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It started out as some weird fake relationship and soon those feelings somehow turned real...

It was easy falling for you, you were so charming and sweet. A tad clueless sometimes but aren't we all.

I've never laughed the way I laughed when I'm around you. I never smiled the way you made me smile and I never felt my heart beat the way it beats when you come into my mind.

Something about you and me was so easy...maybe too easy?

I watched you laugh and cry, those days were the hardest. Seeing you break down in front of me broke my heart right in half.


what was even harder was lying to you...

breaking the both of us and leaving.

I hope you know my love that I did it for you, I had to.

I had to lie and leave you in order for you to continue your dream.

It pains me everyday when I see you on my television screen hear you on the radio...I can't even walk down the street without seeing your beautiful face all over the place.

It's bittersweet.

I'm so proud of you and so happy you accomplished so much.

But it also pains me that I can't be with you and that you my love have no idea about the most important thing in our lives...

Our sweet little girl...

I know you would have loved her.


A/N: This has easily become my favorite story, I have never had so much fun and so much ease writing a story. I easily bust out 3-6 chapters a day lol please check it out.

Note: First chapter won't be posted until Rent an Oppa? Is over. Which only has like four chapters left so...soon 💜

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