Will One Of The Survive? Or Will Both? #27

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3rd Person P.O.V
"I-i can't.. find it..." Dick says with tears in him eyes. "Find what!" Jason asked quickly. "H-his prose!..." Dick yells as his tears start to fall. "Let me try!" Bruce quickly says while pushing past dick to Damian. He slowly puts his first and second figures on Damian's neck.

The room went silent as Bruce tried to find his prose. "I-I found it! It's weak but it's there!" Bruce says while pick Damian up and taking him off to the medicalwing. "Someone get Alfred!" Bruce yells before walking out of the room. "I'll get him!" Jason says while running up the stairs to the manner.

"Alfred!" Jason says while running to the kitchen. "Master Jason?" Alfred says as he was very confused. "Come quickly! Damian he fell down the stairs!" Jason said while out of breath. "Oh dear!" Alfred says while putting down the glass he was cleaning. Jason started to runs back to the batcave with Alfred behind him.

Once they get there they can see dick and Tim walking over to the medicalwing with all of Alfreds medical stuff. (If you didn't already know I have no idea what medical stuff they would use.) As the Batman made there way into the medicalwing, they were quickly greeted with the site of blood. It was EVERYWHERE! It was all over Damian, the walls and floors.

Alfred quickly got to work on Damian. He started by stopping the blood coming out of Damian's head, then went on to plugging a iv, and blood drip into Damian's arm with many more machines. He then went onto checking for anymore injuries. So far it looked like he had a concussion, broken leg, dislocated shoulder, with the additional bruises and scrapes. "How is he?" Bruce asked while waking back into the room. "He will live. He should heal just fine physical. But mentally... that's another story. Master Bruce you just killed off the only person Damian trusts. Your meant to be Batman! Help people not get them killed!" Alfred says while getting a little angry. "He was a liability! He could have told someone! He could have put everyone in danger! He could have-" Bruce starts to say but was cut off by Alfred. "And masters Damian knew the risks when he told young master Levi them. He knew what he was getting himself into! But you had to kill him off!" Alfred says while getting louder and louder. At the words kill him off Damian's heart rate went up. Alfred noticed this. " *Sigh* this isn't the place to do this." Alfred says while walking out of the room to let Damian sleep. Bruce took one last look at Damian before walking out of the room to leave Damian alone. "They killed him..." Damian slowly says while tears start to flow down Damian face. "For the fun of it.." Damian says. This made another big crack in his heart. Only this time on now was there to comfort him.

~With Levi~~
3rd Person P.O.V
Once Levi had supposedly "Died" one of the henchmen brought him back to health. But he wasn't the same. He was much colder and didn't smile. He was bitter and broken. After all he did see his favorite superhero watch him die. He couldn't even more or make a sound, he was left there to die. This changed him... all he wanted to do was die but joker and Harley weren't done with him just yet. They had big plans for him.

Whats the best way to take down a superhero, well its to use there little side kick against them. And in batman's case, the villains were going to use Levi to take down batman and the other heroes in the batfam "so sunny boy this is how its going to work!" Joker says with his sicking grin. "you are going to work for me now! and we are going to take down batman and the other heroes in Gotham!" Joker says while leaning in. Levi slowly lifted his head while listening to jokers twisted plan. "so you in sunny boy?! just letting you know now i wont take no for an answer!" Joker says while getting really close to Levis face. "I'm in.... only on one condition..." Levi slowly says. "ohhh? and what might that be?" Joker asked curiously. "my best pal doesn't get hurt. he hates batman just as we do. But he's gotten himself mixed up in this, with Batman." Levi says while getting a dark look in his eyes. "you've got your self a deal sunny boy!" Joker says while putting his hand out for Levi to shake. Levi happy shakes his hand while saying. "so whats the plan?"

Joker then goes onto explaining the plan on how to take down the Batfam. "joker.." Levi says while standing up. "what is it sunny boy?" joker says while turning around to face Levi "I have a small request." "I'm listening." joker says while leaning on one hip. "I want me best pal unhurt when it happens. i don't want a scratch on him! And i want him as soon as possible!" Levi says with the most serious look on his face. "why so soon?" joker says while taking a step towards Levi. "I don't trust Batman with him. I'm afraid that Damian might get hurt in his care. plus he isn't so good being alone or should i say with out someone to have his back, a.k.a me." Levi says with the most serious and concerned face he can get. "hmmm... is see how much this means to you.. i'll see what i can do. But in the mean time, its your bed time." joker says with a weird grin.

Joker then shows Levi to his room. "Be a good boy while i'm gone. Do your homework and be in bed by 8." joker says while walking out of he room and closing the door. "ok.." Levi says while jumping into bed and going to sleep.
Once Levi is asleep Joker sneaks back into Levis room and goes over to his bed. He then proceeds to put a little device into Levis arm. once it's in his arm joker sneaks back out of the room as quickly and silently as he had come in.

Hello everyone! Hows it going? i'm so so sorry that i haven't posted in some time! i have been just busy with school work, assignments and the sleep less nights are starting to catch up to me. But that is no excuse! so to make up for it i'll post 2 more times tonight, to make up for it! anywayyyy
Till next time my lovely's! 😁🤟👌🤘✌️🤛
word count: 1123

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