Part 29- "Freddie assaulted Daisy"

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Diana leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen.

"Roger" She said quietly

Roger turned around happily. His "Kiss the chef" apron was covered in red sauce "are you ready to taste the world's greatest pasta sauce? I call it Sauce De Rog"

Diana crossed her arms unamused by Rogers enthusiasm over his own cooking skills.

Sitting down at the kitchen table she looked up, her expression serious "I need you to sit down"

"No can do babe, my sauce will burn" Roger pointed to the stove where his sauce bubbled away as he stirred it vigorously.


Hearing the sadness in her tone. Roger put into the flame under the sauce and wiped his hands on a tea towel.

Sitting opposite Diana, he nervously waited for her to begin.

"Freddie assaulted Daisy" she blurted out

Roger blinked rapidly, not quite sure what she meant.

"What do you mean" he asked confused

"With his hands"

"Oh!" He leaned back visibly relaxed "I mean, are you surprised? They're into all that kinky shit babe"

"No Rog, it's not like that, he choked her"

"Babe, I really wouldn't worry, it's a fetish thing, sexual asphyxiation or something"

"ROGER!" Diana slammed her hand down on the table "he choked her! As in tried to stop her breathing! Out of anger! It wasn't a sexual thing!"

Rogers face scrunched in disbelief "what?! No! No he wouldn't do that you misunderstood"

"Her neck is covered in bruises, I saw it myself"

Rogers eyes widened "you saw him choke her?"

"No, it happened at her office a few days ago. Alex told Freddie that he knew about a freckle on her inner thigh"

Rogers expression remained clueless as he stared at Diana.

"Implying that he slept with her, hence why he knew about the freckle" Diana further explained when she noticed that Roger wasn't catching on.

Roger looked past Diana and tried to understand what had occurred. How could Freddie of all people hurt Daisy? They were obsessed with eachother.

"I've given her some Valium to sleep and calm down, I've just come home to grab a few things. My mum will take the baby, but Rog, I need you to speak to Freddie" Diana took Rogers hand gently in her own.

"And say what? Oh Freddie you need to apologise and crawl back to Daisy?"

"No" Diana said firmly "I need you to tell him to leave her alone for good. He needs to make a grand gesture and simply step out of her life. He's destroying her and I...I can't let him do this to her anymore. They simply aren't meant to be"

Roger's stomach sunk, he knew that she was right, Freddie and Daisy were toxic and the best thing for both to do would be to leave eachother alone.

"He's at his sisters place" Diana's voice became gentle and sad. She knew that Daisy would be devastated, but this was the only way she could save her.


Kash gently placed her hand on Freddie's shoulder as he sat on her balcony, cigarette hanging from between his fingers "Roger is here to see you Freddie"

Freddie looked over his shoulder then turned back towards his view "Roger I'm not in the mood right now"

Kash smiled at Roger sympathetically and left, leaving him with her brother.

Leaning against the railing, Roger peered down at the distance between them and the ground below.

"I Diana told me about...Freddie I'm not here to give you lecture" Roger had absolutely no idea what direction his speech was heading in.

"Why are you here then Rog" Freddie asked, keeping his eyes forward as he put the cigarette to his mouth.

"Fred, you need to let her go"

Freddie gave a small chuckle "oh I don't think she's in any hurry of speaking to me again anytime soon"

"No Fred" Roger stood in Freddie's line of vision "you need to let her go. This whole thing, the break up, make ups, it's not healthy for her or for you"

"Tell me Dr Taylor, what do you suggest I do" Freddie mockingly asked.

Roger recognised Freddie's hostility towards his suggestion "she loves you...she needs to stop. You need to make her stop loving you"

Freddie could feel himself becoming sick. Leaning forward he rested his head in his hands "Jesus, I fucked it up" he said to himself.

Roger placed his hand on his back "it'll all be ok mate, if you love her you'll do this for her"

As Freddie cried, Roger could feel his own heart breaking. His own life was finally back together while Freddie's had fallen apart.

The following morning

Freddie's hands were shaking as he knocked on the door. He reached into his pocket then quickly removed it as the door opened.

"Freddie" she said surprised "come in" she stepped aside allowing him past her.

He was surprised that she would let him after how he behaved.

Walking over to the couch, they both sat simultaneously.

"I know that my behaviour hasn't been...I've been a complete cock" he began "I need your forgiveness, for everything"

She sighed while brushing her fingers through her hair.

"I forgive you"

Freddie stood up and placed his hand in the inner pocket of his jacket. Removing a small velvet box he held if for a moment.

She pulled her legs under herself quickly "Freddie what is that!" Her voice panicked.

"I know we've had our ups and downs, but...I don't think I can do any of this without you by my side. I will do anything to regain your trust and over time, your love" dropping to his knee he lifted the lid to reveal a stunning diamond ring "will you marry me?"

Covering her mouth with her hands, tears ran down her face as she nodded "yes!" Jumping onto him she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing his mouth passionately "I love you so much"

She held her hand out to him as he slid the ring onto her ring finger. She marvelled at it beauty and size as it sparkled in the light.

His unexpected visit had turned into a blessing. She squealed while standing up and taking a closer look at her hand in the light "I wasn't expecting this" she confessed "finally, I will be Mrs Olivia Mercury"

Freddie hid his disappointment at the sound of Olivia's name alongside his own. The only name that belonged with his was Daisy's. He knew that there would be nothing that could ever make Daisy hate him, but he hoped that marrying Olivia would be enough for her to let him go for good and move on with her life without him.

This was the only way.

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