Part 13-"Looks like Santa threw up in here"

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"Freddie, your divorce has been a talking point for the whole world, how are you doing now, a year on and how is your relationship with your ex wife Daisy now?"

The question had become somewhat expected for Freddie during interviews. Despite having answered it multiple times, he was yet to rid himself of the public's curiosity of his feeling regarding his breakup.

Drawing his cigarette to his mouth, he paused for a moment and prepared himself for his usual answer. This time however, he decided to tell the truth.

"Honestly?" He asked as he blew out the smoke "I'm miserable without her. I cry most days and every night, I drink to stay sane, I've taken drugs, I don't eat much, I look at her photos all the time" he stopped to remove a picture of himself with Daisy from his back pocket to show the interviewer "and I would do anything to have her back in my life"

Freddie's honesty left the crew in disbelief. Staring blankly a Freddie, who continued to casually finish his cigarette while waiting for the next question, the interviewer finally continued.

"Uh...well that's terrible. I'm so sorry that you're not coping. Is there any chance of a reconciliation? Or a new love? Olivia James has certainly kept your name active in almost everything she's publicly declared. Any comment on her?"

Freddie's face dropped and became serious at the mention of Olivia, who was ultimately, the cause of his break up.

"Olivia James" he began "is a psychopath. Her delusions have lead her to believe that there is something between us when there isn't....she's mentally unstable and regardless of what is going on in my life, I would never be desperate enough to get back with her...ever"

"She mentioned that you penned 'You take my breath away' for her while you were dating" the interviewer continued quickly while the iron was hot.

Throwing his head back Freddie laughed "wow! That couldn't be further from the truth. The only time I actually meant those lyrics were when I saw Daisy for the first time. I would never aim anything from that song at Olivia"


Daisy and Diana shared a slice of cheesecake with their coffee at their favourite cafe while the owner turned up the volume on the small tv which hung in the corner off a tv bracket.

Freddie's interview was going live on air, and naturally everyone's attention was fixed on the screen.

Daisy's face began to glow red as numerous faces glanced in her direction. Anxiety riddled her body while she listened to her ex husbands open confession.

"Why is he doing this?!" Daisy hissed while leaning into Diana.

"Desperation?" Diana guessed.

"More like insanity!" Daisy added while she began to stand up to leave.

"D, you gotta admit, that's a pretty big thing for a guy of his status to openly discuss" Diana sternly replied.

Sitting back down in her seat, Daisy crossed her arms and thought about what Diana has just pointed out. Even for an average Joe, to profess your love for someone, much alone on tv while you're a rock God, would be extremely difficult.

Instantly she began to reminisce about her time with Freddie and felt her stomach clench at the thought of him permanently being hit of her life.

"D, it's not too late you know" Diana interrupted her thoughts.

Daisy shook her head "nah, we're done Di. It can't work with us. Look at all our issues? We've broken up a billion times"

Diana shrugged "you broke up over accusations, nothing was proven"

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