Chapter 8-Baby Bear

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Chapter 8

Taehyung's POV

I stood by the doorway and watched as she walked around her aisle "Hmm it's missing something" I smile and walk over towards her

"Hmm I think it looks great"

She jumps and looks up at me, I smile and kneel down "Hi I'm-"

"Tae Tae! I mean Taehyungieee"

She sings and then squeals, I can't help but smile widely at her. She was too cute for words "I can't believe you're here! Everyone it's Taehyungie from BTS!!" She shouts but the other kids seem to ignore her, she looks back at me with wide eyes

"Wait! did you come to take your hat back? I promise I've kept it really really good and I really really love it so please don't take it back just yet"

I laugh and have the urge to hug her tightly and kiss her cute round cheeks but that would be so creepy of me. So I hold back "No no I'm not here to take it back" her eyes light up and I feel my chest tighten.

What were the odds I'd meet the little beauty who I gave my hat to. This time I got a better look at her, she was adorable and something about her seemed so familiar.

"Do you like my painting? It's a baby bear and it's winter scene cause that's my favorite time! You know why? Cause it's hot  chocolate season and Christmas! Oh I just love Christmas do you love Christmas?"

For whatever reason y/n instantly came into my mind the moment she cocked her head to the side and looked at me with those big hazel eyes. They looked just like hers, and her cute little button nose looked just like y/n's.

Huh would you look at that she has a freckle just like mine, right on the tip of that button nose.

"I do love Christmas and I love your painting, you know my Eomma and appa used to call me baby bear"

She giggles and it sends right through my heart, it's the most blissful sound I've ever heard.

"My Eomma calls me bub most of the time but she has other nicknames for me to."

I smile as she rocks back and forth in her shoes. I arch my brow when I see she is stepping on the backs of her shoes, she blushes.

"What? It's easier to kick them off. I hate wearing shoes I can't wiggle my toes and let them be free you know?"

I let out a laugh and look down at my own shoes and she giggles "I know the feeling"

"Oh!" She shouts startling me "Sorry" she giggles "I'm Taerin! I forgot to tell you"

"Beautiful name, it's so nice to officially meet you" I smile repeating the name in my head. Something about this little girl...

"Yah! We have to go"

We both look over and Taerin gasps before dancing in place and squealing again.

"I must of died and gone to heaven! Taehyungie do you see him to?? That's seokjinnie right??"

I laugh loudly as well as Jin, he walks over to us and kneels down next to me "Wow who is this beautiful princess" I watch as Taerin bounces in place "Yeee" she squeaks making us both laugh again.

"I can't believe it's worldwide handsome Jin! Right here in front of me! Taehyungie pinch me so I know I'm not asleep"

I shake my head as Jin gloats "Wow this princess has taste" he opens his arms and she quickly jumps into them. I feel slightly jealous for some reason.

I watch as they have a quick conversation, I rise to my feet and suddenly feel sad that I have to leave. Taerin was such a character and a pretty good artist to be honest, I wanted to hang out with her more.

"Come on Taehyung-ah, bye Taerin"

Jin says pulling me from my thoughts. I sigh and then feel a tug on my hand, I smile when I see Taerin looking up at me

"Here Taehyungie, I want you to have this. I signed it and everything so it should be worth a lots when I'm older. I won't be too mad if you want to sell it then, my Eomma sells her arts to and isn't sad about it so I'll be strong"

I can't help but laugh, I kneel down again and hold her tiny hand it looked so cute in my palm.

"I don't think I can ever sell it even if I wanted to, it's too good. I'll keep it forever okay?"

Her eyes sparkle again as she lunges herself into me, I instantly wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly. Having her in my arms felt right in a weird way, like she was something missing in my life. Maybe I was just missing my family?

Y/n's face came into my mind again as I pulled away "Bye baby bear"

She blushes and giggled as I got to my feet and headed for the door. I hoped I'd somehow see her again.

"If I didn't know you I'd think you were her appa"

Jin laughs as we both glance back at the little girl dancing around "She looks just like you" I laugh and shake my head

"No way, I'd be lucky to have a daughter like that"


A/n Sorry it's short but yay he finally met her haha they're so cute

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