Part 26- "hi ex wife"

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"Alright Daisy, just pop your legs up in the stirrups and scoot down for me"

Daisy stared up at the ceiling while her hands rested on her abdomen.

"This will feel just like a Pap smear, so take a deep breath ok?" Jenna's voice was soothing, the exact quality any girl would want in her gynaecologist.

"So you mentioned that you've had some pain and bleeding, when did it start?"

"yesterday in the evening" Daisy replied, still keeping her eyes above her.

Taking deep breaths as Jenna inserted the instruments, Daisy tried keeping her thoughts on everything else other than what was going on below her waist.

Jenna rolled her chair over to Daisy's side, and rested a clipboard on her lap. The examination was over a lot faster than Daisy expected, she removed her legs from the stirrups and sat up.

"So? Find anything?" She asked in hopes that Jenna could give an explanation for the mystery pain and bleeding.

Jenna looked down at her clipboard "Daisy, this is a bit of an odd question, but have you by chance...had rather aggressive sex or masturbated in the past 24hrs?"

"WHAT?! No! No to both" Daisy blurted out horrified at the question.

"You have vaginal damage. Your cervix is swollen and you have internal tears. I've taken a swab to get tested just make sure that you don't have any infections or underlying issues. I'll have you take some antibiotics to clear everything up for you"

Daisy was in complete shock and embarrassment. She simply thought she had a mild infection or a wacky period, but vaginal damage?

"I'll have you take the medication for 5 days, in the meantime, no sexual activities" Jenna's instructions were loud and clear, it wasn't as though Daisy was having any kind of relations anyway, so basically the only change would be to take a pill each day.


Daisy racked her brains the entire way home. Her mind raced at tremendous speeds, trying to piece together the last 24hrs. So much had happened to her that she was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the entire ordeal.

As she walked along the hallway to her building, she noticed her neighbour standing by her door with her ear against it.

"Alyson!" Daisy called out "what the hell are you doing?"

"Oh Daisy!" Alyson sprung back from the door "I uh....well there's sounds coming from your place and...well it's singing he there?"

"Is who where Alyson?" Daisy sighed annoyed.

Alyson's eyes widened "Freddie"

Daisy began to open her door without acknowledging Alyson's question "have a good day Alyson"
She stepped inside and closed the door, locking it behind her "nosey bitch" she said under her breath.

She could hear Freddie in the bathroom, he was showering while singing 'You're so vein' by No Secrets. She leaned against the front door smiling at how theatrical he was making the song.

Just as she began to enjoy her personal mini concert, the bathroom door opened with a cloud of steam, followed by Freddie who emerged with a  white towel wrapped tightly around his waist. He continued to sing while smiling at Daisy.

"Oh, you had me several years ago
When I was still naive
Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee, and..."

Dancing towards her, he swayed his hips then extended his arm, inviting her to take his hand.

As she took it, he pulled her in and began to dance across the apartment, still singing to her enthusiastically.

Twirling her around multiple times he had her feeling dizzy and laughing happily, completely forgetting her worries from before.

Finishing the song, he dipped her low, in true Hollywood fashion, and held her waist. He kissed the tip of her nose "hi friend"

"Hi" she smiled at him while still being dipped in his arms "friend?"

Freddie thought for a moment "hi ex wife?" He asked again

"Friend was better" Daisy crinkled her nose.

"How's your vagina?" Freddie asked so casually that it completely threw Daisy off, causing her fall out of Freddie's grip and onto the floor.

"Falling for me huh?" Freddie smirked.

"Soooooo funny!" Daisy replied sarcastically before pulling Freddie down beside her out of revenge.

As he dropped down his towel fell open.

Covering her eyes, Daisy's laughed as Freddie spread his legs wide "it appears my COCK wanted to join in on the fun" he laughed.

"Must you say cock at every chance you get?"

With a half smile Freddie replied "Yes darling I must, now...back to your glorious vagina and her current health" he asked while wrapping the towel around himself once more.

Daisy pressed her lips together in a hard line, wondering whether she should tell him the truth "well, there's some damage"

"Damage?" Freddie's expression hardened.

"No! Not from...I mean I haven''re the only one I've been with since I've met you...that's kind of the mystery of it all" Daisy's face contorted as she explained working making much sense.

Unconvinced Freddie suddenly felt something he had felt many times and hated. Jealousy. He was well aware that the only other man Daisy had contact with was Alex.

The thought that he was having sex with her destroyed him completely. Trying to shut off his emotions he stood up and offered to held her to her feet "come to the recording studio with me, Brian wrote a fantastic new song"

"Oh? That sounds fun, sure I'll come, what's it called?" She asked relieved at the change in topic.

"The show must go on. There's something missing though, I can't quite work it out"

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