Part 14-"Please don't, you're making this so hard"

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***Slight smut warning, nothing extreme just a bit of fun***

Christmas lunch turned into endless laughter, disagreements between Brian and Roger, countless glasses of wine and longful glances between Freddie and Daisy across the table.

Having been sat across from Daisy by Anita, Freddie's entire demeanour was sexual, which he seemed to enjoy displaying.

Eating seductively and gazing at Daisy as though she were a meal, Freddie was completely focused on having Daisy for himself.

As lunch concluded, everyone agreed that a nap was not only in order, but completely necessary.

Scattered around the living room on couches, Queen, the world's most successful band, lay with their girlfriends digesting their Christmas lunch.

Unable to sleep, Daisy quietly made her way into the kitchen to make a head start on the dishes which filled the sink and kitchen bench.

While neatly organising the plates and glassware, Freddie followed her in and stood by the door. The smell of his cigarette gave his presence away, with Daisy half turning and glancing over her shoulder to spot him.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked casually while looking back to her full basin.

"Not quite" he replied while exhaling "I'm distracted"

"Are you" Daisy knew exactly what Freddie was distracted by, and refused to give into his games. Her appetite for him was impossible to satisfy, which was why she stayed clear of his advances and innuendos.

Sliding up behind her, he let his hand glide along the sides of her thighs and over her hips.

"Freddie stop"

Her words were pointless. Turning her around they stood face to face. Inches from eachother, they wanted to destroy the other in that kitchen, but then, what would be the point? Where could this go?

The classic Daisy and Freddie pattern always involved sex before another dramatic occurrence which would lead them to break up inevitably.

Cocking her head slightly she shamefully looked down "please don't, you're making this so hard"

Taking her hand, he placed it on his bulging cock "no, you're the one making it hard. I'm trying to make it wet"

Nuzzling his nose into the side of her neck, he breathed on the spot he knew always got her going. Planting gentle and delicate kisses along her warm skin, the advantage of knowing exactly where to touch her were taking effect.

Pushing his hand up under her skirt, he could feel the dampness in her panties "does my little girl want to play" he teasingly whispered closely into her ear.

"Urgh I can't" she moaned back trying to squirm away from his prying fingers.

"Your body is saying otherwise" he smiled confidently.

"Please stop" she begged despite her tone being completely taken over by lust.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" His question was something she wished he didn't ask. She knew what they were doing was wrong and step backwards, she had missed his hand on her and wanted to feel him inside her body.

"Yes" her quiet whisper was barely audible yet loud enough for him to here.

Immediately stopping, he took a step back and crossed his arms. Displeased in her rejection he stood staring at her.

Waiting for her heart rate to return to a normal pace, her heavy breathing took over the kitchen.

"It's not that I don't want you" she began "because I do, I've never stopped, I'm doing this for the BOTH of us"

"If you want to do anything for the BOTH of us, let me bend you over and make you scream against the kitchen bench"

"You're not listening!" She replied raising her voice while trying not to let his comment further effect her physically "I can't keep up with this toxic cycle"

"It's not toxic Daisy, the people you allow to get to you are"

Crossing her arms aggressively Daisy raised her brows "so this is all my fault then"

"I didn't say that!"

Daisy scoffed "think you did"

He wondered whether to leave or see how far he could push the conversation.

"Fuck it" he muttered before lunging forward, cupping her backside and jerked her forward  into his body.

His mouth quickly consumed hers with his tongue instantly. He felt no hesitation from her.

Sliding  the left side of her dress strap down, exposing her breast, he took her nipple in the vee between his fingers, stretching her breast upward gently.

Her back arched. Her hips lift as if she needs to connect her pussy to him.

Her neck opens up and throws her head back, but he follow her mouth, he maintains the kiss and presses his weight down upon her arched body.

She fills her lungs with air, sucking it in through her nose because his mouth is on hers.

Her pleasure is all his, so he stays with her, joined, lips locked together. She moans from the pleasure, from the sudden lust, and he feels her moan in his mouth.

He won't release her, not yet. His arousal flares.

Freddie finally breaks. He feels her body fall against the bench behind her. Her legs lift and spread for him. He kisses her breasts, her nipples hard. He is  devouring her.

She wants him right away. She draws his face up to hers again, grasps his body and places him between her legs.

Her hips thrust up to him. He breaks their kiss. He has to have her eyes, the intensity of her eyes. They stare into each other, feeling the urgency.

Her hand snakes down to take his cock and guides him to her pussy.

His thrust is met by her rising hips. It is both penetration and envelopment at the same time.

He is immersed in her.

He's pressed against her hard, at the limit of depth but his body wants more of her.

She lets out a gasp. Again her back arches and her head is thrown back.

He begins to move over her, steady and hard. It feels urgent.

He doesn't want the pleasure to end, but he can't stop myself.

He thrusts rhythmically, harder and faster.

He pounds her painfully hard but he knows thats how she likes it.

"Jesus! Fre....Ah ah I'm coming!" She tried to minimise her moans by pushing her face into his neck.

Together they both came. The experience bitter sweet. Would it ever happen again? Was it worth the confusion that would now come about from it?

Stroking her hair while gently kissing her forehead, Freddie tried catching his breath while still inside her.

Helpless and vulnerable, Daisy tilted her head and rested herself on him. All her healing, therapy, moving on, was unravelled in the course of a Christmas lunch.

"I need to go home" she finally said pulling away from him.

His hands dropped to her waist "ok I can drive you"

"No! I need to be alone Freddie, I'm sorry I just can't do this right now"

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