Chapter 2- Who me?

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Chapter 2

I blink and then look around as if they were calling someone else and as if my name wasn't in fact y/n.

As my gaze comes back in their direction I gasp a little when they are just a few steps away from being in my personal bubble.

"It really is you!"

I open my mouth to say something but it's already too late I'm being engulfed in the large mans embrace. I look over at the other bright smiling face and find my lips twitching upward into an awkward smile. My arms lightly patting the others back before he pulls away and looks down at me.

"Wow I can't believe it's you!"

I smile again as the other boy gives me a quick hug. "It's me" I say awkwardly feeling stupid as soon as the phrase leaves my lips.

They both smile down at me "Fuck you boys  got tall" I instantly cover my mouth not meaning to say that aloud. They both chuckle "Unfortunately for you I think you got shorter" Namjoon says flashing me his dimples, I've missed that sweet face.

"What are you doing here?"

Hoseok asks a little too loudly earning a few glances from the people walking by "Duh she loved art" Namjoon adds making me smile and Hoseok make an 'oh' face. Silly goons. If only they knew the real name behind the artist they were just admiring.

"Um yeah just here admiring the art"

I say awkwardly shifting in my heels.

"What do you think? I wasn't that impressed to be honest"

I mumble wanting to see their reactions.

Both their eyes go wide as they look back at the piece they were just taking photos with. "The whole collection is beautiful, and suggestive. I love the composition of colors as well..." I smile looking down at my feet.

"Before namjoon spirals are you free? You should come to dinner with us, we're about to go meet the rest of the guys I'm sure they'd love to see you"

Fuck no.

Panic takes over my insides but I remain calm "Ah I'd love to but I actually have plans already but it was great seeing you guys" I say as I take a few steps back to try and make my exit.

They both frown and my phone goes off, I quickly take it out and bow as an apology "I'll see you guys around" i hush before quickly answering the call and making my way outside.

"Eomma when are you coming home"

I smile at the tiny voice

"Lucky for you I just finished work and I'm on my way...but maybe I should stop for some treats"

I glance around and see Namjoon and Hoseok heading my way. Can't they take a hint?

"Hmm that sounds like a good plan eomma, I think you should get extra chocolate too cause I was so so good at school today"

I laugh a little and look up at the two pesty hunks from my past.

"Hmm okay We will see what I can find, tell Jae I'm on my way. Love you baby"

I hear a high pitched I love you back and then she hangs up. I smile to myself thinking of her cute face.

"So we don't know what privacy is anymore huh?"

I say to the two boys looking down at me "eh not like you guys ever really knew what privacy not much has changed I see" they both blush a little, Hoseok smiles at me while Namjoon rubs the back of his neck.

"Uh sorry about that, we just haven't seen you in so long and just wanted to catch up. We know the guys would be so happy to see you"

I arch my brow and they sheepishly smile

"It's been a long time y/n, I'm sure he's forgiven you...even though none of us really know what went's in the past we've all grown up" Hoseok adds making me chuckle a little.

"You guys grew up? I find that hard to believe....Anyways like I said I'd love to but I have to get home to my loves"

The expressions on their faces tell me everything I need to know. I smile and pull them both in for a hug.

"It really was great seeing you guys and I'm so beyond proud of you guys. I can't even begin to express how happy I am for you all, I legit cried when you guys won your first award" I admit and laugh at how embarrassing I must sound.

They both give me genuine smiles "Let the boys know I'm proud of you all and that I still love you and I'm still being your cheerleader...very old cheerleader" they laugh.

"You still look like your fifteen so shut it"

Namjoon says nudging my side. I smile and then say my last goodbye before heading off to get my girl her treats.


I was proud of myself for holding it together like that. I always imagined what it would be like if I in fact ever did run into one of them and luckily it went better than I expected. I mean other then the fact that I was completely awkward.

It was also nice that to see they hadn't changed one bit, sure they got taller and there clothes were different but they still acted the same as I left them.

I smiled down at my sleeping beauty and brushed her hair back. She would freak out if she knew I met 'RM and JHope' she'd be even more freaked out to know that her father was a part of her favorite group.

I sigh and close my eyes, I'm sure if I ran into him it would be a whole different story...

I missed him.

Even though I was certain his feelings for me where nothing but anger and bitter memories. He would really despise me if he found out about her...

I smiled down at her again and kissed her round cheek, she looked so much like him. Her lip puffed out slightly as she curled even closer into my body, I rubbed her back lightly and softly started to hum her favorite song.

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