Part 53- "Look into my eyes and you'll see, I'm the only one"

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"Get in!" Anita demanded as she opened the door for Daisy.

Stepping inside, Daisy quietly walked in, slightly terrified of Anita who was clearly worked up over something.

As she walked through into the living room, Freddie's face lit up at her sight. It was hard for Daisy to not mimic his expression, after all, she was happiest when she was around him.

"Sit" Anita instructed, pushing Daisy's shoulders down into the couch "now. Clearly, this little thing you two seem to be struggling with is getting on everyone's nerves, and I'm at the verge of killing one or both of you if it doesn't stop"

Daisy cleared her throat "Uh, I'm not to sure I know what you mean"

"Oh yes you do!" Anita glared "I've seen you both go through more drama than a bloody tv show, and we're all sick of it. We all know where this is heading so stop wasting time, get back together and let this be the end of it"

"It's not that easy" Freddie spoke up

Crossing her arms, Anita turned around "No? Why? Are you married? NO! Do you love Olivia? NO! Do you love Daisy? YES! Does she love you? YES! You two obsess about eachother! Am I right?" Anita directed her last question at Brian.

"Yes dear" he sheepishly backed up his girlfriend

"But I'm engaged and the baby..." Freddie began again before being cut off

"And? you were married to Daisy! And that's gone to shit! So why are you so concerned about an engagement? If you can leave her then I'm sure leaving psycho whore won't be hard! As for the baby, Freddie, I mean this with love, but you are a fucking idiot!"

The room sat in silence.

"Some random crazy person who is as conniving as a snake says to you 'I'm pregnant' and you just believe it?! GET A PATERNITY TEST!" She called out through her hands as a megaphone.

Brian sat up straight "she's got a point Fred, you never doubted whether the baby was yours?"

"I did but...she got offended by me suggesting it might not be" he explained glancing at Anita who was now red in the face.

"Oh boo-fucking-hoo! Tell her you're out of this crazy whatever the hell you want to call it, demand a paternity test and get back together with this one" she pointed at Daisy, who sat quietly clasping her hands together.

"I'll fucking call her myself if I have to" Anita threatened, looking at Daisy then Freddie.

Freddie lifted his eyes towards Daisy who sat expressionless on the opposite couch. He knew Anita was right, but what terrier him was what lengths Olivia would go to destroy Daisy.

The doorbell rang, interrupting Anita's rage.

"I'll get it!" Brian offered in lightning speed as he jumped to his feed and rushed to the door.

"Get in the kitchen, talk it over" Anita scolded both Freddie and Daisy as she pointed towards the kitchen door.

Not wanting to further infuriate Anita, both stood and did as they were instructed.

Closing the door behind him, Freddie sat down at the kitchen table whole Daisy sat on the counter, crossing her ankles.

"So" she began "it's safe to say Anita is a little nuts today"

Freddie appreciates the lighthearted opening line and have a chuckle "yes you could say that, though she has made many valid points"

Daisy gave an involuntary frown "she has, but things aren't as easy as she's making them sound"

Freddie didn't reply. He realised that everything that stood in their way was because of him.

"I mean...maybe if we just tried and took things slow" he began slowly, not sure where he was heading with his suggestion.

"Freddie" Daisy paused "there's a lot going on here, and I mean A LOT. Even if I was able to forgive what's happened"

"Forgive?" Freddie repeated slowly "we slept together not long ago, I thought the forgiving was already well and truely done"

Daisy let out a breath "I'm not going to pretend that having sex with you isn't like a drug to me, or that I would ever be able to say no to you. But the fact is. You've hurt me on so many levels Freddie. Not just physically but you ran back to her! The minute things got tough you went to HER! Do you know how much that hurt me here?" She pointed to her heart "to have you openly disregard her and then go propose, move in with her AND now get her pregnant? I haven't been able to function without you or look at another man and it was so easy for you. I was so easily replaced"

Freddie rose to his feet and stood in front of Daisy, taking her hands, both his pain and hers etched across his entire face.

Daisy was sympathetic to his pain despite simply being honest. She didn't want to lie to him or herself.

"Daisy I....I never replaced you" Freddie's voice was tortured.

"I'm sure you didn't mean to, but it's how you made me feel" Daisy's voice broke slightly as her repressed pain peaked through.

"how could I have hurt the love of my life so deeply" he pressed his forehead to hers, while placing his hands on her thighs, rubbing them up and down soothingly.

"Look into my eyes and you'll see, I'm the only one" he began to sing the first lyrics of You take my breath Away.

Daisy shook her head "please don't" she whispered sadly.

Freddie continued to sing, his voice, the lyrics, eating away at Daisy, reminding her of the time they had first met. The words felt so personal, which made them even harder for her to hear.

She rolled her head along his, tears steadily running down her cheeks "Freddie please, please stop"

No one had ever asked Freddie Mercury to stop singing to them.

"I love you so much, what can I do, I'll do anything" Freddie's near whisper made the pain inside Daisy grow unbearable. She felt responsible for making him feel what he was feeling, she wanted the pain to go away.

Her chest tightened "I'm so sorry that I came into your life"

Freddie pulled away, taking offence to her words "you're sorry? Daisy how....." bursting into tears, the uncontrollable pain and that he had been holding back for so long, could no longer be concealed. The heart-wrenching cries had Brian rush into the kitchen followed by Anita.

Taking Freddie in his arms, Brian held his friend right against his body "it's ok mate, it's ok"

Brian threw Daisy a look of disappointment. Surprised, Daisy quietly left the kitchen and headed towards the door.

"You're leaving then?" Brian's voice came from behind her.

Daisy turned to Brian who's arms were crossed across his chest, unimpressed.

"I thought it would be best"

"Mind explaining why?" Brian's asked genuinely perplexed "cause quite frankly D, you're the last person who should be running away"

"I'm not running away Brian, I have somewhere to be...." Daisy shifted awkwardly.

"Is that right? Well it's nice to know where Freddie stands on your list of importance" Brian's sarcastic tone instantly struck a nerve in Daisy.

Opening her mouth to say something to counteract Brian's comment, she  decided not to give into his bitterness, instead she gave a heartbroken nod  "good bye Brian"

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