a big surprise...

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*Welcome to the second Shep689 oneshot book! As many of my readers have requested, I have decided to continue this book despite Will and RJ divorcing in real life. I love this series too much. I hope you guys enjoy this! Also, thank you to my bff Thefeelz1234 for helping me write this! Enjoy and send suggestions! Love • Bree 💙*

Will finally arrives home from his week long work trip in New York. After having a hell of a day of delayed flights, crowded planes and feeling awful, Will is extremely happy to be back home in California to his husband, his dog and his four kiddos that he loves dearly.

Will opens the front door and is happily greeted by Dobby, who is very happy to see his Daddy after not seeing him the whole week!

"Hi, Dob. Hi, bud. Where's Papi? Is he upstairs?" Will says as Dobby happily wags his tail and runs upstairs.

Will grabs a bottle of water from the refrigerator and slowly walks up the steps, making sure he doesn't wake up Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow who are all asleep in their bedrooms.

Will quietly opens up the master bedroom door and sees RJ sitting up in bed.

"Hey, stranger." Will says playfully as he sets his bags down on the floor and lays on the bed.

"Oh how I missed our bed, even though the bed in my hotel room was BOMB." Will says with a mumble and with his head on the blankets and RJ giggles.

"Hey baby! How have ya been? Tell me everything about your work trip! I missed you soooo much. And God, dealing with all of the kids without you has been so damn hard." RJ says as he groans a little, making Will giggle.

"I missed you all so freaking much. And I told you staying home with all of them is a lot! I am so glad Facebook isn't making me travel much for the rest of the year. And the work trip was a lot of fun, but it was very busy. I brought home some New York souvenirs for all of you too! However, it really sucked that I literally couldn't eat a damn thing. I have felt so sick all this week." Will says as he hugs RJ and kisses him.

"Aw, I'm sorry honey. Would you like some honey tea to help your stomach?" RJ asks Will as he rubs Will's back.

"It's okay. And yes please. I freaking would love that." Will says to RJ.

RJ makes Will his favorite kind of honey tea and brings it back upstairs for him to drink.

"Thank you, love. I appreciate everything you do." Will says as he kisses RJ and RJ smiles at him.

"You're welcome!" RJ says as he smiles at Will and rubs his back.

"You know what's weird? I feel the same exact way I did when I was pregnant with Coralei with the nausea and the fatigue and just feeling bleh." Will explains to RJ as he sips on his honey tea and then sets the cup down.

RJ laughs and smiles at Will really not listening to him.

"You better not be pregnant. We are done." RJ says as he playfully shoves Will on the bed.

"Well, what if I am pregnant, RJ? You are very infamous about hating condoms and not wearing them sometimes." Will says in a somewhat serious tone.

"You love it without one though and I am not forcing you to not wear a condom but I'm positive you are not pregnant, Will. I mean how could you be, I pulled out hella fast." RJ says to Will.

"Did you pass health class in highschool? You can get a woman or carrier man pregnant by precum." Will explains to RJ with sass.

"Well, whatever Will. I know you are not pregnant." RJ says to Will sternly.

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