Part 3- "thats some story"

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She sat in her room, cigarette dangling between her fingers, staring at the Eiffel Tower. Numb to it's glory she wondered why the universe thrust him back into her life.

Olivia was never a bad person, simply selfish. Having been raised by an abusive father who beat her, the importance of being loved was something she treasured so much so, that it made her oblivious to the pain she was causing to others.

She met Freddie while he was studying design and fashion. Instantly she fell in love with his flamboyant appearance. His hair, his clothes, even his mannerisms were so unique, that she thought that having HIM love her, would be something she could never experience from someone ordinary.

She was right.

Freddie came with his own set of needs, one of which he loved to be babied and wanted. He also was searching for unconditional love and attention.

The two met at a local bar and were instantly drawn together by mutual friends. They became inseparable and began to live and breath eachother.

Despite multiple tantrums, both was eager to please the other by over compensating in everything that they did. The more they did the more love the other gave. This unhealthy cycle cascaded into every area of their lives until one day it wasn't enough.

Once Freddie had announced that he wanted to perform, Olivia became possessive and undermining. Freddie, as far as she was concerned, was not up for the public. Once he got a taste of the lime light, he would soon after find a level of admiration that she would no longer be able to compete with.

Night after night she drank. Attending all of his shows with a relatively unknown Queen, became
a habit that she hated but needed. She could keep an eye on him this way.

Desperately she tried to deter him from the band, begging him to stop wasting his time and focus on his studies "why can't you get a proper job?!"

A rift began to divide them. She worked and studied during the day, he sang at night. Time was against them.

As their success began to grow, she realised that the limited attention that she was receiving wasn't enough to sustain her. Like a drug addict, her fix wasn't getting her through anymore, she needed more and fast.

Joining a drama club seemed like the perfect avenue for her. On multiple occasions she was told how well she would do in acting, but the reality of chasing work, going to castings and not getting roles was never appealing to her.

The acting bug hit her hard, a euphoric feeling of attention, admiration and success washed over her. Her peers adored her and came to her for advice on how to better improve their own performances.

Freddie was happy for her and supported her new found passion, sadly, Olivia mistook his enthusiasm as he's trying to get rid of me so he can be with his groupie whores.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, she continued her acting, which despite bringing her joy also cause great paranoia, while missing out on most of Freddie's gigs, which led to unrealistic fantasies popping up in her mind.

After the boys were signed, it all went down hill.

The arguments, the tears, the breaking of things in the house. It was all too much for her to bare. How could he possibly continue to love her once he was famous? How could she trust that he would remain faithful?

Having lost weight from under eating and over drinking, a late night fight with Freddie over her alcohol abuse and temper, had left her alone in her apartment, while he left to stay with his parents.

Days later she called him, pleading for forgiveness. His kindness gave in and as always, he went back.

Olivia's eyes began to tear up as she reminisced about her life with Freddie. The truth was, despite her success and fame, her happiest memories were with him.

Feeling the heat of the cigarette nearing her fingers, she quickly put it out in the ashtray beside her.

Standing up, she smoothed over the front of her dress. Looking over the the clock it read 4:10am. Closing her eyes she let out a deep breath. How was she going to get him back when he was so angry at her?


Unable to sleep, Daisy and Freddie lay in each others arms in bed. With her head resting on his shoulder while he twirled a stand of her hair, both wanted to speak about Olivia to clear the air, but neither knew how to bring her up.

Daisy's fingers gently ran through his chest hair. His warmth felt good against her skin. Rubbing her cheek against him like a cat asking for attention, Freddie giggled.

"You're so warm" Daisy purred

"Mmmm" he replied smiling while continuing to play with her hair "Daisy I think we need to have a chat...about Olivia"

Daisy's body tensed at the mention of her name. Freddie tightened his arm around her "baby, I'm only bringing her up because I want you to know what happened"

Daisy worried that if she said anything now she would burst into tears, instead she nodded rapidly into his chest and waited.

"Olivia and I...we were engaged" he began slowly
" well...almost engaged, I caught her with another man moments before I was going to propose"

Daisy let out a gasp "that bitch!"

"Well...yeah" Freddie gave a lopsided grin "after that, I left and we never spoke again"

Daisy sat up in shock "what?! She didn't even TRY to speak to you!"

Freddie gave a hardened facial expression "She did try...she tried a lot actually"

Daisy sat wide eyed waiting for the continuation of the story "AND?!" She urged.

Freddie shrugged casually "she basically stalked us all, begging the boys to side with her to convince me to take her back, coming to my apartment, calling, it turned quite scary actually, and then....she slit her wrists"

Daisy appeared stunned "she what?"

Freddie nodded slowly "yeah, she didn't die clearly but, it was quite a messy. Her parents begged me to go see her but I was done with her, then one day? She just stopped"

"Wow" Daisy said in disbelief "that's some story"

"That's Olivia. Drama Queen of the world" Freddie took a deep relaxed breath as he look Daisy in the eyes "but that part of my life is over my love, and there's only you my love, only you"

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