It Cant Possibly Get Any Worst Can It? #29

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(Authors Note: Hello everyone! I just want to start this chapter off by saying a huge thanks to @anushkasharmaf
She is an amazing story writer and friend! If you haven't already go checkout her stories! They are about Damian and the Batfam. They are really good! She also helped me with this chapter!
So please show her some love💕
Many thanks! Anyways to the story!!)
(WARNING! This chapter will have some suicidal talk! So please read at your own risk!)

Narrators   P.O.V
It had been a years since Levi had been "killed" by joker. Damian still hates his father. And wishes that he died! But he puts up with him. Damian was told by his father and brothers that Levi was tragically killed by joker saving them. Damian believed every word as that was something Levi would do.
As a result in Levi's "Death" Damian spiralled into depression. He wasn't himself. He would barley eat or sleep. He would do thinks that could kill him! For example, Damian would jump off a build then shot his grappling hook at the last moment to avoid instant death. Once he nearly missed the building but managed to make it so he wouldn't break his legs or fall to his death. Another time he let a villain stab him in the chest then shot him multiple times. And his excuse was "ohh I didn't see it coming." Or "I was to slow!" But after every time he made an excuse we would say something along the lines of "maybe he will kill me next time! That would be nice." Or "why did I even survive?!? Why won't the world little me die!" But when he said these things he said it so only he could hear.

Damian wasn't alright. But no one cared enough to noticed nor ask. He had no one to turn to. The only person he had, had been killed off. All he wanted and need was a friend. One that would listen to his problems and would help him throw them. But because he didn't go to school and wasn't allowed out of the house he had no chance of making friends. So he would sit in his room and steer at a wall.

Some time's he would draw other times at best he would watch the world go by, from the window. He would only ever go out of his room if he absolutely had to. Some times he would lock himself away in his room for a month at a time. Alfred has to pick the lock on the door then push it open and drag Damian down to the table and force him to eat. Sometimes Damian would push this desk and dresser in front of the door so Alfred couldn't get in, but Alfred would always find a way in.

To be honest, the only think keeping Damian alive was Titus and hunter. He would feed them everyday but Alfred would walk Titus, hunter would just clim out the window and go for a run when he felt like it.

3rd Person   P.O.V
It was currently 5 in the morning. Today was a special day! It was Damian's birthday! He was finally turning 12! (Sorry if this isn't the right age! I'm just going with the first number that comes to mind!)
Alfred had begged Damian the day before to at least come out of his room for breakfast and dinner. Which Damian reluctantly agreed to do. "It's already 5?" Damian says while slowly sitting up. It was his 5th day without sleep. But this didn't bother his as this was usual to him.
As Damian slowly got up and out of him bed he began to stretch. He was feeling a little energetic today so he did a little yoga before adventuring out of his room and down to the kitchen. And of course being 5 in the morning no one was awake apart from Alfred. "Young master Damian!" Alfred says with the biggest smile on his face once he saw Damian. "Good morning Pennyworth." Damian says while taking a seat at the bench. "Let me get you something to drink! What would you like? Coffee? Hot chocolate?" Afraid says while waking over to the sync. "I'll take a hot chocolate." Damian says while sitting up straight.

Alfred then got to work on his hot chocolate while Damian happily sat there and watched. "Here you go! Just how you like it!" Alfred says while handing Damian a mug full of deliciousness. "Thank you Pennyworth." Damian says with a small smile. As Damian slowly drank his drink Tim and Jason walked into the kitchen. They completely ignore Damian and went to Alfred. "I need a coffee!" Tim says while making a b-line to the coffee machine. Jason on the other hand took a seat next to Damian. "So what's the plan for today?" Jason asked Tim.

Narrators    P.O.V
Tim and Jason then went onto disgusting there plan for the day. Not once did they acknowledge Damian's existence. They completely ignored him. But Damian didn't take it personally. He was used to it now. The rest of the day went as usual apart from Damian going down to the library to re-read all the books in it. But when it came to dinner time, Damian was about to go back to his room when Alfred stoped him and reminded him of his promise. So Damian slowly made his way over to the dinner table to were everyone was already eating. Damian sat in his seat away from everyone. After sometime for Dick, Tim, Jason and Bruce talking they suddenly stoped and all looked at Damian. Damian just continued to slowly eat.

3rd Person's    P.O.V
"So is anyone going to talk about the elephant in the room?" Dick says. "What elephant?.... ohhh." Bruce says first confused, then agreeing to what they were meaning. "Yes I think we should talk about it." Bruce says before turning to face Damian. "What are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be in your room studying?!" Bruce says in the worst way possible. Damian just stops eating and stands up. "Well since it was my birthday Pennyworth asked me to sit down here and eat with you. But I can tell it was a massive mistake! I just thought maybe it would be nice to eat dinner with my so called family on my birthday. But now I see I was horribly wrong!" Damian says with no emotion in his voice. But before anyone could say anything Damian had taken his plate to the kitchen and walked back to his room. "It's his birthday? Who would've known." Bruce says before going back to eating like everyone else. "How old would he be?" Tim asked while stuffing his face with food. "No idea!" Dick reply's while going back to eating.

Narrators    P.O.V
At this point I think it was safe to stay Alfred had lost all hope in the batfam. But that didn't stop him from making Damian a vanilla cake with pink icing. He brought it up to Damian's room and sang him happy birthday before eating a piece of cake with him. After sometime Alfred let Damian to be. Damian continued to stare out the window and watch the night time sky. Hunter on his lap while Titus laid his head on Damian.

Hello everyone sorry for the depressing chapter. But I hope you like it anyway!
I haven't got much more to say other than, have a wonderful day!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌✌️🤘🤟🤛
Word count: 1269

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