Part 16-"Careful love, you're making a puddle on my floor"

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New Years Eve

"Who's a pretty girl" Daisy cooed at Rosie who happily clapped along as they played peek-a-boo on the living room floor.

"I don't know why you have to be so anti-social" Diana called out from the bathroom before stepping into the doorway.

"I'm not being anti-social, I'm just not in the mood to be out celebrating" Daisy replied while still playing with the baby.

"My parents are watching Rosie, we can do anything you want!" Diana's voice was pleading.

Looking up now at her desperate friend, she cocked her head "by anything you want, you mean agree to spending it with the boys so you can see Roger?"

"Pffft NO!" Diana's reply was too quick to be believable "I mean if you wanted to spend it with them I would go along..."

"Uh huh" Daisy smirked knowing Diana's hidden agenda. The truth was, Diana had been spending time with Roger and the two were in a good place. Seeing him with their daughter brought up emotions that she didn't expect to still be there after his infidelity.

Sighing, Daisy knew that regardless of what she said she would end up being dragged to whatever Diana wanted, so she would be better off simply agreeing now, and saving herself the headache.

"Fiiiiiiiine" She let out a long and bored sounding reply.

"Goodie!" Diana clapped while hooping around.

"You're so unbelievably lame right now" Daisy moaned while shaking her head in disgust.

"You'll have fun I promise" Diana's smile beamed.

"I highly doubt that" Daisy mumbled.

Five-hours till New Years

Daisy quickly regretted agreeing to spend New Years with the band, after she found out that they were all going to one of Elton John's New Years parties.

The events were renowned to be bordering on insanity, and made headlines across the country each year the following day.

This year's theme was "Dark and Naughty" which seemed to partially fit Daisy's mood that day.

Having spoken to Alex earlier, who was keen on taking her on a yacht for the midnight countdown. Daisy was surprised at how upset Alex had gotten when he found out that she would be with Queen for the celebrations.

As she expertly applied her red lipstick then clasped her black beaded choker around her neck, she wondered whether she should simply go with Alex instead. After all, he had been a huge support during her break up with Freddie, not to mention he had taken her under his wing in a business sense, and had already made her more money than she could imagine.

Voicing her change of heart to Di, she was met with an "ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!!"

Having atleast given it a try, Daisy accepted that she would be bringing in the New Year with Freddie.

Adjusting her strategically placed dress to cover herself in the right spots, she wondered how she would hold out being around Freddie again.

The more she overanalysed, the more she began to panic. Each time she saw him the feelings intensified, which was something she desperately wanted to avoid as part of her healing.

"Cars here" Diana called out to her from the front door.

A final glance in the mirror, a self reassuring smile and she was off to end the year with Queen and Elton John.


With a very strict invitation only guest list, the girls were rushed through as soon as they had arrived.

Elton's choice of venue was a somewhat terrifying to anyone who was slightly on the more conservative side of life.

Having hired out a gothic looking mansion, the decor had been set to resemble an evil BDSM haven.

The costumes ranged from dominatrix, slave, Mistress, Master, whips, flogs and everything in between.

Daisy and Diana clutched eachother, mainly out of fear, as they stood for a moment, trying to take in the world that neither had even been subjected to, Elton emerged from the sea of black in a white silk jumpsuit with a pink feather boa around his shoulders. With welcoming and open arms he smiled at the girls who were relieved to see him.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" He called out to them, clearly already both drunk and high.

As he forced himself upon the girls, he kissed both on the mouth then glared at Daisy "you broke my Fred"

His comment was unexpected "he broke me too Elton don't worry, he got me back for it" she replied.

"Tonight you must promise me, that no matter what, there will be no stick up your ass! Anything else is fine, but NO STICK!" He wagged his finger in her face "if Freddie wants to tie you to a wall and pour....champagne all over your body then lick it off, then you MUST allow it"

Daisy laughed "you know what? If he asks for that specifically I will promise to say yes" she humoured Elton knowing all too well that there would be no chance that she and Freddie would be doing anything other than exchanging friendly hello's.

"And there's the man of the hour now" Elton extended his arm and directed it behind Daisy who turned without thought.

His only choice of clothes, tight leather pants, hugged every single part of his miraculous body. Every bulge and line was visible to everyone, something he was well aware of and made no effort to hide.

The nerves from Daisy's stomach now dropped lower and began to transform into a heat.

As he approached, Daisy could tell he was drunk.

Staring at her his movements were slower than normal "" was all he could say.

Licking his lips, he ogled her breasts and imagined pulling her dress down and taking them in his mouth

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Licking his lips, he ogled her breasts and imagined pulling her dress down and taking them in his mouth.

"Down boy" Elton laughed as he watched their interaction in amusement "Freddie, Daisy promised to say yes to everything you asked of her tonight"

"That's not quite what we agreed on" Daisy quickly jumped in before Freddie for any ideas.

"Mmmm is that right, well maybe as a last bang for the year, I should paint your insides with my cum" his comment was completely uncensored and spoken without any filter.

Daisy instantly became wet.

"Careful love, you're making a puddle on my floor" Elton whispered to her.

"She likes it when I tell her what I'll do to her, see, Daisy likes a gentleman who knows when not to be gentle" Freddie's complete openness was so random that Daisy had absolutely no response.

Freddie smirked at her while undressing her and fucking her with his eyes "what's the matter princess? No smart reply?"

Daisy walked away from him annoyed at herself for. It knowing what to say.

"I'll let her walk away for now, it'll be the last time she walks straight tonight" Freddie promised as he put his arm around Elton and enjoyed the view of Daisy from behind.

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