Its Ok.. #21

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Alfred's P.O.V
As i was walking into the room next door to talk with Damian and Levi as requested by the young Masters. When I walk into the room I saw Damian un-tieing Levi. Once they see the door open a look of horror went onto Damian's face but once he saw me his face went to one of relief. "Pennyworth!" Damian says while running up to me and hugging me. "Young Master Damian, how have you been?" I say while hugging him back. "You won't believe what happened! Bruce and the others kidnapped us and are going to kill us!" Damian says while hugging me tightly. "What gave you the idea that they are going to kill you?" I ask now confused to why he would think that. "Because.." Damian starts but stops himself and hugging me tighter. "It's alright you don't have to talk about it." I say as I hug him back. "Would you like to introduce me to your friend?" I says while looking over to Levi. "Well he is actually my brother now." He says while looking up to me. "Don't forget best friend!" Levi adds in. "And that too." Damain says before going back to un-tieing Levi. "Let me help you." I say before un-tieing Levi. "Now Damian what do you say we go and get some cookies and hot coco." I say while standing up. "Can Levi come?" Damain says while looking up to me. "Of course! Now come along young masters." I say while helping them up.

3rd Person P.O.V
As the boys followed Alfred up the stairs to the kitchen, the batfam looked amazed at how Alfred got Damian out without freaking out. "How does he do it?" Dick asked his brothers and father. "No clue." Bruce responded.
As the boys were walking up the stairs Damian realised that hunter and Titus weren't with him. Damian began to tear up as he hadn't been without his pets before and didn't know how to deal with it. "A-Alfred! Hunter and Titus!" Damian says while nearly crying. "Don't worry Master Damian I have you covered!" Alfred says while walking into the kitchen with the boys. Once they are inside they see hunter and Titus happily eating. "Hunter! Titus!" Damain says before running over to them and hugging them. "I missed you so much!" Damain says while hugging them. Levi walks over and pats Titus head. "Good to see you buddy!" Once they finish greeting each other they sat on the stalls by the bench. Alfred then handed them a plate of cookies and a cup of hot coco each. "Thank you Pennyworth." "Thanks Alfred!" The boys say at the same time while quickly eating the cookies. "I'll be back in a minute you boys wait here." Alfred says before walking back down to the batcave.
Once Alfred finally gets done there he can see the others talking about what to do with Damian and Levi. "I just don't think there is anyway he can come back from this." Tim says before looking over to Alfred. "Alfred report" Bruce demands. "Well you see Master Bruce, Damian has this idea that you want to kill him." Alfred says. The batbrothers and Bruce all go wide eyed and are stunned that he would get an idea like that. "How did he get that idea?" Bruce asked now very concerned. "I wouldn't know sir." " interesting..." Tim said. As they continued to talk they failed to notice Dick walking up the stairs to the manner to find Damian. Once he had made this way to the kitchen he knocked on the door to let them know he was there. "who's there!" Levi yelled while Damian backed up. "It's just me... Dick.. I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to talk. Like a big brother would." Dick says as nicely as he can. "Your not my brother! Your a monster!" Damian says while walking over to the door. "And I don't like monster!" Damian says before opening he door and tackling Dick to the ground. "Dami stop!" Dick says trying to get Damian off him. "Little bro!" Levi says. "Dami you don't want to do this!" Dick says. "I know what you said about me! I know what you did! And I know what you guys were going to do!" Damain says while tears flooded his face. "Dami... I didn't mean it." Dick says shocked that he knew. "Yes you did you meant all of it!" Damain says while lightly punching his chest. "Dami... I didn't know what I was talking about.. I'm sorry!" Dick says before pulling Damian into a loving hug. "L-let go!" Damain says between cry's. Soon Damian started to hug Dick back and becomes a emotional mess. Once Damian had cooled down dick let him go. "I'm so sorry little D" Dick says while ruffling Damian's hair. "Little D?" Levi says trying to hold back laughter. "Not a word Levi." Damian says while standing up and walking over to Levi. "I don't think we have officially meet." Levi says while walking over to Dick. "I don't believe we have." Dick says while standing up and holding out his hand. "Levi stagg" He says while shaking Dicks hand. " Richard Grayson but call me Dick." He says while giving him a warm smile.
Little did they all know that Bruce, Jason, Tim and Alfred were watching from a far. "Leave it up to dick to make everything better!" Tim says before walking off to him room. "Yeah." Jason says walking off to who knows where. After sometime it's time for dinner. Alfred calls for everyone to come down to the dining room. Bruce sat at the head of the table with dick, Jason and Tim by his side while Damian and Levi sit at the other end. Once everyone had finished eating they all went there separate ways. Damian and Levi going upstairs to the bedroom of course.

Hello everyone I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense. I didn't really know where to go with it soooooo yeah. Well anyway I hope you like it! And have a nice day! I'll be posting 2 more times today!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁✌️🤘👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1045

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