Part 25-"Just let me hold you tonight darling. Please"

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Rubbing her face Daisy mumbled "uh shit" under her breath. Upon realising she was in a hospital room she sat up quickly. Looking around frantically she spotted Alex sleeping on the chair next to her bed.

"ALEX!" She shouted at him, her voice sounding horse.

Dropping the magazine that was resting on his lap, Alex startled awake and jumped in his chair "Daisy you're awake!"

A nurse popped her head in through the door before leaving again

"What the fuck!" Daisy stared at Alex in confusion "why am I here?!" She was completely panic stricken.

Daisy's uncle came into the room and was washed over with relief as he saw his niece awake.

"Oh thank God Daisy!" he clutched at his chest and let out a pent up breath.

"Daisy you were feeling dizzy after the whiskey, you laid down on the couch in my office but passed out. I was worried that something would happen to you, I tried calling Diana but she didn't answer the phone but I remembered that your uncle worked here so I brought you straight in. I'm so thankful that you're ok" Alex's exaggerated concern had Geoffrey give an involuntary eye roll.

Daisy's head was thumping " much did I drink? How long was I out for? I don't remember a single thing at all"

"Oh you don't?" Alex asked relieved "you almost had an entire bottle to yourself and you've been out for close to six hours"

"Six hours?!" Daisy was alarmed at the time, Freddie wouldn't know where she was.

"That's very unlike you Daisy" Geoffrey interrupted Alex aiming his response at his niece.

"We we're celebrating a business deal" Alex explained almost too quickly.

"Alex I need to run some tests on Daisy, would you mind stepping out for a moment?" Geoffrey stood up and took Daisy's chart from the end of her bed.

"Certainly, I'll be outside if you need me" Alex stepped out of the room and shut the door behind him.

Making sure Alex had infact left, Geoffrey sat beside Daisy on the bed "don't worry, I got hold of Diana she's on her way, I've told her to tell Freddie that you were here...But"

"There's a but?" Daisy relaxed slightly in hearing Freddie's name.

"Did you really pass out from drinking too much?"

"I mean...I don't remember but if Alex says I did then...." Daisy's words trailed off leaving silence between them.

"Daisy I see lots of kids drink too much, but this is very out of character for you, especially during the day....could he have....." Geoffrey didn't want to finish his sentence but Daisy knew exactly what he was hinting at.

"What?! No! Absolutely not! No way" she protested at the idea that Alex was behind her state in any way.

Geoffrey nodded acceptingly but unconvinced "I'd still like to test your blood to give myself peace of mind" he kissed Daisy's forehead gently "Diana will be here soon, I'll go see if she's arrived, I'll send in a nurse to take your blood"

"Ok" Daisy sunk in her bed. Despite trusting Alex, the idea that he would ever drug her was implanted into her head, and worry began to consume her.

A young nurse came in cheerfully "Miss Robinson I'm here to take your blood" she began to set up her station and stuck a name label onto a small vile which would hold Daisy's blood.

"Nurse, would you mind if I used the bathroom quickly?"

"Sure! Let me help you" quickly taking Daisy's arm and placing her free hand on her lower back, the nurse sat Daisy up.

Instantly Daisy noticed a draft behind her, she wasn't wearing underwear.

"Oh! Where are my panties?" She asked surprised at the cool air on her behind.

"You weren't wearing any when you arrived"

Daisy nodded without thinking any further and slowly made her way to the bathroom.

The sterile smell made her stomach turn, she quickly sat on the toilet and felt a sharp pain between her legs. Looking down, she noticed bright pink blood dripping into the toilet bowl. She frowned at the colour, it was bright which meant it was fresh blood, her period was normal a much darker colour and texture.

Her headache took her attention once more having her quickly wipe herself, then go back to the room without any further thought.


An hour later Daisy was discharged from the hospital and sat beside Diana in the car on her way home. Shivering, she turned the heater higher and pulled her jacket together.

Diana shot concerned glances towards her "are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm just...I feel so odd. I've never completely passed out and lost my memory. It's so weird"

Diana took a moment to digest the comment. Daisy was never much of a drinker, she knew her limits and would never have drunk an entire bottle for any occasion much less during the day.

Not wanting to add to her worries she simply took her friend's hand "well, let's just worry about getting you home. The boys are with Freddie, he was an absolute mess when I told him what happened, and that it would be best if he didn't come to the hospital"

"Is he ok?" Daisy looked over with concern over Freddie's state.

"He will be once he sees you! I think he's just in shock, everyone are things at home with just the two of you?" Diana couldn't hide the smile in her tone.

"I'm not sleeping with him if that's what you's actually really nice just being with him"

Diana looked over and gave a small smile "uh huh I bet it's nice"

"Oh shut up you!" Daisy whacked Diana's arm and felt the sting between her legs again "by the way, your friend uh....Jenna? She's a gynaecologist right?"

"She is yeah why?"

"I might go see her, something feels a bit off"

Diana sucked in the air between her teeth "yikes! If it feels off down there, definitely go see her"


Opening the door to the apartment, the girls were met with four faces turning towards them startled.

Freddie stood up and bolted towards Daisy, who took a small step back, not quite sure what he was going to do.

Reaching her, his eyes scanned over her face, making sure she was uninsured. Placing his hand gently behind the back of her head, he pulled her face towards his.

His tongue was in her mouth faster than she could respond. She kissed him back. Her own relief over seeing him allowed her inhibitions to pass momentarily. The kids wasn't one if passion, but rather relief.

Silently everyone turned away to give some kind of privacy, despite there being absolutely no way to escape the very intimate moment unfolding.

Pulling away, Freddie rested his forehead on Daisy's and closed his eyes "I was so worried"

Running her fingers comfortingly through the back of his hair she whispered "shhhhhhh I'm alright, Im here now"

Their tender exchange was so gentle, that there was a feeling of guilt in the room over having witnessed it, almost like it was too private for anyone else to see.

Brian stood up and clapped his hands together "well! I think we should all leave and give Daisy some time to rest" he looked at the others who stood in agreement.

As they each embraced her, Roger held her extra tight "I'm glad you're alright D"

With everyone quickly leaving the apartment, before any more intimate moments between Freddie and Daisy emerged, the two were left alone.

"I want you to sleep with me" Freddie said in complete seriousness "just let me hold you tonight darling. Please"

"Ok Freddie" she didn't protest. She didn't over think. She just wanted him to hold her for that one night.

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