Part 56- "Just you and me"

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Daisy felt as though she was being strangled by her anxiety as Freddie's patient face stared at her.

She wondered how long she could keep Alex's meddling from him, and how he would react when she finally let it out.

She took a deep breath and held it, before releasing it loudly.

"I really need to tell you something, but I don't know if....I just don't know how you're going to take it"

Freddie frowned in worry "darling whatever it is, I can assure you I'll be ok"

Daisy looked at him unconvinced, if anyone was going to lose their temper it would be Freddie, and rightfully so.

"Ok" Daisy clutched her hands nervously and kept her head down, before looking back up and telling him about Viktor's confession. She let out everything she knew, and everything Viktor had said, in what felt like a single breath.

As she finished, she felt the tension she had been carrying, lift from her shoulders, to be replaced by anticipation over what would come next.

Freddie bit his lower lip and adjusted in his sitting position.

Daisy waited. She tried to read his face, body language, even the speed of his breathing. For the first time she genuinely had no idea, what was Freddie Mercury thinking.

She wanted to say something to break the silence, but decided to wait for him to open up first with whatever he wanted to say.

Slowly, he slid off the bed and rose to his feet.

And here comes the explosion and the storm out of the room Daisy thought as her body tensed up at the impending shit storm.

Two small lines appeared between Freddie's brows before disappearing again quickly.

Falling to his knees in front of Daisy, he hung his head and took Daisy's legs, wrapping his arms around them tightly like a child holding his mother.

Daisy's anticipation grew into surprise, as Freddie began to cry.

"Oh my God!" Daisy quickly slid down to the ground and took Freddie in her arms "shhhhh" she hushed while stroking the back of his head "why are you crying?"

Freddie pulled away from her and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands "I just....I mean I knew it,
I knew that you were the one, and that you were meant for me and now...I never understood why all these things were happening to break us up, but they weren't! It was him! And I acted like such a cock! You've gone through all of this alone and I was...." unable to finish his sentence, he began breathing heavily.

Freddie's tears were tear's of relief, something Daisy was not expecting at all. Not prepared for his reaction, she simply held him and hoped that he would calm down.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't want to be a burden.."

Daisy's sentence was interrupted by Freddie's lips on hers. He kissed her tenderly, before pulling away "you are never a burden do you understand?"

Giving a quick nod and a timid smile, Daisy was still cautious and waiting for Freddie to explode once everything sunk in. She couldn't understand how it was possible, that he was ok with everything Alex had done to them.

As though reading her mind, Freddie placed his hand on her cheek tenderly "Daisy, I'm not taking this lightly, I'm simply relieved"

Seeing Freddie's relief had triggered Daisy's own relief, as she burst into tears. The roles quickly reversed and Freddie was now providing comfort.

In a slow and soothing voice, Freddie began to sing a song Daisy hadn't heard before "I was born, to love you, with every single beat of my heart..."

Daisy could feel her breathing slow down to its regular pace as she leaned onto Freddie's chest.

The echo of his voice through this body played in her ear. His wonderful warmth, mixed with the sound of his heart beat was so special, something countless people would have killed to experience first hand.

"Freddie?" Daisy whispered, still leaning against his chest.


"I don't think this arrangement is going to work" she sat up straight now and looked him straight in the eyes "I don't think I can be without you"

An all consuming smile grew across Freddie's face, as he tackled Daisy to the ground and began kissing her all over, tickling her neck with his facial hair.

"Do you promise? Just you and me?" He asked Daisy, making sure that there was no two ways about what she had just said.

"Just you and me" she smiled back then rubbing her nose against his "but I need to take care of something and I need you to trust me"

Daisy's serious tone had Freddie's smile fade "I want to help"

Daisy shook her head "my dad is taking care of a few things, I don't want you involved it could ruin you"


Alex was consumed by the thought of Daisy, and replayed his rejection of her coming to see him over and over in his head.

He began to suspect that Olivia's motives weren't as pure as she was making out.

Perhaps she simply wanted Daisy out of the picture completely, and didn't want him to be with her, otherwise she knew that he would protect Daisy.

His certainty in his logic was far too convincing. Surely is Daisy knew what had happened she would have done something about it, or at the every least, realised that he was so in love with her that it drove him to forcing himself up on her.

The more he wondered, the more he believed that Daisy was finally seeing the bigger picture. She belonged with him.

Picking up the phone, his fingers expertly dialled her number. He waited hopefully as it rang out then went to voicemail.

"Daisy it's Alexs, I've managed to take some time off work and I'm coming back to the UK. I miss you terribly darling, I'll take my plane and see you shortly"

Back in Daisy's apartment, James stood over the answering machine, eating an apple, as he stared at the flashing red light. Having heard the message Alex had just left,  and not knowing where Daisy was, or when she would be back, he knew that he needed to act fast.

"Well this is a little fucked up" he said to himself

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