Part 36- "Jesus Christ, he killed her"

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Freddie felt his throat close up as he stepped inside the apartment. His hatred filled emotions suddenly became controlled.

He had every intention of beating Alex to near death, although death would be a welcome bonus.

As he came face-to-face, with the man that not only raped Daisy, but destroyed his relationship with her, his sense of logic kicked in.

He knew that any kind of injury to Alex, would inevitably, tie him to the crime scene, after all, the door man and multiple security cameras throughout the building would place him there.

Suddenly, he became annoyed at his own unnecessary presence at the apartment. His adrenaline lead him there, his common sense stopped him from proceeding. He needed to be smart about his actions.

Looking around the apartment eagerly, he searched for some kind of talking point "I wanted to...come and apologise to you about what happened at the restaurant"

The words made him sick. Apologising to a rapist, who used information against him that he had gathered from attacking a woman, his woman.

Alex poured a glass of whiskey in to a glass steadily. A faint and triumphant smile began to hit his lips "oh Freddie, I took no offence at all. I completely understood your outburst. I did ask Daisy if you would be ok with her and I being together, but she simply shrugged and said you were very open minded so..."

You lying fucking rat

Freddie took the glass offered to him and lifted it to his lips. Keeping his eyes firmly on Alex, he drank the content, then held the glass tight in his hand.

"Thank you for the drink Alex, I'm glad we could clear the air between us" more sickening words left Freddie.

Handing the glass back, he extended his hand towards Alex in a gesture of friendship in the form of a handshake.


Diana rubbed her face with exhaustion. Her eyes burned as she closed them. Endless invoices piled her desk along with an unusually large envelope.

She stared at it curiously wondering why she hadn't noticed it earlier. The name and address was was marked to her personally, rather than her workplace.

"Rebecca?" She called out loudly to her receptionist.

Rebecca's head popped in through the door "you called?"

"Yeah, uh when did this arrive?" Diana lifted the heavy envelope, which now felt like a book in her hand.

"Earlier today, while you were at lunch, it was delivered by a currier, is everything ok?"

Diana nodded as she began to tear open the mystery delivery "all good, I just hadn't noticed it, it's a little bigger than what we normally get around here"

Putting the empty envelope aside, she sat back and focused her eyes on the folded letter, which accompanied a stapled stack of typed documents.

Opening the letter, she leaned back into her chair and placed her legs on the corner of her desk, crossing them at her ankles.

Dear Diana,

I must ask you to please understand that what you are about to read, is very hard for me to write, however I feel that with the damage that has been caused already, I must explain myself and ask in advance for forgiveness.

My motives were never to hurt or destroy anyone's lives. I was under the influence of fear and control, , I could no longer hide the truth of what Alex has done.

I ask that you please forward these to Daisy, and tell her that I am truely sorry and beg that she forgive me.

My disappearance was the only way I could safely remove myself from Alex's staff, and to get this to you. I had no other address that I could send this to hence why this is being delivered to you.

Please forgive me.


"What the fuck?" Diana said out loud to herself, as her eyes slid over to the large pile of  papers which sat on her desk.

She placed her hand on her mouth in worry. Her fear  over what she was about to read, began to manifest as a heavy weight in her stomach.

Laying the letter gently in her lap, she removed her legs from her desk. She wanted to read everything, but her own confusion and fear stopped her from being able to.

Standing up, she continued to stare at the papers.

Taking a deep breath she placed her open palm on the top of them and closed her eyes. Her imagination began to run wild. She knew Alex had raped Daisy, what else could he have done? What else could have possibly happened that justified Viktor's disappearance and now this shock admission.

Closing her eyes, she took deep breaths into her abdomen. As her anxiety began to pass, she opened her eyes and sat back down.

Pulling her chair closer to her desk, she lifted the first page. Which was titled,


As she began to read, she raced through the writing, unable to stop herself for needing to know more. The words screamed at her, tears formed in her eyes and fell to her cheeks. 

The pages ended in Nicola's detailed murder by Alex.

"Jesus Christ, he killed her" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Looking at the rest of Viktor's confession, she lifted the next part and continued.

*** My apologies for the short chapter everyone, the storyline needs to be divided to prevent a 5000 word chapter.

I'll have another update soon, hope you enjoyed this one. The truth is finally coming to light 🎉🎉🎉    ****

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