Chapter 38- Reunited

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Chapter 38

A few days later...

"Eomma do you know grandma and grandpa?"

I smile as I continue to brush her hair "Of course I do, they used to take care of me when me and your Appa used to date a long long time ago"

Her eyes meet mine in the mirror and she smiles before turning to face me "Eomma, are you and Appa going to get married?" I feel my cheeks get hot as I laugh a little

"I don't know about all that, let's just get through this dinner okay?"

She wiggles her brows before wrapping her arms around my neck "But Appa loves you, and you love Appa I just know it. Plus I saw you guys k i s s i n g!"

I laugh and hold her close to my chest, making sure to shower her in kisses. Her giggle attacking my ears only makes me smile more.

"That's enough out of you little lady, let's go before we're late"


I feel like throwing up, I wasn't sure if it was from nerves or something I ate at lunch. I look down at Taerin who is already knocking on the door and swinging our laced fingers back and forth. At least she was excited. I hadn't seen Mr and Mrs. Kim in some years and now that they knew about our baby girl I felt uneasy.

Taehyung's family had always been good to me and treated me as one of their own. But I betrayed their trust by running off and lying, I just hoped they would still treat me the same. Knowing what good hearted people they are but there was still that odd chance they'd still be upset and they had every right to be. With me at least.

The door swung open and for some reason I can't look up I keep my eyes focused on Taerin's face, that and not trying to throw up.


My shoulders relax a little as Taerin let's go of my hand and clings to Taehyung's legs. He chuckles before lifting her up in his arms.

"There's my girls"

I exhale and meet his gaze feeling myself relax a bit more as soon as his hand slips around my waist and pulls me into them. I inhale his scent and sigh feeling completely relaxed now. I feel his hand slide down and grab my ass, perv.

I give him a look as I swat his hand away making him laugh "What? It slipped" he says with a wink, sure it was.

"Mmm it smells so so good, I'm starving!"

I laugh a little as does Tae "You just had a snack before we came over" I say as Taehyung moves us inside and closes the door.

"That was a snack Eomma I need food like super yummy grandma food"

I roll my eyes before Taehyung kisses her face up making her giggle "She has an appetite just like her Appa" he beams before setting her down. She giggles once more before running off towards the kitchen. I can hear Mr and Mrs. Kim getting excited once she's in their view.

"You okay my love?"

I look back up at Taehyung and melt into his embrace, he kisses my temples and I can feel him smiling against my skin as I slowly disappear against his tall frame.

"Don't be nervous, it's not like you haven't met my parents before. You used to live with them at one point"

I take one more whiff of his scent before pulling back slightly so I can meet his gaze "That was a long time ago" he smiles before leaning in and kissing my lips softly, I feel myself gripping for him as if he's the only thing holding me to this earth.

His own grip tightens as his tongue sweeps across my lower lip, gently it makes its way in my mouth. I feel myself getting emotional once again, not knowing how to express just how much I love this man.


We both jump and I feel myself get dizzy from moving much too quickly. My cheeks burn when I see Mr. Kim standing a few feet from us, glancing at Tae I can see his bright red cheeks as he shoots his dad a sheepish smile.

Just great. Not how I wanted to start the night off.

"There's my beautiful daughter"

I smile and meet him halfway as he opens his arms for a hug. Mr. Kim has always referred to me as his daughter from the moment Taehyung introduced us, Mrs Kim told him to not rush us but he still always called me his daughter.

"It's good to see you Mr. Kim"

He shakes his head as we pull away from our hug "Aish what did I tell you about calling me that" I laugh a little as Taehyung's hand slips around my waist again. Instantly feeling flustered from his touch. "Sorry, Appa" he smiles and grabs for my hand pushing Taehyung's away making him pout.

"My love look who finally came home"

I blush at his words and glance back at a smiling Taehyung. When I look back towards the kitchen I see Taerin already sitting at the table with Eonjin stuffing her cheeks with food.


My voice comes out as a whisper as I lock eyes with Mrs. Kim, her eyes look glossy as she makes her way over to me and Mr. Kim.

"I've missed you"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I wrap my arms around her "I'm sorry" she squeezes me a little tighter before pulling back and looking at me again.

I feel guilt and pain when we both silently look at each other. I can tell she has a lot of questions but tonight wasn't the right time for all that. She smiles again before wiping her eyes, I do the same.

"Come on let's eat you look too skinny"

Yup same old Mrs. Kim.

Taehyung walks up behind me and grabs at my waist before resting his head against my shoulder. "See no reason to be nervous my love, they still love you just as much as they did back then."

I smile as he places a gently kiss against my temple before lacing our fingers and pulling me towards the table. I smile at Taerin who already has everyone's attention as she talks about her exhausting day all while stuffing her cute round cheeks.

I forgot how much this place felt like home and I forgot just how much I missed and loved these people.


Aww only 2 chapters left
I'm sad to see this story come
To an end 😢

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