The Best Big Brother #23

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Soon Damian and Levi were covered head to toe in mud. And if they opened there eyes and mouths all you could see was white teeth and green eyes. "I think we should go and wash up before Alfred sees us" Levi says while laughing at how Damian looks. "What are you laughing at?" Damain says while leaning on one hip "how muddy you are" Levi says while laughing. "Speak for yourself. Have you seen yourself?" Damian says while laughing. Once they finished laughing Damian and Levi looked into a window a see themselves. "Oh my god!"
To be continued...
End of Recap~~~

Damian's   P.O.V
"Oh my god!" Levi says while wiping the mud of his face. "You are completely and utterly filthy!" I say while wiping mud of me. "So are you!" Levi says while turning on the hose and washing out the mud in his hair and clothes. "Come here I'll wash some of it out so we don't drag it though the house." Levi says in a caring and brotherly voice. I walk over to him and he started to wash it out of his hair. "Thanks..." I say while he washes it out of my hair. "Anytime little bro." Levi says to me.

3rd Person   P.O.V
As Damian was getting his hair washed out by Levi, the batfam watched amazed that Damian would let anyone do this for him. "Is that really happening... Damian's getting his hair washed out for him..." Says Tim. "Wait what?!" Says Jason looking out the window. "So he is..." Says Bruce.
Once Levi had got most of the dirt out of Damian's hair they started to walk over to the back door hoping that Alfred hadn't sent them yet. "Come on." Damian says as he started to open the back door. Once he had opened to the door Alfred was already standing there with Bruce just waiting for them. "Oops!" Damain says while slamming the door in there face. "What's the matter?" Asked Levi confused to why he slammed the door. "Run!" Damian says to Levi. As the two boys started to run to another door Bruce grabs the back of there shirt collars and stoped them from running away. "Oh" Levi starts to say but Damian finished his sentence. "Shit" Damian says while hanging there. "You boys need a show!" Bruce says as he drags them into the house and up the stairs. "I expect you boys to be washed and dressed by 5 we have a very important party to go to." Bruce saying while walking up to Damian's bedroom door. "Alfred will put the suits in your room. And let me be clear if anyone of you steps out of line so god help you! You two better behave or there will be big consequences! Now go and get ready." Bruce says as he pushed them into Damian's room to get ready. Once Bruce had left Damain shuts the door and starts to walk over to the bathroom. "Good thing there is two bathrooms in here. Am I right?" Levi says while walking into one bathroom. "Yeah" Damian says while walking into the other one and closing the door.
After sometime of them showering and dressing they finally go back into Damian's bedroom. "This tie is so stupid!" Damain says almost giving up on trying to tie it. "Come here I'll do it for you." Says Levi as he goes over to him and ties this tie. "See all better!" Levi says with a big smile. "Thanks" Damain mutters. "You look good Damian the tie really finishes it off." Levi says while getting a good look at Damian. "You don't look that bad yourself." Damian says to Levi. Damian takes a quick look at his watch to see it's 4:55PM. "We should start heading down we wouldn't want to keep the others waiting." Damain says while walking over to the door. "Alright!" Levi says while happily following Damian as he still gets lost. "Still don't know your way around do you?" Damain asked Levi with a small smirk on his face. "I can feel you judging me Little bro" Levi says to Damian while giving him a little nudge with his elbow.
Once they had gotten to the front door it was almost time to leave. Everyone was there and waiting. "Now that everyone is here I hope you all know the expectations." Bruce says while looking over at Damian and Levi. "Why you looking at me?!" Damian asked his father in a not so nice tone. "Alright everyone in the car." Alfred says trying to stop an argument from happening.
Once everyone is in the car, Alfred started to drive them to the location. Once they were there Bruce said a few more words about expectations and off they went inside. Damian and Levi sticked together and kept to them self not really wanting to get involved with the other people. But of course the girls were all over them. Damian some how managed to keep his cool, with the help of Levi. The other brothers on the other hand were happily interacting with the people. Jason of course was off with some girls, Tim was with the smart people and more girls, while dick was with just the girls.
The night went by smoothly for the most part. Bruce wasn't to happy that Damian and Levi weren't interacting with the other people. "Have you meet my new son and other son." Bruce asked a very rich man that was interested in Wayne Enterprise. "No I don't believe I have." The rig man replied. "Well this is Levi and Damian." Bruce says while giving the boys a look saying play along or else. And the boys did just that. "Damian Wayne. It's an honour to meet you." Damain says while holding out his hand for the man to shack. The man happily shacked Damian's hand then went into Levi. "Hello sir. I'm Levi Stagg. It nice to meet you." Levi says while holding out his hand and giving him a warm smile. "You seem like some good young men." The rich man said before walking off with Bruce to talk business. "That was rude he didn't shack my hand." Levi said with a little huff. Damian replied with a small snigger. "Little bro!" Levi says with a small smile.
Once the night was over Alfred drove them home. Once they get into the manner Bruce decided it was time to speak. "Everyone go to bed." Everyone starts to walk to there room but. "Damian, Levi stay." Bruce says in a low and demanding voice. And just as Bruce said they stayed while the others walked off to there rooms. "Damian, Levi I had high standards for you to night." Bruce begins but Damian cuts him off before he can speak. "Well you should lower them! Because I'm not a perfect son! And I don't believe Levi is even your son! He's mothers son not yours!" Damian says with a mad look on his face. "While he's here under my care he is part of the Wayne family. Go to your rooms!" Bruce yells at Damian.
Once Damian and Levi are in Damian's room, Damian closed the door then went into the walk-in-closet and changed into some more comfortable clothes. "Why did he just blow up on you like that?" Levi asked Damian before going and getting changed. "No idea!" Damain says while laying down on the bed.
Once Levi has finished getting changed he turn off the lights before jumped into bed "night Little bro." "Night Levi"
They both quickly fall asleep letting there worries fly away.

Hello everyone! How's it going??? Hope it's going good! Anyway here's another chapter as promised! I'll post again tomorrow or tonight if I finish it early. But have a nice day or night!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁✌️🤘👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1325

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