A Broken Soul... A Dead Soul #38

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After Damian was left broken beyond repair, on the now very lonely hill with the now sad looking cherry tree, he could feel hot tears burning like acid while sliding down his smooth tan skin. No matter how many times he whipped them away they just keep falling, flowing like an uncontrollable stream coming up to a waterfall.

'Why! Why! Why me?' He would ask himself over and over again like a broken record. 'What have I done to deserve this?' He asked himself while falling to his knees. 'Why does no one love me?' He asked himself once again only this time he looked up to the glowing moon surrounded by a sea of clouds hugging the moon tightly. 'I played by the rules... I did everything they asked of me..' He said almost like he was talking to the moon.

A droplet makes its way onto Damian's nose splattering into smaller droplets once it had hit Damian's nose. A few more droplets fell from the misty sky above, all making there way onto Damian's face. It was long until fog had taken over with a constant yet therapeutic rain in the background almost trying to over rule the fog.

Damian slowly lowed his head as if he was ashamed of himself. The rain glided throughout his messy hair, making it's way onto his face masking the fact that he was crying.

At this point Damian didn't think life could get much worse. After all everyone hated him and only wanted him to achieve there own goal. Well that's what he thought...

At this very moment a thought came to light. It was almost like a lighting bolt. So bright and quickly stood out. It wasn't the most pleasant idea nor was it his best, if anything it was far from it. 'Death... Death is the way out..' he said sadly before slowly standing up almost falling back down.

He slowly walked down the hall and out of the park slowly inching towards Wayne Enterprise. With every step forward he took the fog would clear just a little more but with every step he took backwards the fog would grow stronger, almost encouraging him to take another step, to keep walking closer to Wayne Enterprise.

As the small boy walked it was quite obvious now that the boy was crying. The puffy red eyes and pink nose gave it all away along with the small sniffles. But no one cares enough to ask the kid if he was ok when he walked by. To others he just looked like another poor kid just looking for ways to get money from people.

The closer and closer he got the more he felt numb. Like all the pain way going away, like it was never there. Like it didn't exist... but it did...

It wasn't long till he got to the roof. It was surprisingly clean and kept tidy, but at the same time it felt dirty and messy, like it had been tainted by an evil demon. Almost like it was a crime scene..

Damian slowly but smoothly glided to the edge. He was a mess, physically and emotionally. His hair looked like it hadn't been touched in days while he had mud and rain water throughout his hair, clothes and face. If you didn't know better you would think he was homeless. While on the other hand his emotions were completely out of whack! They were almost like a poisonous wrecking ball, getting ready to destroy whatever getting in it's way.

Damian took a small look over the edge. He continued to stare down at the people below him. He couldn't help but think. 'How did my life come to this?' 'Where did I go wrong?' He kept thinking to himself. If only he knew, he hadn't done anything wrong and it was this world to blame. Not him.

Damian slowly turned around and put his arms out like an airplane. He then slowly crypt his way to the very edge, careful not to fall off or slip. A small sigh could be heard from his small lips as he was getting ready to let himself free fall to his death.

Just as he was about to take the leap of death Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin all showed up, with worried and horrified looked on there faces. 'Damian! we can talk this out! we will get you the help you need!' Batman cried out, while the others seemed to silently agree to something. 'Stop coming closer Todd and Drake, there is nothing you can do.' Damian said with a face that read he was so done with this world and was ready to sign out. 'Damian, please! you don't need to do this!' Nightwing yelled while some tears started to full his eyes.

" But your wrong Grayson, I do need to do this. And there is nothing you can do or say... i'm sorry." And with those last words, Damian simply leaned back and let himself free fall. His family screamed and yelled in horror while running as fast as they could to the ledge to try and either grade him or swing down to catch him. But for Damian on the other hand, everything felt like it was in low motion. He knew he was falling and fast, he was getting so caught up in the moment that it all felt like low motion. Emotions and throughs clouded his head, he couldn't think straight in the little time he had left. He started to see flashes of memories, the good and the bad. Mainly ones of Levi and him and his wonderful pets.

Right behind he hit the ground he could see a figure out of the corner of his eye. It was the infamous joker and his partner in crime Harley Quinn, but that wasn't all. There was someone else, some one who was wearing a dark cloak with a hood. He couldn't get a good look at them but he could tell that they were taller than him and had a little more muscle.

As the body of the youngest Wayne hit the ground a compilation of bones cracking with the touch of crimson red blood decorating Damian and the surrounding area.

'Little bro, what have they done to you?..' a small voice asked joker and Harley. 'See sunnyboy, this is what the Batman does! Do we have an agreement now?' The joker asked in his sickening voice that for once had a little remorse laced throughout it. 'Fine.. but no harm will come to my little bro!' The small voice replied. All the joker did was give off his signature laugh before walking off with the small boy and Harley. While leaving Batman and the others to cry out in pain.
To be continued...

Word count: 1147

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