Part 38- "Take me back, take US back"

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The rain was intensely and loud, smacking on the surface of whatever it hot.

Freddie pulled Daisy closer to him, as though he were protecting her from the sounds outside.

Having fallen asleep with her, he was grateful that she was just as confused about their relationship as he was and wasn't willing to simply disappear from his life.

After everything that had happened between them, he wondered st what point would she have enough and give up completely.

Her lack of commitment to their relationship annoyed him. He understood that her fears were based on the reality that surrounded them, but how on earth could she or anyone else, doubt that he was existing for her and her alone.

We'll you've shacked up with other women during your time apart so that may have something to do with it- He thought to himself. Was that it? Was the fact that despite his declaration of love, he had run to both Oksana and Olivia when times were tough?

Listening to her breathing peacefully under his protective arm, he rested his head on the side of hers, smelling her hair, feeling the warmth of her cheek against his own.

He pulled her in tighter, this time causing her to stir. She rolled over to face him and opened her eyes slightly "what time is it?" She asked, her voice soft and croaky from her dream like state.

He brushed her hair behind her neck "still late dear, go back to sleep"

"Why are you awake?" She cleared her voice and lifted her head.

"Daisy, can I ask you something"

She's nodded while yawning and covering her mouth.

"Do you doubt my love?" His question was very deep for such a late night conversation. She thought for a moment over what he meant.

"As in, do I think it's genuine?" She asked, trying to gain some clarity.


"Only you know what you feel Freddie. I don't doubt that you love me deeply, I've always felt loved...."


"But nothing" she shrugged sitting up turning to him "we both have different ways of dealing with things and....I'm sorry I don't understand why you're asking me this" she explained pulling her knees to her chest while twisting her hair to one side of her shoulder.

Freddie sat up and moved closer to her. Taking her hands in his, he cupped them gently "Daisy I want to leave the band. I want to be normal and be with you, I want us to have children and a home, what's all of this for if I can't be with the only woman I love"

Daisy shook her head "I can't let you do that, music is your life"

"YOU are my life! Music doesn't have the same meaning when you're not around, one doesn't exist without the other" Freddie's words had Daisy gasp for a breath.

"I don't know what to say right now"

"Take me back, take US back" Freddie was on his knees beside her now, waiting eagerly for her to accept his proposal.

Placing her palm onto her forehead, Daisy knew what the logical answer was. They'd been down this road before, they'd broken up and gotten back together countless times.

"Jesus Freddie, I just...after everything that's just happened to me, please don't throw this at me. I mean Jesus! You're engaged and here you are, in my bed, with ME, wanting to get back together. None of this is healthy" Daisy knew that her answer was not what Freddie wanted, but it was all she was able to give. Despite being seemingly ok, inside she was a nothing but a shell of her former self. She was drugged, raped, and the man who claimed to live for her, choked her and became engaged to another woman.

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