Part 19 "So what do you want to do"

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Her eyes opened slowly. Reaching above her head the first sensation she felt was pain. Pain everywhere.

"Urgh" she winced as she propped herself up.

Throwing her hand over on to her clock, she lifted it 6:45. She glanced outside, it was dark, she was completely thrown off by what day it was or whether it was morning or night.

Freddie lay on his stomach with one arm under his pillow, while the other lay partially across Daisy's. She pulled her knees to her chest and smiled. The muscles on his back were perfectly defined even in their relaxed state, a sight that she loved.

Softly, she ran her finger along the grooves under his shoulder blades. The sensation sent visible shivers down his body stirring him awake.

He yawned then smiled as his eyes fixed on her "Good morning"

"Did you sleep well?" Daisy asked releasing her legs letting them slide down onto the mattress.

Freddie took them, wrapping his arm around them then resting his head on her thighs "the best I've slept in a year"

Daisy nodded in agreement while stroking his hair "me too"

Kissing her warm skin then rubbing his face on her "mmmm"

Clearing her throat, Daisy's face adjusted as she sighed "Uh look I think we need to chat about where we're at right now"

Distracted, Freddie began to kiss up her thighs sending warm heaving sensations through her.

"Stop it, I'm being serious" she giggled trying to push him off, but exposing herself to him in the process even more.

Taking her legs, he pulled her down towards him till he was face to face with her now aching pussy.

"Don't you dare!" She warned him "I mean it! I'm so sore!"

"I told you you would be darling" he explained carelessly, then began to place gentle kisses on her inner thighs.

Desperately trying to keep her focus she pulled back from his face "Freddie"

Sitting up he gave a half smile "alright alright, what's so serious that it needs such heavy discussing"

"Well....THIS I mean, this...last night, doesn't change anything" she began to explain.

Freddie put his hand up to interrupt "hold on. I have been fucking you, since 1am, we've slept together, woke up together, and NOW you're saying nothing has changed?" His disbelief and agitation was very clear.

"It's bad when you put it like that but..."

"There is no BUT! You want to have your cake and eat it too Daisy, that's not how it works"

Daisy thought for a moment "alright, you're entitled to that opinion"

"Thank you your majesty!" His voice now filled with sarcasm and anger.

"Seriously fuck this" he said to himself

"Don't be like that!" Daisy tried to calm him down.

Freddie shook his head "this was a mistake. This whole fucking thing was a mistake! Break up, make up, break up, make up, get married, divorce, fuck on Christmas, fuck on new year's"

Not knowing what to say, Daisy sat in silence staring at him. He was right and she knew that despite not wanting to hurt him, or herself, her own actions were to blame for everything.

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