Chapter 32- Filler lol

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Chapter 32

About a week later and the news of Taehyung having a child was still all anyone could talk about. It was hard to ignore all the bashing I got for one, keeping the child knowing it would ruin his career and two for keeping the child and never telling him about it.

I did my best to act as if the hurtful words didn't effect me, Taehyung was hard for him.

He got some hate but that's not what bothered him. He was more concerned about the hate I was getting from people. He refused to call those ones fans, saying his fans would have more respect and be more open minded about the woman he loves and the mother of his child.

But like I said I did my best to ignore it. To my pleasant surprise no one found out who I was yet. That was the biggest topic throughout the fandom, a lot of people thought it was a staff member. Everyone wanted to know who the woman was and what the child looked like.

I feared for Taerin's safety every day when I sent her to school or to any of her after school activities.

Taerin seemed unaffected by everything, when she found out Taehyung from BTS was in fact her appa we had to tell her to keep it hush hush. She understood but now that everyone knew he had a daughter, we were on even higher alert from before.

Taerin was pretty good about keeping secrets though, she talked about her appa a lot but never his name.

Christmas was now just a few days away so that meant I got to keep our girl with me at all times for a week. Taehyung unfortunately still had work, Taerin was pretty bummed he had to leave again but he promised her he'd be back on Christmas.

I myself felt a little down knowing he might miss the holiday. Not that I would be surprised, in the earlier days I spend the holidays with his family. He was never able to make it, so knowing this could be the outcome I did my best to keep Taerin distracted.

"So what do you want to get your appa for Christmas?"

I asked as I put on her puffy jacket, it was snowing again but we needed to get our last minute shopping done. "I don't know he said he has everything he wants now" she frowned while leaning over and kissing up Tani.

Taehyung asked us to babysit, surprisingly Yeontan took to Taerin and myself very quickly. Tae often got jealous when Tani wouldn't come to him anymore, we liked to tease him about it.

"He's a stinker" I smiled as she giggled "Yeah he is, Eomma can't we just put a bow on you? I'm sure appa would like that gift"

My eyes widened "Excuse me!" I nearly choked as she giggled "What? That's what Seokjinnie said" I was going to kill him.

"Well Seokjinnie is getting a spanking for Christmas"

although he might like that, Taerin giggles as she jumps up and heads for the door "That'd be funny" I shook my head laughing lightly "I think so to, now let's go get some gifts"

"Uncle Yoongi is going to be the hardest one I just know it!"

Taerin groaned, I laughed gripping her little hand in mine. "I have an idea for him but your appa is going to be the hardest one, I'm sure of it" She groaned again as we headed into the elevator.


"Is my Baby Bear already asleep?"

I smiled as I curled into my bed "Yes, she passed out an hour ago listening to her song" I smile hearing him chuckle on the other end.

"I miss you guys, this whole being apart while I'm on tour isn't going to work for guys are going to just have to come with me every single time"

I laugh lightly at his whining tone and turn to my other side, ducking under the blankets. "I'm sure you'll survive Tae" he groans on the other end making me bite my lower lip.

"We miss you to though"

I can practically hear his smile "See you wouldn't have to miss me if you two would just come along with me"

god why was he so cute? I felt so giddy inside just talking to him. It was ridiculous.

"Hmm is that so?" I mumble shifting once again in my bed. He hums in response, I can hear him shuffling on the other end. "Can we FaceTime at least?" I laugh lightly

"Aren't you sharing a room this time around? I'm sure your roommate wants you to go to bed"

He groans again making my thighs clench, god I really did miss him. My bed felt so big and empty...he had only slept over twice since we said we loved each other but I quickly became attached to the feeling of him holding me at night.

"God I miss you...I wish you were here so I can hold you"

His voice came out low and husked making my insides quiver. I bit my lower lip feeling my breath hitch "Tae..." I warn but it came out breathy and I knew that turned him on. He groaned softly into the receiver and shuffled again.

"I think we should hang up before you start something you can't finish"

I mumbled sitting up in my bed and reaching over to my nightstand drawer. He chuckled before I hear a door close.

"I know you're just as turned on as I am FaceTime me and get that toy out so I can watch..."

I whimpered and he practically growled as I quickly pulled out my old friend and hit that FaceTime button.

God he drove me crazy.



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