Chapter 5- When did he get so...

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Chapter 5

The show had been going on for a good hour now, I did my best to just keep my eyes on Taerin. But every so often I'd glance up at the stage and feel my whole body tingle with pride and excitement.

I had been with these boys during their training days. I watched them struggle and work for hours on end just to make it to their debut so to see them here in this sold out stadium brought tears to my eyes.

It made me feel like I had somehow made the right decision. Seeing Tae smiling so brightly and enjoying himself on stage, seeing all the love and support he deserves made my heart swell.

Taerin screamed bringing me back to reality, I laughed a little as I watched her fangirl over what would be her honorary uncles.

"Eomma look how handsome jungkookie is! No wait look at my seokjinnie!"

I laughed looking up at the two running off the stage hitting each other. Jin would love that Rin thought he was the most handsome of the group.


After a few other songs and solo songs Taehyung's solo started to play and I felt my knees grow weak.

I felt my throat go dry as I watched him appear on a bed, his silky smooth deep voice ringing through my ears making my skin crawl. His intense stares and not so sly smirks had my face burning. His hair was sticking to his face slightly from his sweat and his black shirt was slightly see through.

I gulped as I started to fan myself, who taught him how to be so...arousing? Or was it just me having this mental breakdown.

I felt my woman parts suddenly alive and well, an unfamiliar tingle I hadn't felt in years ran through me and made me shutter.

"I think your Eomma might have a crush"

I blinked and looked over at the two faces, both with wide grins and teasing eyes.

"Eomma loves Taehyungieee"

Taerin sang just as Taehyung's song ended. "What? No I don't! He just did good" I laughed fanning myself again. I could see the two of them giggling in the corner of my eye which made me smile. Jerks.

But they were somewhat right...Taehyung had always been handsome but man did puberty hit him with a truck. I hadn't felt this flustered since the last time I was with him...before the break up that is.


The rest of the show went smooth, I slowly started to relax more and just enjoy the boys performance. I even took off my mask because wow after Taehyung's performance it got way too hot in this place.

As the boys started to give their ending speeches I held Taerin close again. Listening to their words, I found myself getting teary eyed again. I kissed Taerin's cheeks up and seen that her own eyes were glazed over.

"You okay bub?"

She nodded and smiled.

"I'm just so so happy"

I chuckled and kissed her up even more as she rested her head against my chest and watched the boys starting to sing the last song. I quietly sang into her hair as a few tears slipped from my own eyes.

I felt so overwhelmed with every emotion possible. I couldn't contain myself, I wiped my eyes but more tears fell and then Taerin jumped up and started singing the chorus loudly making a heart over her head.

I laughed and then followed her gaze, wondering why she suddenly got a second wind.

I nearly choked when I seen Taehyung sitting on the edge of the stage in front of us, smiling bright and wide as he mouthed the words.

I held Taerin close but she wiggled her way higher so she could see more. The fans around us were all screaming and reaching for him. I looked down and tried to blink my tears away, the screams got louder and Taerin wiggled even more in my arms causing me to look up.

I gasped when I looked up and seen Taehyung extending his arm out towards Taerin, mouthing to the fans in front of us to pass the hat he had been wearing back towards her. She bounced with excitement as little tears trickled down her cheeks.

To my surprise the fans handed Rin the hat and she clutched it to her chest tightly shouting she loved him.

I smiled when Taehyung flashed her his boxed smile, only making hers mimic his. I always loved that she got his smile.

I could hear Jae shouting and hyping Taerin up taking her from my arms. I smiled and looked back at Taehyung, he had gotten up and was heading down the runway with Jimin now.

Jimin looked back with a smile and then his eyes doubled when our eyes locked.

His smile long gone as he scanned between me and the little girl Tae had just given his hat to. He looked frozen which caused me to panic, I looked at him with pleading eyes but still he stayed stuck. Until Jungkook ran up behind him and tugged him along.


We almost made it.


A/n: Sorry this chapter is so short.
Can anyone else just picture Taerin perfectly? Like Tae's twin with those big chubby cheeks and cute smile with long dark hair and lashes? No? Haha she's just so cute in my mind

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