Mother... #14

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3rd Person P.O.V
As the youngest was in the van he suddenly felt really tired. Almost so he could fall asleep. "You might as well have a sleep brat. You did just have a 19 hour training session without stoping." Slade said while giving off a I don't care what you do vibe. "Titus and hunter.. did you.." before Damian can finish his sentence death stroke cut him off. "Don't worry brat. I make sure to get them. I'm not sure how Talia will react to you having a dog and a cat. But who knows brat she might just allow it." He says as he continues to drive. "I'm going to see mother?" As Damian says this a little sparkle shines in his eyes. Slade sees this but doesn't comment on it. He just keeps driving. At this point Damian's finding it hard to keep his eyes open as the exhaustion is taking over. "Don't fight it." Says Slade but Damian only hears half of it as he passed out from exhaustion. "Put the brats with his pets. The brat will have a fit if he wakes up and isn't with them. And I'm not in the mood for that." Slade says to his henchmen. The henchmen carefully pick Damian up and put him with Titus and hunter. As Damian peacefully sleeps they slowly get closer and closer to there destination.

Damian's P.O.V
As I slowly wake up I realised I was no longer in the van. I was in my old room. The one I started in before I was shipped off to the manner. And this means only one thing. I was back with the league of assassins, I was back with mother. As I realised this I quickly sat up and jumping out of bed. I look back at my bed to see Titus and hunter both sitting up as I had just woken them up. I quickly walk over to them and hug them before quickly heading to my bathroom and fleshing up. Once done I put my old league clothes on. It annoyed me when I realised that they fitted the same as they did when I left, meaning I hadn't grown. "*sigh* looks like I'm still small." I say as I started to walk out of my room followed by hunter and Titus. I continue to walk until I get to the training grounds. Mother and Slade where watching over everyone train. As I enter mother sees me. She looked well, she looked the same like she hadn't aged. "Damian your awake." She says while walking over to me soon followed by Slade. "Mother. You seem well." I say giving her one last look over. "Damian I'm glad your back." She says as she gives me a motherly hug. "Well this is new.." I say as I hug her back. I embrace the hug and treasure the moment. Only to moments later get the hug broken up. "Damian follow me. I have some news for you." She says as she leads me to a different area. Once we arrive there I realised it was my favourite place in the hole league. It was the courtyard I would always come to relax or to try out a new move. It might seem like this is nothing much but this wasn't any courtyard. It was the most beautiful and peaceful one. It had a small Fountain with a willow tree giving off some shade but not to much, but just the right amount. It also had perfectly placed stepping stones leading up to the fountain. It had a few flowers scattered around the place, with a bench perfectly placed half in the shade and half in the sun. But my favourite part of all was the natural lighting, when it shined through the tree and flowed across the green grass it would always make my day. As she continued to walk over to the bench I followed her over to it. She took a seat them gesturing for my to sit with her. I took my seat on her right, Slade sat on the left. "Damian do you remember this place?" She asked while looking at the peaceful scenery. "Of course mother. How could I forget." I say while hunter sat on my lap as I patted Titus's head.
"Damian I see you have some... pets" She says while giving me the 'are you serious' look. I look over to her and see this look. "Mother I'm not getting rid of them. They are staying with me." I say while giving her the look that says 'try me bitch' "I didn't say you had to get rid of them Damian." She says while moving a little closer to me. "I'm just happy your home Damian. We missed you." "We?" I say now confused on what she means by me. "I'm sorry Damian I haven't expected yet. Me and Slade." She says now holdings Slades hand. "No way" I think to myself. "I'm sure this is shocking to you but I'm sure you understand." She says while pushing some hair out of her face. I look over to Slade and in all honesty he actually looked like he liked her back. "I don't know what to say mother. I mean Slade did kill Grandfather, torture you, impaled both of my arms with a knife and a sword, Kidnapped me and torture me. And I did try to kill him once and left him to die another time. And lets not forget I blinded him in one eye... but mother if you are truely happy who am I to stop you." I say while rubbing the back of my head. Slade looks over at me. He looked like a kid on there birthday. "You know Damian. You are the best brat anyone could have. And I now see why others find you interesting." Slade says to me in a way no one has ever talked to me. He talked to me like a father would. "Thanks?" I say. Slade then starts to stand up and will over to me he bends down a bit and puts his hand out. "Now what do you say a little sparring practice before dinner. That is if you think you can keep up." He says in a cheeky way. "Those are big words you've got their Slade. Are you sure you can keep up with me" I say while grabbing his hand and standing up. I look over to mother to get the 'go ahead' type of look or a nod. She gives me a quick nod before standing up and saying. "Go ahead Damian. I'll join you too later" she says. "You hear the brat." He says while starting to walk away. "Well are you coming?" He says turning around to face me and mother. I give mother a smile before running off with Slade. Of course followed by Titus and hunter.

3rd Person P.O.V
As the night goes on Damian realises something important. That he was actually having fun. He actually wanted to stay there with his mother and new father figure Slade. He now wished that the bat family would stay far away. He never wanted to see them again! He wanted this moment to never change, to alway stay the same.

Hello my lovely's! I'm back with yet another update!! I hope your enjoying them!!
What do you think should happen next?? Should the batfam take Damian back?? Or should he stay here with his now happy family?? Please let me know what you think should happen!😁😁
I might post again tonight or early tomorrow morning. Am I posting to offen??
Well my lovely's it come to that time again!
Till next time my lovely's!!😁🤟✌️🤛👌🤘
Word count:1301

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