Perfect Timing? #13

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3rd Person       P.O.V
As the 4 vigilantes zeata tubed back to the batcave they already had a plan in mind. They need Damian to come down here but they haven't thought of a way to get him down here. Maybe if they asked Alfred he'll come down or they could just use brute force to force him down here. Either way they had to do it and soon. They couldn't wait to get the information! It would put a massive boost into there investigation. But the real questions were, did Damian even know the answers to the questions?...  or is the bat family just going off a fake statement?.... they would get the answer to those questions very soon so not to worry.
Jason, Dick and Tim walked as quickly and quietly as they could. They made there way up the manner stairs and to Damian's bedroom door. Once they were all there they slowly opened his door and creeped into his room. They could see Damian peacefully sleeping in his bed with Titus and hunter.

Damian's      P.O.V
I WAS peacefully sleeping until I got woken up. It was a faint sound of someone walking around out side my door. It was probably my horrible brothers! But then they came in without knocking. That only means one of two things. One being I'm getting kidnapped the other being they needed something from my room and didn't want to wake me. Either way I didn't really care. To be honest at this point and time getting kidnapped didn't sound to bad! So as anyone the wanted to get kidnapped would do I laid there still as a rock. They must think I'm still asleep because they walked all around my bed like they thought I'd try and escape. I'm not sure why. But I guess it doesn't matter at this point. No one made a sound for what felt like hours when it was only a few seconds. But when they did they all jumped on me, pining me to the bed. This made my eyes shot open. And bend over as much as I could because it looked like Drake had jumped onto my stomach, but when he did he elbowed me in the gut at the same time. But before I could do anything I was lifting into the air. Grayson holding my upper body, Tim holding my middle / lower body and Todd holding my legs. As I was being lifted i did care to struggle. "They probably found someone new to look after me. Maybe I'll get a loving family."I think to myself. As they walked I noticed that i was being moved to the batcave. It didn't take long for them to get me down there and into a chair. Once I was sat in the chair they were holding me down like I would try and get away. But I didn't. I didn't struggle nor make it harder for them. I closed my eyes and had my head down when I felt something around me, I opened my eyes confused but then I saw it was Wonder Woman's lasso. "What?" I say in a confused voice.

3rd Person       P.O.V
As the young boy sat confused with the Wonder Woman's lasso was around him, there was a loud bang go throughout the batcave then a big cloud of smoke. As the smoke started to clear they looked at each other then to Damian. But Damian wasn't there! "And I thought I was the evil one" says the sickening voice of Death Stroke. "Death Stroke..." Batman says in a low voice. "Give Damian back!" Yells dick.
"I think I'll pass! Grrrr saving Talia's little brat! No my style! But its what ever!" Death Stroke says as his henchmen come runing in. "Give Damian back!"says the bat. "This is just sad! You treat him awful but when others are around you act like you care! And they say I'm the villain! *shacks head* tsk tsk tsk not good enough hero's" and with those last words he vanished, and so did the henchmen.

Damian's P.O.V
I could hear Death Stroke and the others talking I didn't really feel like talking then so I wait until we were in a different location. "Slade.." "Damian..." He says in the exact same way as I said his name. "What did you mean by saving me?" I asked wanting to know. "You have no clue what they were going to do to you?" I say nothing knowing he's right. "Don't worry brat! For I am here!" He says in a cheerful way. "Where are you taking me?" I demanded. "You will see." He stays as I'm shoved into a white van. For the second time that day.

3rd Person     P.O.V
As the youngest was busy getting kidnapped and taken to an unknown location, the bat family were trying to wrap there head around what just happened. "Well that just happened...." says the very confused Jason. "He took Damian.... is that good or bad?" Asks the also very confused Tim. "I'm not sure..." says a confused dick. "How did he know where this was? And what did he mean by save..." asks the big and scary bat. And at that moment realisation hit them hard in the head. "I'm the worse!" Says a very annoyed and upset dick. "Yeah! I agree..... we let them into the batcave!" Says the completely oblivious Jason. Tim gives Jason a little nudge with his elbow before whispering something to Jason. "I think he was talking about Damian..." as those words leave his mouth Jason and Tim look at each other dead in the eyes. The room goes silent for a moment. But then all you can hear is Tim's and Jason's laughter eco throughout the cave. "That's impossible timbo! Him missing Damian?? You must be pulling my leg!" Jason Says between laughs. "That's enough!" Yells the big and not so mighty bat. The room goes silent once again. "It will look bad if robin and Damian Wayne go missing at the same time. We unfortunately have to get him back!" Says Batman already regretting his decision.

Hello my lovely's! How are you guys doing??? I'm sorry I haven't post in a bit. I was gonna post yesterday butttt.. I fell asleep 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ in all honesty it was 10pm and I did set a alarm for 11pm but I slept through that 😅😅 butttt to make up for it I'll post again tonight some time 😁😁😁😤 when I finish writing it that is. 😅😤
Till next time my lovely's!! 😁🤛✌️🤟👌🤘
Word count: 1100

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