Part 35- "Are you really going to marry her Freddie"

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Running his fingers through the length of her hair repeatedly, the whiff of her shampoo would casually breeze past him each time.

He hasn't slept.

Sitting on the couch with her laying on his chest, using him as a pillow, was too blissful to simply waste by sleeping.

Having calmed her down from the night before, she reluctantly sat with him and allowed him to comfort her. There was no denying, Freddie and Daisy had an almost drug like effect on eachother.

As she mumbled in her dream, Freddie smiled and continued to play with her hair gently. Overjoyed to simply be around her, he wondered how she would react when she woke up, and how he would cope when he needed to leave her again.

Turning around, Daisy's face was now pressed against him and sliding down.

Frantically, Freddie prayed that his still somewhat intact towel wouldn't come off as he felt a steady blood flow towards his crotch.

Please don't lay on my cock he mentally begged.

Stopping short, Daisy wrapped her arm around his waist and nuzzled her face into him further.

Looking up the the ceiling he began to pray

Dear God, please take this boner away, I promise I will....

Just as he was about to finish his plea bargain, Daisy's eyes slowly fluttered open.

Briefly she was confused as to where she was. Seeing a wall of flesh infront of her she pulled away quickly, then noticed that she had been sleeping on Freddie.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know how..." her confusion had her trail off as she slowly began to wake up.

"It's no problem darling, do you atleast sleep well?" He asked trying to sound calm and collected.

Yawning, Daisy sat up and faced him "despite being on the couch, it was one of the best sleeps I've had in a long time" she confessed "you?"

Freddie smiled tiredly lying "me too"

Clearing her throat, she stood up "uh, well your clothes will definitely be dry atleast, you're welcome for a shower and some breakfast before you head off?"

Before you head off

He didn't want to head off, he wanted to stay with her and make sure she was alright. Despite her tough exterior, Freddie knew that this casual acceptance of what had happened was a front. Sooner or later it would explode in a irreversible way.

"I might give Miami a call if that alright? I think I've missed this mornings meeting"

Awkwardly the two of them went back and forth with their banter. Neither felt comfortable in this unfamiliar place they were in. They were used to open affection and teasing eachother, this new relationship was far too formal.

Dialling Miami's office, Freddie was connected through instantly, and prepared himself for a scolding over his unprofessional behaviour in not arriving to the bands meeting.

"Freddie" Miami greeted "how are you"

How are you? Don't you mean where the fuck are you?

"Fiiiiine" Freddie replied slowly before quickly apologising "I'm sorry I missed the meeting"

"Roger cancelled it this morning and changed it to tomorrow. Are you...alright"

Freddie was pleasantly surprised at the response and made a mental note to thank Roger for his thinking ahead.

"I will be mate thank you, I'm just in a weird headspace and there's many things to sort out" Freddie tried to keep his voice low as Daisy prepared some breakfast in the kitchen.

"You just take your time and let me know if I can help" Miami's heartfelt reply gave Freddie a sense of relief and comfort.


After his shower, Freddie sat up by the kitchen bench on one of the high stools, and watched over Daisy as she spun around from stove to bench to fridge, gathering and plating all of his favourites.

"You don't forget do you" He asked letting a smile slip.

"Forget what?" She asked busily, she not stopping to look at him.

"My breakfast favourites"

She paused and noticed that instinctively she made his eggs, toast, beans, mushrooms and onions exactly the way he liked.

She gave herself a lopsided grin "old habits I suppose"

"One I'm thankful for" he smiled as she placed a plate infront of him.

Daisy's expression dulled "Does Olivia not feed you then?"

With a mouthful he shook his head "I get cereal or porridge, she can't cook" he felt uneasy and guilty talking about Olivia to her.

Turning back towards the stove, Daisy could feel herself getting worked up over the idea that in some point in the near future, Freddie would be marrying Olivia.

Slowly she looked back over to him. His eyes were already on her as he continued to shovel down his eggs.

He's sexy even when he eats like a pig she thought to herself.

She leaned onto the bench, her weight on her outstretched. Gazing off past Freddie, she began wondering how she had gotten to where she was in life, while she recalled the last few years in her mind.

"You're thinking about the past aren't you" Freddie spoke up as though reading her.


"Me too" his voice sad in its admission.

Looking back at him, she stared at his face. For a long time she expected to see him every day for the rest of her life. How quickly things can turn. How quickly it can go from the highest high to the lowest low.

"Are you really going to marry her Freddie"

He finished chewing his food and placed his fork down. Clasping his fingers together in front of him, he steadily thought about her question.

"I was going to, for you, but now? I'm not so sure" his open honestly felt relieving to him "I don't love her....I wanted to get back at you needed to be set free"

Daisy's face was completely unreadable. She was surprised at her own lack of emotion. She waited for something, anything, to hit her, but she remained blank.

"Say something"

Daisy shrugged "I don't know how to respond to that Freddie, it's just all so much. I'm so hurt, I feel so betrayed"

"Darling, he WILL be punished for this" Freddie could feel himself getting upset over the thought of Alex.

"It wasn't just him who hurt and betrayed me" Daisy looked up sternly at Freddie who knew instantly what she had meant.

"Daisy, I...."

Holding her hand up she stopped him mid sentence "I know, it's fine, I'm sorry I said that"

Freddie nodded and looked back to his plate. He wasn't sure what it would take to regain her trust, but he was willing to do and give up anything for her.


Alex lay in his new London apartment, admiring the job his interior designer had completed.

His taste was classic and vintage, his furniture dark oak with a high shine finish.

As he made his way towards the bedroom a faint knock at the door, had him look up and frown his brows.

Pulling his velvet robe together, he paced towards the door and peered through the peephole.

Come to apologise I see.

"Freddie what a pleasant surprise, wont you come in" he greeted as he stretched out his arm welcomingly.

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