Chapter 21- Meeting the grandparents

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Chapter 21

Seokjin's pov

"You must help your Eomma cook huh?"

I smile as Taerin cracks the eggs in the bowl without getting any shells into it. "Whoa I'm impressed" she giggles making me smile. She reminds me so much of Taehyungie but also her Eomma, the perfect mix.

"I help Eomma all the time, I hope she remembered to eat...should we call her?"

Her brows furrow and her big doe like eyes look up at me as her lip pouts slightly. I don't know how these people don't just give her the world already.

"Aish really? You can't look at me like that princess you make Seokjinnie's heart go weak" I stumble and she giggles a little.

"Don't worry about your Eomma, she's a very strong woman you know. I'm sure she remembered to eat. Now help oppa and whisk those eggs"

She nods and grabs the bowl holding it close to her little body before she starts to whisk the eggs. I laugh lightly watching how cute her concentrated face is before continuing to make breakfast for everyone.



"Do you think my Appa loves my Eomma?"

I laugh a little and nod "Yeah I do, why do you ask that princess?" She wipes her forehead with her arm quickly before whisking again

"They always look at each other with goggly eyes and I think they almost kissed in my kitchen!"

I gasp to add to her dramatic expression

"I know! I eat there, but they didn't Appa pulled away...I think Eomma wanted him to kiss her. Is that romantical?"

I laugh as she hands me the bowl "Let me ask you something princess" she tilts her head and waits for me

"Do you want your Eomma and Appa to be together?"

She thinks about it for a moment, as I finish cooking the meat and then start with the eggs.

"I think it would be nice, my Eomma doesn't have anyone ever except for me. I think uncle Jae likes her to though but Eomma doesn't get goggly eyes for him only for my Appa..."

"Ahh I see, try this princess" I say holding a piece of meat up for her. She takes a big bite and chomps on it with pouty lips "Mmm! So good Seokjinnie!"

"Taerin! Taerin!"

We both jump as Taehyung comes running out of his room in a panic state. Taerin looks slightly frightened so I hold onto her

"Yah! What's wrong with you"

He takes a deep breath and holds onto his chest "I woke up and you were gone baby bear, you scared me" he says slowly walking over towards us. I smile and hand her over to him, she grabs his puffy cheeks and gives him Eskimo kisses, his body instantly relaxing.

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