Your Ok! No One Can Hurt You Now. #20

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Damian's   P.O.V
As I started to wake up I didn't open my eyes right way because I was still haft asleep. But I heard some foot steeps nearer my bed. "Morning.. Levi" I say yawning haft way between my sentence. I was waiting for a reply but I didn't get one this made me open my eyes at lighting speed and for my head to shot up. My eyes widened at the sight before me. "T-the b-batcave!" I say trying to get up but failed as I was tied to the bed. I started to struggle but I couldn't get out. It only alarmed my kidnappers. "Guys! Damian's awake!" Dick says as he saw me struggle. I start to look around everywhere to find Levi. He was right beside me, and tied up just like me. "Levi!" I yell to try and get him up but he was out cold. "Levi! Wake up" I say while struggle harder. As my old family started to walk over to me. As I was making a lot of noise. "Stay back!" I yell while starting to tear up. "Damian calm down!" Bruce demands. But just hearing his voice made the fear in me tripled by a couple thousand. "Stay away!" I yell while trying my best to get away. Sadly the bonds were to strong for me to snap. "Damian?" Grayson says to me as he saw the way I was acting. "Stay away!" I yell once again as tears flowed my face. Memories of the dream started to replay in my mind. "Guys stop!" Grayson yells to the others. They all look at me and see that I'm batshit scared. "Stay away! Don't came any closer!" I yell while trying to free myself. But the only thing I got was a big rash as my skin had been rubbing against the bonds so much it was red and raw.

3rd Person   P.O.V
As the young boy yelled and pleaded with the men before him, he was slowly wearing himself out. The fear and shock of being in the batcave and not with the league was too overwhelming for him to handle. "Damian you need to calm down!" Bruce says taking a step towards Damian. But the closer they got the more Damian freaked out. The poor boy was petrified of the men standing before him. "Everyone out!" Bruce demands the other men. Once all of them are out Bruce follows them out.
"What the hell was that about?!?" Jason says very confused on what was going on with Damian. "Yeah I have never seen him like that." Tim adds. "He was... scared... of us." Dick adds to the conversation. "... the league has done something to him... maybe his memory?" Tim asked his brothers and father. "This is interesting." Bruce says.
As the 4 started to talk about what to do with Damian, Damain wasn't having any of this. So he kept struggling and struggling trying to get free. Not to long after Levi started to wake up. But Damain was panicking to much to noticed.

Levi's   P.O.V
I started to wake up to the sound of Cry's and whimpers. "Damian must of had a nightmare again!" I think to myself while trying to sit up. But then it hit me, I was tied down. "Damian!" I say as I quickly scan the room for any people. But it was only us. Me and Damian. "Damian it's ok!" I tried to reassure him but he was having a panic attack and couldn't hear me. I quickly got out of my bonds and run over to Damian. "Damain it's ok.. I'm here now" I say while trying to give him a reassuring smile. But it wasn't worked either. So I get Damian out of his bonds and sit on the ground with him. "It ok.. it ok. Your ok. No ones going to hurt you." I say while holding him and rubbing small circles on his back.  After sometime he slowly started to calm down. "You ok?" I say to him while taking a good look at the room we were in. "Y-yeah.." He says while clinging onto me for dear life. Once he had full calmed down the door to the room opened with great focus. "Batman!" I say as I saw the man standing in the door way. "How did you get out!" He says in a low voice while walking closer. And with every step he took the more freaked out Damain got. "Stay away!" Damian yelled while trying to hide behind me. "What have they done for Damain to act this way!" I think to myself before standing up. "What have you done to Damian!" Batman yells at me. "Nothing what have you done to Damian!?!" I yell while taking a step forward. As I stood up Damain quickly hid in the shadows trying to make himself less noticeable. "What did you do to him?!?" I yell once more time taking another step. Soon other men come into the room. They started to surround me. "Kid calm down. We aren't the bad guys!" The smaller one says to me. "Then why is Damain freaking out?!? You must be if he's this scared!" I yell while going in for a punch.

3rd Person   P.O.V
As Levi went in for the punch the other boys quickly spring into action. Jason and dick tried to tackle the boy but missed as Levi quickly dodged. The fight went on for a few more minute. But sadly no matter how much training Levi had he will never beat the batbrothers in a fight. "Kid why are you fighting us?!?" Tim asked Levi while tieing Levi up. But Levi doesn't answer Tim's question. Instead he goes to struggle around on the ground. Damian on the other hand was having a panic attack and was trying his best to stay as far away from his father as he could. But sadly he was over powered just like Levi. After sometime Damian was still having a panic attack so they got Alfred in to give him something to calm him down.
"Why was Damain so sacred?" Dick asked his brothers. "Im not to sure.." Tim reply's. The batbrothers all look to Alfred and he already knows what they are going to ask him. "Alfred..." the brothers being. "As you wish." Alfred as to them while walking into the room with Damian and Levi.

Hello my lovely's! How's it going?? I know I said I'd update sooner but my phone went flat and as I was waiting for it the charge, but my bed got usually comfy, and then I suddenly got tired then my eye lids got heavy. What I'm trying to say to that I fell asleep. But here it is!! As promised I'll be posting 3 more!!! Your welcome! Anywayyyy
Till next time my lovely's! 😁🤘✌️👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1155

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