A Breaking Mask #37

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3rd Person   P.O.V
"Hello Damian." Said the unknown person. Damian quickly whipped his head around to see who was there but it turned out that no one was there. "I.. I thought I heard someone.." Damian said before shrugging it off as his own imagination. But when he turned back around he wasn't expecting someone to be standing right in front of him. "M-Mother!" Damian happy said before jumping up to hug her. But when he went to hug her she not so politely pushed him away stoping him from hugging him. "Mother? What's wrong why can't I hug you?" Damian ask confused to why she wouldn't hug him, as she would always hug him while he was at the league with Slade and Levi.

But what came next wasn't something Damian would have expected from his mother. "SLAP!" Talia had slapped Damian right across the face, causing Damian's head to whip to the side almost giving him whiplash. "M-mother!" Damian said shocked while holding his face. "Where have your manners gone?!? You know better than to only speak when spoken to and what happed to your posture?!? You should be standing up straight! Your old enough to know better at this point!" Talia basically hissed at Damian, causing him to slightly move back as he now knows he had done something wrong and that she has gone back to her old ways.

"SLAP!" Talia slapped Damian again as hard as she could! "Damian you are a disappointment! Straighten your back his instant! I didn't waste so many years for you to turn into a failure!" Talia once again hissed at Damian. "Y-yes Mother!" Damian quickly said while straightening his back. "SLAP!" "Did I tell you to talk?!? No I didn't! Don't talk to unless told to!! And was that's a stutter I heard?!? You better hope it wasn't!!" Talia said while not holding back on being quite.

After sometime of Talia yelling at Damian she finally cooled down enough to talk to Damian without getting the urge to break his neck. While Damian on the other hand was standing up straight with the best posture that anyone could ever had just like at the league. His chest was puffed out, shoulders back, legs straight and back was also straight, he held his head high like he was looking down on everyone, while his cheeks on the other hand were red from all the slaps he had gotten.

"Damian." Talia said calmly. "Yes mother?" Damian asked. "How are you doing with beloved and his other sons?" Talia asked. Her question kind of throw Damian off but he still answered. "We are doing fine mother. We get along pretty well." Damian calm said. "And Levi?" Talia asked even tho she knows what happed to him. "He is gone mother. He died." Damian said while choking back any tears that dared to fall. "How?" Talia demanded for an answer. "I killed him. He's dead because of me." Damian said while putting on a stone face and locking any emotions away while excepting the fact that Levi is dead because of him. "Are you scared of your father and brothers?" Talia asked while leaning in a little. "No mother. They treat me well." Damian said a little confused to what she was trying to get at. "Tsk! What a waste!" Talia said before leaning back and putting her hands on her hips.

Damian took a big gulp before asking. "Mother, May I ask why you seem angry?" Damian asked fully expecting to get slapped but instead I felt kind and sold hands on my head and face. "Oh my little Damian, my sweet little Damian. It's because I wasted my time on getting a special someone to play with your mind when you slept so that you would have a horrible dream and hate your father and brothers because of it! But it seems you have worked through it and aren't scared nor hate them anymore." Talia said calmly before tightening her hands on Damian's face while talking a little more aggressively. "But not I see you've wasted my time and energy! You were meant to be the leader of the league! But now.. I don't even think you can lead your own life!" Talia said before harshly pushing Damian to the ground.

All Damian could do was listen to Talia's rant on how much of a disappointment he is while he sat on the ground wide eyed. He was to shocked to even talk about to her and defend himself let alone mover. After what felt like hours and hours of her yelling someone came up behind him and said. "Oh stop being a brat!" Said the unknown person. Damian turned his head slightly to see who it was. And sure enough it was Slade. "What are you looking at?!? Look at your mother while she is talking to you!" Slade said before giving a harsh kick to Damian's back and side. It was now very obvious that Slade had also gone back to his old ways. And there was nothing Damian could do about it.

Once Talia was finished with her little rant, a helicopter flew down and was set so she could climb into it from the hill's ledge. Before she got into it she said. "But now I see just how worthless you are. You are no longer my son! I don't know how I ever loved you!" And with that Talia jumped into the helicopter and sat next to Salde before the helicopter flew off, leaving Damian on the ground tears starting to fall down his face.

This was Damian's last breaking point. His mask that he had worked so hard on making flawless was now cracking and falling apart, showing the true face of Damian Wayne al Ghul. But he was no longer a Wayne nor a al Ghul, he was just Damian. He was alone.. no one to call a family or friend. He was... alone.. just like before he meet Levi..

Hello everyone!
Please don't hate me! But I hope you like this chapter! Sorry for the short A.N but I don't really know what to say apart from have a wonderful day! And stay safe!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌👌✌️🤘🤛
Word count: 1052

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