the camera footage on Damian's mask they were horrified to what they saw. They saw a little boy crumble under the weight of his best friend killing him self to prove that he was in fact the person they didn't believe he was. And if that wasn't bad they saw him getting crushed by the weight of knowing that his family didn't love him and the only reason they got close to him was to win a bet.

They didn't know what to do... I mean what can they do? After all they did just help the downfall of Damian Wayne come to be.

But that didn't mean they weren't going to try and make it better.
But will they make it better or worse?

3rd Person    P.O.V
"I-i got to go and talk to him!" Dick said while running out of the batcave and to Damian's room. "Are we even going to stop him?" Jason asked Tim. "Nope! Come on!" Tim said while running up the stairs to the manner. "Wait for me!" Jason yelled while running closely behind Tim.

"D-Damian!" Dick yelled while banging on the door. "Damian open the door!" He yelled again to no avail. "Please.. Damian. I'm sorry!"dick said while leaning his head on the door in defeat.  "We are sorry too." Jason and Tim said. "We didn't mean for you to hear that!" Tim said. "Yeah! And we are so so very sorry about Levi..." Jason said.

The 3 boys continued to beg for Damian to open the door and come out, if only they knew they knew that Damian had locked himself in the bathroom and turned on the shower to drown out there voices.

Narrators P.O.V
After a few days of not seeing Damian the 3 boys went to Bruce and Alfred for help. Sadly it didn't work... no one could get Damian out of his room or even get him to say a word. They even tried going through the window to Damian's room but that only ended up with them on the ground with a sprained wrist.

~One week later~~
They were running out of ideas at this point, they had tried everything! And nothing worked. Alfred would now just leave Damian's food on a tray outside his room for Damian to grab. Dick even tried to wait for Damian to grab the tray and pull him out of the room. But that didn't work. Damian had set up a few cameras around his bedroom door and could see when someone was at his door. So he waited until they left and then he would grab it.

~One month later~~
Slowly but surely everyone had stoped going to Damian's bedroom door to say "hello" or "please come out."Alfred would still give Damian his daily meals but that was just about it.

That's was until today..

Damian's    P.O.V
I wake up this morning feeling nothing.. I felt empty.. like I had no place in this world. But I wanted to see everyone's reactions to me being out there instead of in here. "Maybe it would make me feel something" I keep thinking to myself. So I got up at the usual 5am and got ready. I had a shower and did other hygienic things before nicely gelling my hair back and putting on the usual black long sleeve shirt with black/dark blue jeans.

I slowly opened my door and started on my Journey down the stairs and to the dining room,I didn't make a sound while walking I kept as quite as I could.

Before entering the dining room I took a deep breath and plastered a big and happy smile on my face. To anyone it would look real and genuine but in reality it was fake, it was so fake that I'm surprised that the others couldn't see through it.

"Good morning!" I cheerfully said while taking my seat next to father at the table. "Damian!" They all said wide eyed. "That's my name." I said while looking around with my fake smile. "Your out of your room! And speaking!" Jason said to me. "Damian. How do you feel? Are you ok?" Bruce asked me with a concern look on his face. "I'm perfectly fine! How are you?" I Replied. "I'm doing great thanks for asking, it's good to hear your doing well but would you give us a minute. We just need to have a little talk." Bruce said to me while pushing Dick, Jason and Tim our of the room. "Take as long as you need!" I said while happy sitting there.

3rd Person    P.O.V
Once Bruce had gotten the 3 boys out of the room and closed the room, he looked at his boys. "Ok what just happened?" Jason asked. "I know right! It's like his mind has been wiped clean of what had happened!" Tim added. "He might be choosing to forget it. Like it was just a bad dream." Dick finally said. "Maybe.. maybe we should keep it that way." Bruce said to his kids. All the batkids nodded in agreement.

As they were walking back into the room they could see Damian waiting at the table with his food in front of him. "How was your chat?" Damian asked with his smile still stuck on his face. "It was good! So tell us, what do you think we should do together today?" Bruce asked his beloved son.

Narrators     P.O.V
Damian and the other all started to talk about what they were going to do for the day. Well mainly Dick, Jason and Tim were talking about things to do and places to go. Damian just sat there with his smile and watched and listening to them talk. Occasionally giving them a nod.

After a lot of debate they finally decided to watch a movie, but then they couldn't decide which movie to watch. They ended up watching  "The NoteBook" don't know how they come to this agreement they just did. Everyone was either crying or trying to hold back the tears, but obviously failing. Well not everyone was crying, Damian was the only one not crying. He just had a happy smile on his face. It didn't slip nor slide, never changing  during the move, it just started the same.

But once the day was over and Damian was back in his room alone the smile quickly disappeared.

Hello everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated in a few day! I've been having a little trouble figuring out how I should write the chapter. Thankfully anushkasharmaf saves the day and helped me! Big thanks to her!!
Hope you like and chapter! Andddd
Till next time my lovely's! 😁🤘✌️👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1130

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