Part 55- "Please what? I don't know what you want"

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***SMUT WARNING 😈😈😈 and extra long chapter, sorry guys I couldn't leave it halfway***

At 3am, Diana smiled at the sight of Daisy and Freddie together, both beyond drunk and laughing. The image reminded her of when the two had first gotten together, a time when everything was simple and care free.

It had felt like a million lifetimes had passed in a handful of years. She sighed to herself and looked down, placing her hand on her slightly swollen belly.

With all the drama that had been going on, Diana kept her second pregnancy from everyone. The guilt of her best friend struggling was too consuming for her to enjoy this special moment.

Kash had long left arm in arm with a mystery stranger who was completely taken by her, leaving a sober and bored Diana alone, watching the handful of people who still had enough energy to be dancing.

A sudden forward jolt had Diana fall forward, turning she was met with two drunk girls who were laughing hysterically.

"Sorrryyyyyy" one slurred while swaying around then dropping her body weight on Diana.

Diana, who was not a fan of drunks especially when they were throwing themselves at her, gently pushed the girl off her.

"Ooooooo did you see Freddie Mercury, hes sooo dreamy" the girl started up again as she twirled around.

Her friend who was slightly more sober agreed "he would be so amazing in bed, he so....sexual"

Diana smirked to herself at the comments, Freddie had become like a brother to her, and hearing women lust after him was still something she wasn't used to.

"Is that his ex...Daisy?" The more sober of the two asked leaning forward "isn't he having a baby with that other woman?"

"If it's just baby" Diana mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Asked the now very curious girl who was all ears

Diana, without any thought, turned towards her new found friends "well. Rumour has it that the baby isn't Freddie's at all, and that Olivia chested. Freddie still loves Daisy"

The two girls were wide eyed and eating up Diana's half lie.

As Diana continued to feed the girls conspiracy theories, Daisy and Freddie's conversation had turned towards the past, as they reminisced about their sexual escapades.

"Let me come back to your place" Freddie pleased.

"My dad is staying with me for a few days"

"Hotel then!" Freddie quickly suggested leaving no time for Daisy to reply.

Daisy leaned in and began to kiss Freddie, while pulling his waist in towards her. Her arms wrapped around his neck tightly while he held her lower back, pushing himself into her. His body heat alone was enough to drive her wild, their mouths and tongues destroying eachother with a repressed passion. Without a care of who would see, they enjoyed the taste of their desires.

"Let's find that hotel" Daisy whispered breathlessly as she pulled away for a moment before returning back to his mouth.

Not wanting her to change her mind suddenly, Freddie took no time in grabbing Daisy's hand and begin to pull her towards the door.

Stopping as they reached Diana and the two girls, Freddie breathlessly told her they were going for a walk, before giving a wink.

The street was quiet and empty as they stepped outside. Freddie pulled Daisy into his arms to shield her from the cold wind which had her shiver.

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