You... You Lied To Me! #30

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3rd Person    P.O.V
It was like any other morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, Damian was still depressed. Nothing had changed.
Damian was in the library re-reading all the books for what felt like the hundredth time. But that wasn't new. The others were in the batcave having a discussion on what to do with the new case they got. Alfred on the other hand was preparing them sandwiches.

As Damian was reading his book he remembered something. Something he had long forgotten. It was about Levi. He remembered the first time they were here. Levi left his favourite key charm in the holding cell. They were going to go back and get it but never got to time to.

As Damian was walking down the stairs to the batcave he started to over hear the others talking about Levi. "I'm so glad we sent the kid to his death! He was starting to get annoying always hanging around the demon spawn!" Dick says while plonking himself down onto the mini sofa. "Yeah he was like always around!  I'm so glad that joker killed him!" Jason says while leaning on Tim. "Well actually.. he's not dead." Tim says while looking at some new flies. "What! That's impossible!" Bruce yells while standing up and storming over to Tim. "Sorry to say but it's true.. The villains must have revived him. Long story short he is now living with joker and Harley. He hasn't done any crimes yet, but he still goes with joker when he does them. But one thing I don't get is at every scene of the crime he goes to, he paints two stick figures. One bigger and one smaller. Then there is some numbers too.
6, 3, 8, 2, 9, 6, 3, 8, 9, 0, 2, 2 and 7. Im not sure what they mean, I've put them throw every single decoding system I know. It doesn't come up with anything!" Tim says while getting a little frustrated about it. "Do you think he's trying to reach out to someone?" Bruce says while putting a hand on Tim's shoulder. "Most likely. But who?" Tim asked looking up to Bruce. "Not sure. But once think I do know is that Damian is not to know!" Bruce says in a stone cold way. Everyone nodded to his statement and went back to what they were doing.

Damian on the other hand knew exactly what the numbers meant. Him and Levi had created them when they were with the league. To them it said "I'm still alive! Don't stop looking! I'll come for you soon!" But for others it just looked like random numbers.

Damian's heart filled with joy knowing that Levi was alive, but also sadness and anger because his family lied about his death.
Either way he was going to get Levi back. Even if it costs him his life.

As Damian didn't want them knowing that he knows what they know what he shouldn't know, he slowly and silently walked back up the stairs and to the door way. He then opened and closed the door loudly so the others could here. He then walked down the stairs again and did a loud yawn so they knew it was him. He put on his best poker face before stepping into the batcave. As he entered everyone looked at him. "Damian why are you down here!" Bruce demanded. "Just grabbing something. I'll be out of your hair soon." Damian says while walking over to train room/ holding cells. As Damian was walking the batfam put a camera on him so whey could see what he was doing. It followed his all the way to the training rooms. They saw him take a quick look inside like he was examining the room. "What's he doing?" Jason asked while watching the screen. "Not to sure.." Bruce replies.

Once Damian had finally finished examining the room he closed the door and continued to walk. "Where is he going now?" Dick asked while sitting up straight. No one realised as they were all too busy watching the screen.
Damian continued to wall all the way down to the holding cells. He went to the very last one and went into it. "What the actual fuck?" Jason says very confused.
Damian went to the very back by the bed. He put his hand under the bed and grabbed something. The batfam couldn't see what it was but wanted to know. "Hey! Hey! What did he just grab?!? I want a camera that shows me it!" Bruce demands. Tim then starts to hit all different buttons on the keyboard before saying. "There is no camera they shows that angle." Tim says as it just added to his stress.

As Damian walked out of the holding cells and back into the main part of the base Tim quickly turned off the cameras so Damian wouldn't suspect anything, but Damian already knew someone was watching him he just didn't know who. But now he did. "So what were you doing Demon spawn?" Dick says while standing up and walking over to Damian. "What's it to you Grayson?!" Damian spats back. "speak to me with respect!" Dick basically yells at Damian. "I don't need your respect!" Dami yells while taking a step towards dick. "Even if I did show you it, you wouldn't show it back!" Damian says while poking his fingers into dicks chest. "You little brat!" Dick yells before going off the deep end. "SLAP!" Damian's head whipped to the side like never before. "YOU KNOW WHAT BRAT! I HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT NICE! AND YOU REPAY ME LIKE THIS?!? I AM DISGUSTED IN YOU! YOU ARE A FUCKING DISAPPOINTED!" Dick yells while Damian holds his face. To say the lest Damian was shocked! He wasn't shocked because he was hit, that was a everyday thing from his brothers and father, but Dick on the other hand, he always talked down to him but never had he hit him. "I see your just like them!" Damian says while spitting out blood. Dick noticed this but didn't say anything about it.

Damian quickly made his way back to his room as he didn't want any through interaction with them. Once he was there he started to make his master plan.

~Back to the batcave with Bruce, Dick, Jason and Tim~~
Everyone had seen the blood come out of Damian's mouth but didn't talk about it until Damian was gone. "Dam dude! You must of done one hell of a slap! I've never been able to get him to bleed from just one slap! It always took multiple!" Jason says while patting dicks back. "Really?" Dick says with a small smile. "Hell yeah!" Jason says to dick.
They continue to do some work while goofing around too.

Hello everyone! How's it going?? Hope it's going well! Anyway I hope you like the chapter! It was kinda a filler chapter but it did have some key information! Anyways have a lovely day!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁🤘✌️👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1186

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