Chapter 23- Move on

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Chapter 23

A few days went by Taehyung couldn't come by because of his schedule. He made sure to call though and at least FaceTime Taerin every morning and every night before bed.

I still for whatever reason felt heart broken, I knew me and Taehyung would more than likely never happen again but I guess a part of me was still holding on to that hope. Maybe I was too ambitious, maybe I already had my chance with my soul mate and I ruined it.

Maybe I needed to date?

Oh god just the thought of dating terrified me, but maybe it would help me move on from Taehyung....

"Eomma Appa wants to talk to you"


I run my fingers through my hair before grabbing the phone, not like it helped I still looked horrible and he had someone so why would he care what I looked like? Stupid. "What's up" who says that? Ugh.

He smiles and looks right at me licking his lips. Fuck don't do that, I look over at Taerin who's back at the kitchen table coloring.

"I was wondering if maybe you would possibly want to bring Taerin to the company?"

My brows furrow, had he even talked to the company about our situation? Did they know he had a daughter that he had been seeing for a little over a month now?

"I have to go to Japan for a few days and we leave tonight but we are still at practice. I just wanted to see Taerin before I left...if you can't it's fine"

I glance over at Taerin and meet her sad eyes. I sigh "Yeah I guess I can, send me the info and we will head over" his smile widens "Thank you so much y/n" I hum in response before hanging up.

"Well I guess we better get ready you have a date to see BTS"

Taerin giggles and runs over towards me.


We walk in and all eyes are on us, I suddenly feel embarrassed. I hadn't seen any of these people yet other than Jimin Namjoon and Hoseok.


Taerin shouts as they run towards each other. I awkwardly stand by the door not sure if I'm suppose to stay or leave.

Taehyung holds her up and spins her before they give each other Eskimo kisses.

"You look beautiful"

I jump at the suddenly close voice "Oh thanks" I mumble as Jimin wraps his arms around me, I hug him back and instantly regret it.

"Gross" I groan and he laughs "What did you expect we were practicing" he laughs as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

"Come on stop being weird" he adds grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the corner of the room where a table and a bunch of chairs were set as well as a counter with snacks and a mini fridge.


Jungkook says jumping to his feet "Hey" I say awkwardly as he pulls me into another sweaty hug. "You look good Noona" he blushes at his own words making me laugh

"Stop flirting around already"

I turn and see Yoongi.

Without hesitation I turn and hug him, he smiles and hugs me back tightly "I missed you to" he whispers making me smile more.

"He's right though you do look good"

Now I'm blushing, I hit his chest lightly making his dramatic ass stumble back. I shake my head and laugh, I say a quick hello to the rest of the boys. The whole time I feel Taehyung's stare piercing into me.

"Jiminie come dance with me and Hopeee"

Taerin says while Hoseok twirls her in his arms making her giggle. The rest of the boys dig into the food that was brought for them.

"Should we go? So you guys can finish up?"

I quietly ask Taehyung, he shakes his head "No stay a little longer, and relax your not in the way" I laugh lightly looking down at my lap

"That obvious?"

"Yes" he smiles "Here try this" he says holding his food towards me. I feel myself blush as I shake my head "No I'm good we ate before we came" he nods and takes the bite, I can see a faint smirk on his lips though. He scoots a little closer to me as the others carry on in conversation.

"I forgot to ask you the other night"

I turn towards him slightly and meet his gaze. "Did...did Taerin ever meet my Grandmother?" I can see the seriousness and slight hurt in his eyes, without thinking I reach out and grab his arm in a comforting way.

I see his hairs rise on his arm and I pull back, I clear my throat and look at my lap. "Yeah she met her twice" I glance up and see his eyes widen.

"We ran into her when Taerin was just about to turn two, I told her I was babysitting but I knew she didn't believe me"

I give him a faint smile, I can see all the emotion building behind his eyes. "We ran into her again when Taerin was about three, she treated us to lunch. Even though I told her no a few times she refused to accept that"

Taehyung smiles and wipes the corner of his eyes "I'm pretty sure she knew Tae, you can just tell when she looked at Taerin but she went along with my babysitting story"

I reach out and wipe a lone tear from his cheek. He closes his eyes and nuzzzles into my palm. I feel my heart and my breathing stop for a moment before pulling away.

"I'm so sorry Tae, I wanted to reach out but....I didn't think it would be acceptable."

He shakes his head and grabs my hand taking me off guard. "It's okay, I know you loved her. And I'm happy they at least got to meet"

"Me to"

We stare at one another for a moment before I pull away. I can feel a few curious eyes on us. Taehyung wipes the rest of his tears and pulls himself together. Taerin comes bouncing over climbing on my lap and leaning over to drink her Appa's water.

He smiles and kisses the top of her head "I love you" she smiles and says in back before moving from my lap to his and hugging his chest. I can't help but smile and feel overwhelmed with emotion as he hugs her back.

I don't know what I was so afraid of before but these two belonged to each other. Seeing how happy they make each other warms my heart and makes me fall just that much more.

Even though I know it won't ever be.

We had our time and I needed to move on



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