Routine #9

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Bruce's       P.O.V
I was typing some new information I had found on a new criminal, when Alfred came in and put a tray next to me it had coffee and biscuits on it. "Thank you Alfred" I say not looking up from what I'm doing. "I'll take it that the talk didn't go as plan." He says with a not so surprised voice. "*sigh* How do you always know?" I ask while rubbing the bridge of my nose. "Because sir I know everything that goes on around here." He says while walking to the exit to the batcave.

3rd Person         P.O.V
As the after noon went on everything went as it usually did, apart from Damian being at the manner instead of the boarding school and that even one was trying to befriend Damian while trying to get information out of him at the same time. Bruce and the others knew it wasn't good nor kind to use Damian's emotions and trust towards them to get the information but it was the only way. They knew that once they had gotten the information, Damian wouldn't trust them anymore and he would become useless. They wouldn't need him anymore, so off he goes back to the boarding school. They knew it was wrong what they were going to do. But did they really care? ..... some did but the others couldn't care less...

Damian's        P.O.V
Once I had gotten out of the batcave from the argument with Bruce I felt like stabbing something or someone. I hadn't been this angry in such a long time it almost felt foreign. I tried to remember what always calmed me down back in boarding school. "...... routine!" I say with excitement. I hated change with a passion! It was the worst thing in the world! Even when I was in the league! I remember one day getting really upset and mad that I wasn't following the same routine as I always did. Train, eat, schooling, train, eat, train until I can't anymore then sleep and repeat. It was so nice following a routine. Then all that got thrown out the window when I came to the manner. After about a year it started to settle down I started to follow my own routine. Train, eat, train, read, eat, train, sleep, patrol and repeat. But every now and then someone will interrupt my routine either Pennyworth trying to teach me something I already know or one of my idiotic brothers. So to make myself feel better I went to follow my routine I always did back at the boarding school. I look over to the clock to see it's the time I would usually work out in the gym. So I changed into some less bloodied clothes and headed off to the gym.

~5 minutes later~~
I had finally made it to the gym! I forgot how long the halls are! Like who needs a house this big! Once hunter had jumped off my shoulder and sat on the bench I started to workout. First starting on the bars. I did 300 pull ups. Then I went onto doing parallel bar sit ups. (Omg yes that's a thing. I had to look it up) it hurt my leg so much, as I was using my legs to hold me up. I did about 250 of them as my leg felt like it was going to bleed out! I was so lucky it didn't! I decided I had haded enough of doing things on the bar so I went to do pushups. After 1,000 pushups my arms were starting to hurt so I did 2,000 sit-ups. I knew I was pushing myself today but I was so angry I didn't care, and pushed myself even further! I went over to the wall to do a wall sit when hunter jumped into my lap putting extra weight onto my legs making it harder. "Thanks bud!" I say in a nice voice as I was enjoying the workout. After about 20 minutes I got bored from doing the wall sit and decided to move to a plank. Hunter moved onto my back and sat up proudly just as I had taught him to. After staying in a plank for about another 20 minutes I once again got bored and moved into the punching bag. Punch after punch, kick after kick, combo after combo. I had finally finished beating the life out of the poor punching bags. Only after making a huge pile of broken punching bags. I looked around the room to see what else I could do. There wasn't much more apart from weight lifting, and running on the treadmill. I decided to go with weight lifting first. I walked over to the weights and started. (If you haven't seen by now, I have no idea what I'm even talking about!!! Sorry I don't go to the gym so I'm just making this stuff up 😂😂)

~ 80kg later~~
My arms were hurting again at this point but I still wasn't done! I still had the treadmill awaiting my arrival.
After running for a good 2 hours I decided to call it quits, as my leg was starting to hurt really bad from the stab wound I'm still amazed that it hasn't started bleeding yet. As I slowly start to walk out of the gym Todd and Drake come in. Todd and Drake look around to see the stacks of weights and piles of broken punching bags then they look at me. "Did you do all of this?" Asks Drake. "What if I did?" I ask walking past them. "You should be Resting! You were stabbed today!" Says Todd in a concerned voice. "And you should mind your own business!" I say back as I walk off with hunter. Once I get to my room I have a quick shower and go back down stairs to the library. Sadly like the library at the boarding school I had read all the books. So I walked over and grabbed any book I could get my hands on and sat down with hunter and started to read.

~An hour later~~
It didn't take long for me to finish the book. I looked over to the clock on the wall wanting to know the time to see it's the time I usually have dinner. So I started my journey to the kitchen. Thankfully the kitchen was close to the library. I walk into the kitchen to see Alfred dishing up our food. "Hello Young Master Damian. I'm nearly finished. Go wait at the table." He says. I follow his Orders and head off to the table. When I get there I can see everyone sitting at the table in there usually spots. I sit at the other end of the table away from everyone. I think Bruce noticed Because he stoped what he was doing and looked over to me. So did my idiotic brothers. "Damian why are you sitting so far way?" Asks Bruce. To be honest I was still mad at our argument. So i wasn't having any of this small talk. "Because I can!" I say in a almost yelling voice. "Alright." Bruce says as he goes back to talking with the others. Not to long after Alfred brought out our food. The others slowly ate theirs while I ate mine as quickly as possible. I only ate half of it, as I wasn't used to having this over what I had been having at the boarding school everyday. Once I had finally finished I took my plate to the kitchen sink and thanked Alfred before walking back off to my room. I remembered back to my routine to what I would do next. Draw!
I got out my drawing book and pencils and sat by my window. I started to draw the landscape in great detail. Once I had finished drawing I moved onto drawing other things like Hunter, Titus, the flowers beside my bed, and any other little thing. After sometime of drawing I sneaked me a Hunter out onto the manner roof. And as usual I started to train. After some time of training I decided it would be good for me to meditate. I sat down and crossed my legs and started to meditate with hunter siting in my lap. Once I had finished I felt much better. I leaned back and put my headphones on and started to listen to my favourite playlist.

3rd person P.O.V
As Damian listened to his music he watched the night sky slowly turn into the morning sky. After some time of watching the sky and patting hunter the sun started to rise. Damian took this as his queue to leave and head to bed. Once inside his room he flopped onto him bed and slowly drifted off to sleep with his closest friends beside him Hunter and Titus.

Hello my lovely's! As promised I have another update for today!!😤😤😤😤 Sorry this one is late!! 😰😰
I was going to post it sooner but it got delayed! I hope you like it!! 💖💖💖
Till next time my Lovely's!!😁✌️🤟🤘👌🤛
Word count:1529

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