Part 52- "I can't belive you told him"

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Olivia looked around embarrassed at the less than warm welcome she was receiving from Freddie, before giving a smile through clenched teeth "I figured we could announce the baby tonight"

"We WHAT?!" Freddie spat back in immediate surprise at the suggestion "I've been staying at a hotel, away from you for weeks, and you think that I want to be making any kind of announcement with you?"

Olivia took a step closer "I don't fucking care what you think, I'm pregnant and this is your child, and like it or not, I will be announcing tonight, so you can either go along with it, or I'll let everyone know how you've been fucking Daisy"

Freddie straightened his posture. His own anger was now building and despite wanting nothing more than for Olivia to disappear, he also knew that she was capable of spinning everything around, to make herself look like a victim, and destroy Daisy publicly.


Making no effort to get changed from the night before, Daisy had thrown herself into bed, and woke with a headache that had her pray for death.

Her eyes felt glued shut from the residue of her make up. She tried to rub them, but the rough clumps stung terribly.

Clutching at her hip as she stood up, she stumbled out of her room and into the kitchen. The curtains were still drawn with the intense light shinning through her large windows.

Shielding her eyes, she took small hurried steps towards the kitchen where all she could find in her fridge was leftover take-out, something that once resembled milk, and wine. Lots of wine.

Disappointed in her own lack of domestic abilities, she quickly rushed back to her room, threw on some jeans, a yellow T-shirt, which she normal reserved for cleaning the house, and the only baseball cap she owned which happened to have been left there by Freddie.

As she reached the ground floor, she stepped out of the elevator and was met by James, who was equally surprised to see her.

"Good morning luv" he greeted kissing her cheek "I bought you some coffee and a donut" he smiled while passing her a large coffee and a small brown paper bag "heading out?"

"Thanks dad, uh yeah just to do the groceries, what- why are you here so early?" She asked, her voice still croaky from being half asleep.

James sucked in his bottom lip and thought for a moment "mind if I join you and we can have a chat?"

Leaving Daisy's apartment together, she began to sip her coffee which was like heroin to her. Feeling her senses come alive from their dormant state.

"So" she began, taking a bite from her donut "what did you want to chat about"

"I may have mentioned to Freddie that there was something you needed to tell him about Alex" he began sheepishly.

Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, Daisy glared at her father "YOU WHAT?!"

Defensively James out you his hands "it wasn't on purpose it was an accident" he took her forearm and dragged her along.

"I quite like Freddie" James admitted suddenly.

Shooting her dad a side glance, despite secretly wanting to smile at James' approval.

"I can't believe you told him" Daisy finally blurted out, shaking her head to herself.

"I just said you need to talk to him about Alex, I didn't say anything...but coincidentally, is there a plan?" James asked cautiously.

"A plan? If there were one, do you think I'd tell you?" Daisy looked up at James, raising her brow.

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