Its Just A Dream... Right? #18

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Hello everyone quick note before this chapter begins. This is just a filler chapter. But it does have some important informant. Sorry if it jumps to thing to thing, and with that i hope you like this chapter! And please don't hate me after this!!

3rd Person P.O.V
As the young boy known as Damian Al Ghul slept, he started to have a dream. but not any dream, a nightmare.. this was a very unusual thing as the boy had never had a nightmare despite the horrifying things he's seen and done. At the start of the dream it wasn't all bad, he was with his family and best friend. They were having a peaceful and quite dinner, they were seated in there normal seats. Slade at the top of the table with Talia by his side. Damian and Levi were seated at the other end of the table. Titus and hunter were happily sitting next to Damian on the floor. Everyone was happily eating with the common chat about day to day things nothing to special, Everything was fine until the room started to fill with smoke. it was so out of the blue, no one could see it coming. Slade and Talia quickly stood up followed by Damian and Levi. "What's the meaning of this!" Slade hissed as he pulled a katana out of nowhere. it was almost like magic. "Damian, Levi get down!" Talia yelled before getting pulled into the smoke and disappearing. "Mother!"Damian yells before getting pulled to the ground by Levi. "Damian stay down!" Levi yells to Damian as he nearly got hit in the head by a ninja star. "You wont defeat me!" Slade yells before getting pulled into the smoke only to disappear like Talia. Hunter and Titus quickly join them. It was only Levi and Damian now. "Damian what do we do?!?" Levi asked Damian visibly terrified now. "it will be ok! i wont let anything happen to you!" Damian says before pulling Levi into a hug. "ok i trust you." Levi says hugging Damian back. when they finish hugging Levi goes to grab the katana beside him but before he can grab it a hand reaches out and grabs him pulling him into the smoke. "LEVI" Damian yells as he try's to grab Levi's hand before he is completely gone. sadly Damian wasn't quick enough, and now everyone was gone. Levi, hunter, Titus, Talia and Slade..

As the smoke started to clear Damian could see that there wasn't anyone in the room that he could see so he moved out from under the table. when he was fully standing the smoke had fully cleared. he quickly looked around the room to find his family and friend. but what he was meet with is something no kid his age should see, matter of fact on one should ever see what he was looking at.

His family... His first best friend.. His Pets.. they were all dead! "n-noo.. t-titus... h-hunter.. Slade.. L-levi.. mother.. mum.." As Damian said this he fell to him knees, his heart was creaking his eyes were watering, his hands were shaking, his life was crumbling, He was.. Breaking. nothing could fix him now. His mother had many swords going threw her, Slade had many cuts and was bleeding out, Hunter had all his limbs cut off as well as this tail, Titus's neck was snapped. But Levis was the worst.. Levi has been beheaded not to mention he had swords going threw him every way possible. who ever beheaded him took the time to put his head on a spear and stand it up. they also all had bullet holes, bruise and Batarang sticking out of them. Damian looked behind them to see a very smug looking Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin. "w-what have you done.." Damian says quietly, only to get no answer. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" Damian yells at the top of his lungs. "oh don't act mad little D, you never really liked them anyway" Nightwing says while leaning to the side, with his hand on his hip. "Lets be real here Demon Spawn, you only wanted them because they actually liked you." says Red hood while sitting on Slade making him bleed out even more. "are you sure they even liked him? maybe they just felt sorry for him." Says Red Robin who is now playing with Levi's hair. "Don't touch them!" Damian yells taking a step ford.

"D-Damian.." says the dead Levi. "you said it would be ok." The dead Levi continues. he starts to open his eyes. "you let me die Damian." Levi continued to talk but Damian was to freaked out to listen. he saw there life drain from there eyes... they were dead. the other family members started to yell at Damian too, but he couldn't hear them. Damian noticed that the white in there eyes where turning to black, their iris turned to black, but there pupils turned to red. but it didn't end there. blood started to flow from there eyes. the corners of there mouth started to stretch to there cheeks. the insides of their mouth turned completely black, their teeth turned razor sharp. "stop.. stop. stop! STOP IT!" Damian yells while holding his head. he quickly falls to the ground as the scene is to overwhelming for him.

Levi's P.O.V
I was currently in my room waiting for Damian to wake up when i heard screaming coming from Damian's room. i quickly drop what i'm doing and run next door to Damian's room. "Damian! are you ok?!?" i say while banging on his door. but what i'm meet with just shocks me. "stop it! stop it! please no more!" Damian pleads with who ever is in the room with him. i quickly break the door down with my katana in my hand. "who's there?!" i say while scanning the room for any people but it was only Damian. he was thrashing around in his bed like he was having a nightmare but way worse. "Damian it ok it me." i say while trying to wake him up. 'Damian." I say one more time. thankfully this time he woke up. his eyes shoot open, he quickly looked around to see where he was. once he saw me his eyes stared to fill with water. "it ok" i say while putting a hand on his shoulder.

3rd Person P.O.V

As the young boy cried his friend did what ever he could to comfit him and make him feel better. once the youngest had calmed down enough Levi and Damian started to talk about what had just happened. they eventually finished talking about the dream, Levi quickly assured Damian that none of it was real. but what the bat-brothers said to him in his dream really stuck with him. "do they really love? or do they just feel bad?" Damian thought to him self for the rest of the day.

Hello my lovely's. Sorry if this chapter inst your cup of tea. As i did say before, this is just a filler chapter but this will effect the way Damian feels about Bruce, Dick, Jason and Tim. what do you think will happen when Damian sees Bruce and the others again?
anyway that's for a later chapter. ill most likely post in a few hours. Butttt
Till next time my lovely's! 😁🤘🤛🤟✌️👌
word count: 1244

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