Part 5-" I need to know where Daisy is"

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I'm dedicating this chapter to freddiesbabymama  for inspiring the idea of the video inclusion.

Please make sure you watch it.

Vanessa actually brought my attention to Freddie mentioning Daisy from Queens 1986 concert in Wembley stadium, it fit in perfectly with the chapter.

With a deep rooted feeling of anxiousness, Freddie walked behind Brian as they made their way to the stage. His head hung low as he contemplated cancelling the entire show, and getting out of Paris as soon as possible.

He knew that Olivia had her sights set on him. He could see it in her eyes, a look of hope and lust.

Knowing she would be there, watching him, obsessing over him, made him sick. Stopping suddenly, he leaned against the corridor wall and threw up.

"Jesus, you right Fred?" Roger asked with concern as he leapt to Freddie's side instantly.

Shaking his head, he could feel his nerves giving out. He was scared. It took him years to rid himself of her and now she found him yet again.

"I need to know where Daisy is" He spluttered "tell me where my wife is!" His voice echoed loudly causing everyone around him to stop.


Daisy stood in the crowd alone. She contemplated going back to the hotel room and skipping the show, but she didn't want Freddie to worry over her absence. She knew he would see her the moment he stepped on stage and know she was ok.

After a suspicious and very brief interview, she was told that she did not have clearance to stay back stage. She argued that she was with Freddie and that she had never needed security clearance before, but that didn't matter. She could feel that something was wrong, it didn't add up.

She waited in the crowd, with no security, for the show to begin. She could feel bodies pressing up against her, groping her while passing it off as accidental, feeling violated,she would move slightly, but it made no difference.

The lights dimmed and she heard Roger. A welcome and familiar sound, despite being upset with him, she was thankful to see him. As he finished his solo,
Brian began to play the riff for  "I want it all".

A smile and sigh of further relief overcame her as HE made is way on stage. He was absolutely gorgeous. Licking her lips, she watched proudly as he commanded the stadium. There he was Freddie Mercury.

As though he had an internal tracking device on her, he spotted her instantly. Despite the bright lights and moving crowd jumping and screaming, he found his calm and beautiful Daisy.

He seemed upset at her presence. He knew there wasn't enough security for there to be anyone with her. She was alone.

His head began to throb as a migraine sent shocks of pain into his brain. Never leaving her sight, he glanced to the side of the stage where Olivia stood with a triumphant look on her smug face.

Knowing that she had organised to have Daisy sent in to the crowd enraged him. How fucking dare she.

As the roaring cheers followed the end of the opening song, Freddie addressed his audience.

"Thank you so much for attending the show tonight my darlings, we are so pleased to have you all here, I'd like to introduce Roger Taylor on drums, Brian May on guitar, John Deacon on bass and me? Well
I'm Freddie Mercury" the explosion of screams had Daisy cover her ears.

"Shhhhhh" Freddie instructed "shhhhhhh I have a very special secret to tell you all, can you keep a secret?" He asked playfully.

"Yeeeeeees!" Came the screaming reply.

"Alright, alright. There is someone very special here tonight" he teased.

Olivia looked to Jen and raised her brow, she expected a grand introduction and adjusted her dress quickly and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm afraid I haven't been very honest with you" Freddie continued while pouting sadly "and I promise my darlings, it wasn't because I don't love you all, I've simply been enjoying my own little world of bliss" whispers began as the confused fans tried to work out what he was talking about.

"You see" he continued while walking across the stage, chatting to the fans as though they were old friends "I did something, I went and got myself a Bride"

Applause and whistles came at him as he laughed loudly.

Olivia clenched Jen's arm tightly as her jaw stiffened.

"Can I have my lovely wife please join me on stage" Freddie called out looking at Daisy.

Pushing through the audience, she made her way through the whispers and stares. No one knew that Freddie Mercury's wife was among them.

She was assisted onto the stage where Freddie took her in his arms and kissed her happily "hello my love"

"I'd like you all to meet Daisy Mercury, my wife" Freddie proudly showed off Daisy as she squirmed, embarrassed with thousands of eyes on her. She'd been on stage before, but this was the cementing of her position in his life.

"Not quite how I expected our marriage to be announced" she whispered to Freddie who gave her a wink then shrugged.

Thanking her for loving him, he ushered her over to Vee and Anita, who happily pulled her over.

"That slut is here!" Vee quickly said nodding her head over to the opposite side of the stage, where Olivia stood with her arms crossed.

Daisy looked across and indeed, her rival stood firmly with both eyes locked on Freddie. She wasn't angry or upset at her presence there, but she was curious as to what she wanted. Now that the news of Freddie and her being married was out, surely whatever ideas she had of a reunion was out of the picture.

Stepping down from behind the drums, Roger took the Tamborine and they began to play "Tutti Frutti"

Freddie loved to improvise and play with the lyrics while he sang, it broke up the routine and gave some giggles. As Daisy's name came up, he changed the lyrics to "got a gal, named Daisy, she fucks me really crazy"

Daisy laughed at his playfulness, despite not loving too much attention being drawn to herself, she didn't mind Freddie having a bit of fun.

The feeling however was not shared with Olivia who's frosty glare was firmly on Daisy "that stupid little bitch thinks she can keep someone like Freddie happy?"

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