Will Two Die Instead Of One? #26

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3rd Person   P.O.V
As the batfam got closer the more they felt bad. They were leading Levi to his death after all. Levi on the other hand was getting more and more nervous, as he didn't really know what to expect. They hadn't seen him training or seen if he can even fight. They were going off the idea that he couldn't fight. And that was perfect for what they had in plan. But Levi was lucky enough that Damian had taught him how to fight.

Once they got to the location they all split up into different groups. Batman and dick in one group then Jason and Tim in another. Then there was Levi, he didn't have a group he was on his own. They all went to different parts of the buildings. Levi going to the place joker would most likely be. And the others in the places he wouldn't be.

As Levi was sneaking around in the shadows he spotted joker. "Hey guys I spotted joker!" Levi quickly says threw the coms. "Good when you get an opportunity take him down!" Batman says. "Ok.." Levi says before moving to a better spot. As Levi waits for an opening he starts to think about what Damian's doing back at the manner. As Levi was thinking he was quickly brought out of his thoughts as one of jokers henchmen had spotted him. "Shit!" Levi says while trying to get away. Sadly his little get away doesn't go as plan and he gets court. The henchmen grabs Levi's ankle and throws him to the ground. Levi lands with a thud. "Ohhhh goodie! What do we have here??" Joker says with his sickening voice. "Ow.." Levi says.

Once joker had finally finished examining Levi he tied him to a chair. "Ohhh look who it is!! Boy blunder!" Harley says when she sees Levi. "What are we going to do with him mrs J?" "Well this kid has potential! I say we keep him!" Joker says with his sickening grin. "That's a lovely idea mrs J!" Harley says while moving closer to Levi. You will make a lovely addition!" Joker says while beating Levi with a crowbar. Levi starts to screech in pain. "All we have to do is break that little kid of yours and we are done!" Jokers says while he continues to beat him.

"Do you think he's been beaten to death yet?" Jason asked his siblings. "Wouldn't know let's go see" Tim says while moving into the build. Once they are inside they follow the sound of someone dieing. Once they make it to the room the quickly found a place to hide. As they are hiding they can see Levi getting beaten. But what they didn't notice was that Levi could see them too. He could see them just standing there in the shadows watching as he's getting beaten to death. "Let's go he will be dead in no time." Batman says while walking off. As the others followed Batman all Levi could do was watch in horror as the hero Batman lets him get beaten to death.

After a few more minutes, Levi stoped yelling from the pain and stopped moving. He was dead...

As the batfam was driving back to the batcave no one know what to says, after all they did just send a kid to death. "So he's dead.." dick says while Looking at his brothers and father. "Good think I already have a story lined up." Bruce says as he pulls into the batcave.

Damian's P.O.V
As I started to wake up I realised that Levi wasn't there. "Levi!" I yell hoping he didn't go with father. But sadly it was looking more and more like he had. "Shit!" I say while getting out of bed and running down to the kitchen to find Alfred. "ALFRED!" I yell once I'm in the kitchen. Alfred quickly sees me in destress and asked what's wrong. "Young Master Damian what's the matter?" He quickly asked me. "Levi!" I asked hoping he knows. "Oh yes he went down to the batcave with Jason a few hours ago. "Thanks!" I says before running off to the batcave. As I'm running down the stairs i trip and am sent flying down the stairs. "ARRR!" I yell while curling into a ball to protect myself. But sadly it doesn't work. As I'm flying down the stairs I hit me head on one of the stairs, this knocked me unconscious. And that's all I can remember.

3rd Person P.O.V
As the batfam pulled into the batcave they quickly got out of the car and started to do more computer work. "Hey I'm going to get changed." Dick says before walk off. "I should get changed too." Tim says before walking off with dick. Not to long later Dick and Tim had gotten changed and we're back with the others. "Anyone hunger?" Dick asked as his gut stared to growl. "I could go for a sandwich!" Tim says while standing up. "Hey Tim lets go and get some for everyone!" Dick says in a cheerful way. "Sure." Tim says while walking over to dick. "I'll take a salad sandwich." Bruce says while typing on the computer. "I'll have whatever's left." Jason says while laying on the couch. "Alright!" Dick says while walking over to the stairs with Tim. "What do you think Damian will do when he finds out?" Tim asked. "Wouldn't know..." Dick replied.

As the boys got closer and closer they could make out that sometime was laying at the bottom of the stairs. "What is that?" Tim asked while walking faster to get a better look at it. "Not sure.... oh no...." Dick started to say but when he saw what it was. "Damian!" Tim and Dick yell while ruining over to him. The closer they get the more they can see that there is blood on him and the ground. "Tim get Bruce!" Dick yells while nealing down next to Damian. "Shit shit shit!" Dick says while trying to find a prose.

"Bruce! Bruce!" Tim yells while running over to Jason and Bruce. "Tim what's wrong?" Bruce asked really worried. "It Damian!" Tim yelled. "Lead the way!" Bruce says while standing up and running with Tim, Jason following closely behind.

As dick was trying his best to find Damian's prose, Tim and the others come running. "Damian!" Bruce says while quickly running past everyone. "I-i can't.. find it..." Dick says with tears in him eyes. "Find what!" Jason asked quickly. "H-his prose!..."
To be continued....

Word count: 1103

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