What They Truly Thing About Him #12

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3rd Person    P.O.V
As the young boy was thrown over Jason's shoulder he was moved to a bench where his father and brother can have a closer look to why Damian was limping. It was very unusual for the youngest to be limping as he liked to not show an emotions especially when he was in pain. He hated when people gave him a look of sorrow when they found out he was in pain. His mother had always taught him to not show emotions or that he was in pain. She said it showed you were weak. And he hated feeling weak. As soon as he was put down on the bench he immediately tried to slip away but failed as his father had a strong grip on his arm. "Damian why are you limping?" Bruce asked the youngest. "Oh I was?" Replied the youngest trying to sound clueless. "Damian just tell us so we can help you!" Dick said a little frustrated that Damian wouldn't cooperate. "Who said I wanted or needed your help?" Damian said bluntly. "Will you stop with your games! Your being an annoying and spoiled brat!" Bruce practically yelled in Damian's face.

Damian's     P.O.V
"Will you stop with your games! Your being an annoying and spoiled brat!" Father yelled at me. I snatched my arm away and stood up. "Well I guess I'm going to be an annoying and spoiled brat." I say to father. "If you wouldn't mind moving your ass's because this annoying and spoiled brat is going to his room!" I say pushing past them and walk up the stairs. When I get to the top I walk out the entrance but don't go up the stairs instead I hide behind the corner and listen to there conversation.
"Arrr! Why can't we just kick him out! He's such a nuisance!" Todd says which is followed by the voice that belongs to Drake. "Yeah Bruce! Can't we just get the  JLA to look after him?" "Or maybe the teen titans? He can't stay here! I can't stand him! We have to constantly go out of our way for him! He's such a waste of Space! Why couldn't you just leave his sorry ass at the boarding school! Or dump his off with Talia?!? And I hate how I have to pretend to be a good brother for him! How can I be a good brother when I absolutely completely despise him!" Grayson says in a very harsh tone. As Grayson was giving his little speech it made me realise how much they really hated me and don't want me around anymore. "Ohhh dickie that's big words for you! Are you sure you mean them?" Todd cheekily asked. I waited for his answer hoping he didn't mean any of it and was just joking. I pecked my head out just enough to see if he was serious or not. "Every bit!" Grayson says with a dead serious face. I could feel my heat crack. "Is this really what he thought of me.." I think to myself. I could feel tears balling up in the corners of my eyes, i decided it was time to leave.. I didn't want to listen anymore... I picked hunter up and cuddle him while I walk back to my room. When I got there Titus is happily waiting for me on my bed. I put hunter down beside Titus and hug both of them. As I was hugging them the tears in my eyes started to overflow and spill out. I didn't make a sound.. I silently cried while hugging my best friends. My pets.

3rd Person. P.O.V
While Damian was hugging Titus and hunter he started to fall asleep. Seeing as he did train for 19 hours it was expected that he was tired. While Damian was sleeping Titus and hunter snuggled into Damian to keep him warm.
While Damian was happily sleeping upstairs in his room the others were downstairs in the batcave trying to figure out what to do with Damian. They were tired of his games. They were getting nowhere! They didn't have the information they needed. They wanted to get this mission over with as quickly as possible. But at the rate they were going the won't be finishing this mission anytime soon....
That was until Tim got an idea.

Tim's P.O.V
"Bingo!" I say loud enough for everyone to hear. "What is it Tim?" Bruce asks me. "Well you know Wonder Woman's lasso" i say. "Go on" says Bruce " Well you know how it can make you tell the truth." "Your a Genius!" Bruce says with a pleased look ok his face. "All we have to do it get the lasso then put it on Damian! And asked him the questions and get answers! We don't have to even worry about him lieing!" I say with a happy smile on my face which it meet with other happy faces from around the room.
"Ok guys! New mission. Get Wonder Woman's lasso!" Bruce says

3rd Person P.O.V
As Bruce explains the plan to his sons he makes a metal note to get Alfred to watch Damian while they are gone. Once Bruce has finished explaining the plan they all head to the zeater tubes. (I'm like 100% sure I didn't spell that right but oh well 😂😂)
Once Batman, Nightwing ,Red Hood and Red Robin all make it to the watchtower they split up into 2 groups. To look for Wonder Woman.
Batman and Nightwing find Wonder Woman first so they go up to her.

Batman's         P.O.V
As I walked up to Wonder Woman red hood and red robin had returned and was waiting for us to get the lasso. "Wonder Woman" I say in my low voice. "Hello Batman do you need help with something?" Wonder Woman asks in a sweet voice. "Yes actually. I would like to borrow your lasso." I say getting right to the point. "Ummm.. sure Batman here." She said while handing me the lasso. "Thank you" I say back to be nice. "Do you know how to use it?" She asked me. "Yes" I say coldely "ok good! Well please bring it back soon!" I give a quick node before leaving to go back to the manner.

Hello again! I hope you guys are having a fabulous day!!😤😤 I hope you like this chapter!! It's not as long as the last one sorry 😐 but I'll try and make them longer!
Till next time my lovely's!! 😁🤟🤘👌✌️🤛
Word count: 1090

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