The Bet.... #31

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3rd Person P.O.V
From the day Damian found out that Levi was still alive, he started to train non stop. He started to sleep less than Tim did. And that is saying something!
Damian was training so much more than he was sleeping that he resorted to energy drinks, caffeine tablets and coffee to keep him awake. He was drinking more coffee than eating food.
Tim soon started to get suspicious about someone else using his coffee. Little did they know that it was Damian all along.
"Is it just me or is my coffee suddenly gone missing? Like it's nearly all gone!" Tim would say to his brothers as his coffee had suddenly started going quicker. He was now buying 6 bags of coffee instead of the usual 3 bags. "I don't know, you do drink a lot of coffee." Dick would always say back.
After a few more weeks of this going on Tim decided to set up a few cameras to see who was using his coffee.

~In the batcave with Bruce, Dick, Jason and Tim~~

"Ok everyone! I have gathered you all here today to discuss a big problem!" Tim said while standing up. "What probably?" Dick asked his brother. "I'm glad you asked! It's about my coffee going missing!" Tim said pridefully. "Not this again!" Jason says while holding his head in his hands. "Tim..." Bruce says while rubbing his head. "Come on guys! This time I have proof that someone is taking it!" Tim's says while putting his hands on his hips. "Then who was it?" Bruce asked while raising an eyebrow. "Well I haven't watched through the footage yet... I was waiting to do it with you guys!" Tim says while playing the video.

As the video was playing they saw Tim make a coffee then walk off. After a few minutes they saw Damian come in and make a coffee the leave. Around 15 minutes later Damian was back for another one, only this time he looked really tired. This kept up for a few days. "That little ass hole!" Tim yells. "Wait! Didn't Damian say he hated coffee!" Jason says while standing up. "Yeah I remember that! And he's drinking it like it's nothing without sugar and milk! He hates that stuff!" Dick says.

As the 3 where having there little discussion about Damian hating coffee Bruce was busy analysing the footage. "Guys! Watch this!" Batman says while pulling up the footage again but it's zoomed into Damian's face. "He looks exhausted!" Dick says while taking a closer look. "How many coffees did he have that day?" Tim asked remembering that he was making a coffee every few minutes. "He had... wow.." Jason started to say but stoped himself. "Wow what?!?" Bruce asked. "This cant be right!" Jason says while taking another look at it. "Just tell us!"dick yells. "Ok! Ok! He had 73 in that one day..." Jason says while still trying to rap his head around it. "Holy shit! He's going to get caffeine overdose!" Dick says while slamming his hands on the table.
"What would drive his to want to drink that much coffee?" Tim asked Bruce. "Hmmm.." is all Bruce says while pulling up all the cameras in the batcave. Once he gets them all up he goes through all of them to see where Damian went after getting a coffee. They followed him all the way to the training rooms. "Hey that's the training room Damian looked into when he was done here the other week!" Tim says while walking over to Bruce. "That was last month" Bruce says before pulling up the trainings room cameras. But all he gets is the same image. "He hacked it!" Bruce says while hacking back into it.

When he finally pulled up the real footage they were surprised to see the never ending stack of energy drinks and all the broken equipment. On one side of the room there was a make shift bed, Aka 2 blankets and a pillow. There was also a bag and some medical supplies. In the middle of the room was all the training stuff, to the other corner was all the broken stuff with the empty energy drinks. "Is it just me or does it look like he made it his home..."Tim says while scratching his head. "Hmm.. the beds untouched.." Bruce says while playing through the footage again to see when he last went to sleep. As all this was going on Damian was still training.

~With Damian~~
As I was training I could feel my body getting slower and slower. I hadn't slept in a week and all the coffee I was having wasn't helping at this point. I decided to take a little break as I didn't want to faint while training.
As I was sipping on my energy drink I noticed the cameras moving. Meaning one of two things. One someone was looking into the room, Two I had been found out. Either way I wasn't going to stay here and let them watch me. So as any good hacker would do I started to hack the batcave cameras so they couldn't get any footage.

Bruce's P.O.V
As I was about to start looking through the footage it all started to glitch them deleted all of it. "No!" I yell while trying to get it all back but sadly the damage had been done. "DAMIAN!" I yell while storming off to the training room. As I was walking I could hear Jason ask dick "What was that about?" I'm pretty they looked at the bat computer because they all said "Omg Damian did what?!?" And started to run behind me.

3rd Person P.O.V
As Bruce stormed into the training room Damian immediately stood up and went to walk over to him but was stoped as Bruce walked over to him first. Damian and Bruce then began to argue about how Damian shouldn't hack into the cameras and how Bruce shouldn't be watching. Overall the argument was pointless.

Dick, Jason and Tim soon found it pointless to watch and decided to go back to the main room. Once they got there they started to talk and make beets then the idea of betting on Damian. "Hey I have an idea!" Jason says while sitting up straight. "Spill!" Tim says while leaning in. "The first person to get Damian to like and trust them wins what ever they want." Jason says with a big grin. "Your on!" Tim and dick say while standing up. "Let the best man win!" Jason says while standing up with the others.
They soon all go there separate ways planing on how to get Damian to like them.

Hello everyone! Not much to say today aside from have a brilliant day or night! Big thanks to anushkasharmaf for helping me with this chapter!!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁🤟🤘👌✌️🤛
Word count: 1147

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