Getting Kidnapped Is Fun... Right? #19

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3rd person P.O.V
After what had happened this morning Levi and Damian deiced to share a room. "i'm sorry you have to do this Levi." says Damian while rubbing the back of his head. "its ok little bro! you had one hell of a nightmare, i couldn't just leave you! that's not what brothers and best friends do!" Levi says while putting a hand on Damian's shoulder and giving him a warm and calming smile. "thanks." Damian says while pulling Levi into a hug. Levi just smiles while patting the top of Damian's hear. "i'm so happy that Damian found someone he can trust." Talia quietly says to Slade. "me too." Slade whispers back to Talia. sadly for Damian his newly found happiness wasn't going to last forever as the batman himself has just found the leagues hid out. but they weren't foolish enough to just go straight for the league. oh no they had a plan, a plan that guaranteed success. This was good for batman but bad for Damian, As Damian didn't wish to return to the manor he wanted to stay with his family, the one that loved him. but Bruce on the other hand this was the best news he had heard all day! it meant that no one would suspect anything about Bruce and his missing kid or that robin is suddenly out of the picture.

Bruce P.O.V
"So everyone know the plan?" I asked my sons. "yeah get him unconscious then throw him onto the plane." Jason says while playing with his new gun. "but what about his new friend, the Levi kid that they kidnapped?" dick asked as he wasn't to sure what to do with him. "bring him with us." I says before going back to driving the plane. as it would take at lest a full day to get there.

Damian's      P.O.V
"hey wanna go for a little walk before going to bed?" i ask Levi as i was feeling a little bored and didn't want to go to bed just yet. "yeah sure!" he says to me before walking out of the room. 

3rd person   P.O.V
As the two boys were walking around the league's base they failed to notice the bat family hiding in the shadows. "So Damian that was some nightmare you had... are you sure your ok?" Levi asked Damian in a brotherly way. "Yeah it was just a dream... it's not like they will came and do that.. right?" Damian says looking up at Levi fear in his eyes. "Don't worry little bro! I won't let that happen!" Levi says while pulling Damian into a brotherly hug. "Thanks..." Damian says while hugging Levi back. "... ok that is just weird! Why is Damian hugging him?!? How close are they??" Dick now nightwing asked his brothers and father. "...I wouldn't have a clue.." Tim says while rubbing his head. "Demon spawn is a mystery to me..." Jason says. "Stay focused. We are here for one reason." Bruce says while moving to a safer spot.
Damian and Levi keep walking around for sometime still getting followed by the Batfam. As Damian and Levi are about to turn the corner Damian sees something from the corner of his eye. It was tall and all black... a lot like Batman. "Levi.." Damian says quietly so the others wouldn't hear. "Hmmm?" Levi asks confused to why he was talking so quiet. "Don't look now but I think we are been followed." Damian says as quietly as he can once again. "Wait what!" Levi whispered back. "Shhh they will hear you!" Damian says before quickly pulling Levi inside the base. Damian and Levi quickly go to Talia and Slade to tell them of there findings. Soon there are Assassins all around the base leaving no entry or exit. Batman and the others quickly noticed the increase of assassins and decided to hang around for a bit before going in for the kids.
After a good 4 hours the assassins find no trace of any unwanted people on the base. "Damian are you sure you saw some one." Tali's asked her son. "Mother I'm sure of what I saw. But it might have been one of the assassins, but if it was why would they hide in the shadows when I went to look at them." Damian says while looking up at his mother. "Alright. Ok boys bedtime. It's almost 12 you guys have a big training camp tomorrow so it's best you get some sleep!" Talia says while encouraging her sons to go to bed.  (Yes Talia has officially adopted Levi) "Alright. Good night mother." Damian says while hugging his mother. "Goodnight Damian" She says before kissing him on the head. "And goodnight Levi" She says before kissing Levi's head. "Goodnight Talia" He says before walking off with Damian.
As the boys quickly got ready for bed the batfam quickly made there way into the base and to Damian's and Levi's room. Once Damian and Levi had finally finished getting ready for bed, they quickly jumped into there beds. "Goodnight Levi" Damian says before blowing out the candle. "Goodnight Damian" Levi says before quickly falling asleep. Damian followed suit. Once the 2 boys had finally fallen asleep the Batfam quickly made there way into the room. They injected the boys with a drug to keep them asleep for the rest of the ride back to the manner. "Alright let's move out." Batman says while handing Damian to dick. "Why do I have to carry him?!?" Dick asked in a almost hurt voice. "Because I said so." Batman says while grabbing Levi and handing him over to Jason. "What the! Why is he so light!!" Jason says almost amazed at how light Levi was considered he was tall and had a big build. But nowhere as big as Jason's. Just a little bit smaller than Tim's. "Stop playing around this is a mission!" Tim says while walking over to the exit with Batman.
They make there way back to the batplane as quickly as they could. Once they were aborted they started there journey back to the manner.

Hello my lovely's. I'm so sorry for not posting in a while! But I promise I'll make it up to you guys by posting 4 more for you guys! I hope you enjoy!
Till next time my lovely's!😁👌🤟🤘✌️🤛
Word count: 1065

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