Part 9-"Not the perfect husband Daisy thinks he is now is he"

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Carefully, Gabriel lead Daisy down the corridor towards her room. Searching through her purse, he found her keycard and managed to open the door while maintaining his grip around her waist.

As she swayed aimlessly, he lead her in an sat her on the bed. Clutching at the side of her head, she fell backwards onto the mattress.

Gabriel sighed. Having lived with his sister for most of his life who was a notorious party girl, he knew the drill of what to do when faced with a drunken mess on the bed.

Swinging her legs over, he pulled off her shoes and began to cover her with a light blanket which lay folded at the end of the bed.

Noticing the strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes on her dress, he turned her to her side and unzipped her before sliding her dress down.

Instantly he regretted his action, as seeing her in a very sheer pair of panties and bra, was not something he was wanting to deal with while she was passed out.

A light moan escaped her lips, sighing again, he closed his eyes and covered her up before heading towards the door.

"Gah...brieehhhl" Daisy slurred "I'm going to be sick"

Rushing back and helping her to her feet, he supported her as they slowly walked to the bathroom where an eruption of alcohol exploded from
Daisy into the toilet.

Holding back her hair and rubbing her back, Gabriel glanced at her backside and bit his bottom lip.

Standing up, Daisy turned and fell into his arms. Taking a face washer, he rinsed it in cold water and wiped her mouth.

"I'm soh-reee" she mumbled as tears began to form in her eyes.

It was apparent that Daisy was an emotional drunk.

Taking her back to bed, she began to cry and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The smell of college and cigarettes reminded her of Freddie which made her cry more.

"Can you stay with me?" She asked hopefully

"Stay? As" His brows raised in surprise.

Daisy nodded and moved over to accomodate him. Laying beside her, he gently wrapped his arm around her waist spooning her.

Never did he think for a moment that his night would end with being in bed with a stunning, drunk stranger.

As Daisy adjusted herself, her backside rubbed into his crotch causing an instant reaction.

"Gabriel?" Daisy asked slowly with a controlled tone "what's...that?"

"I'm so sorry, it's a reflex" Gabriel explained embarrassed

"But...." Daisy turned around and faced him. Despite the slight sobering effect that the vomiting has bought her, she was still very much drunk "but...I shouldn't make you hard"

Surprised by her statement, Gabriel gave a slight chuckle "and why is that that sweetheart"

"Cause you're gay" Daisy blurted out with her remaining energy.

"GAY?!" Gabriel was shocked and insulted that the only reason Daisy let him lay with her,was because she thought he was gay.

Opening his mouth he was about to defend his sexuality, but Daisy was soon snoring beside him, her mouth slightly parted and completely out cold.


Creeping out of bed, Gabriel tried to silently head towards the door before crashing into a small side table and knocking it over.

Daisy stirred awake and squinted her eyes in his direction. Becoming aware of her lack of clothes, she panicked momentarily, before the realisation that Gabriel wouldn't have touched her anyway.

"Hey" She huskily whispered before clearing her throat "thanks for looking after me last night"

"Yeah that's fine" Gabriel's awkward tone was not missed by Daisy.

"Did you...want to have breakfast? We could do room service?" Her voice was hopeful and the gesture of paying him back in the form of food, was appreciated by Gabriel who was famished.

Giving a beautiful smile he gave a nod "I could eat"


Landing in Cuba, Alex was handed a large must read yellow envelope the moment he left the plane.

Opening it in the car, he smiled broadly and leaned his head back on the seat while passing the envelope to Viktor beside him.

Viktor frowned as he saw its contents. Multiple A4 sized photographs of Freddie in a club with his arm around Olivia and them sharing a kiss.

"Not the perfect husband Daisy thinks he is now is he" Alex asked smugly.

Viktor shook his head disappointed "there would be an explanation for this. He loves Daisy, he wouldn't be so careless"

Snatching the photographs back angrily, Alex scolded Viktor "what difference does it make! I don't care about details! He's kissing HER! Daisy won't tolerate this at all"

"How did you even get them?" Viktor asked as the realisation kicked in.

"My P.I, he's very very good" Alex explained "this time tomorrow, this will be splashed all across the world"


Watching Daisy eat, Gabriel was amused by her complete lack of inhibition. Savagely enjoying her eggs on toast, she made no attempt to appear proper or ladylike.

Noticing his casual smile, Daisy stopped mid mouthful "what"

Gabriel let out a laugh "nothing, I'm just enjoying watching you eat so....naturally"

Becoming self conscious suddenly, Daisy covered her face "I'm being a pig aren't I"

"Cutest pig I've ever seen" he teased.

Peaking at him through he fingers, she smiled "well that coming from someone like you means a lot"

"Why's that?" Came a quick reply

"Cause gay guys don't want to sleep with women, so a compliment from them means so much more"

Placing his fork down on the side of his plate, Gabriel leaned on the table "so if I wasn' wouldn't accept it as being genuine?"

Daisy laughed "you wouldn't be up here with me to give it! I'm married, there's no way I'd have a straight guy in my room"

Nodding at her response slowly, he picked up his fork and looked at his plate. Feeling completely trapped between a rock and a hard place, Gabriel weighed up his options. He could tell Daisy he was infact straight and tremendously attracted to her, or lie, pretend to be gay and continue to be able to spend time with her for the remainder of her stay in Cuba.

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