Chapter 30- Statement

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Chapter 30

Your POV

The next day I sat alone in my apartment going over last nights events. I couldn't contain my smile as I replayed our night over and over again. It was absolutely perfect, he had turned into such a man. It made me crave and want him even more than before. Which I didn't think was possible.

Taehyung left early in the morning with Taerin, he dropped her at school and then headed to the company. They were releasing the statement today which meant all hell was about to break loose.

I did my best to remain calm for the sake of Taehyung but I was terrified. I know my life was never going to be the same after today and it scared me, what if it did effect my business. What then? I had created this lifestyle for me and the bub...I worked so hard for it.

I sighed getting up and heading to her room to pack her bag. She would have to stay with Taehyung for a bit just in case things got too crazy.

"It will be okay y/n, you started with nothing and survived. You can do it again"

I say aloud to try and give myself some encouragement but that uneasy feeling was still settled in my stomach.


Later that day

Tae: Well it's out there...I just picked up our baby. When are you coming to the dorm?

You: 🙁 okay, I'll come over when it starts to get dark out. I'm sure people will be waiting around...

Tae: Are you scared?

You: Maybe...just a little...but I'll be fine just keep the bub safe

Tae: My love...please just stay with us tonight to...I want you both with me

The butterflies in my stomach swirl as I read the text over again, god I loved him...I wish I would of told him last night...but instead we made love again...and maybe one more time after...

You: I'd love to but it will look suspicious no? Some woman coming late at night with her bag? I'll be fine.

Tae: Babe we aren't the only ones who live in this building...

You: I know...I'm just nervous I don't want to cause anymore drama or scandals for you or the boys. I've done too much already...

Tae: You didn't do anything...well maybe just a little 😝 but it's fine really...did you even read the statement?

You: No...I don't feel the need to.  I'm pretty sure I know what everyone will be saying about me

Tae: Read it then give me your answer

You: No, I'll drop by in a bit kiss our girl for me

Tae: Always so stubborn

Tae: Read it

Tae: and see you in a bit...

Tae: Love you...
*Tae sends a selca of him and Taerin*

My heart melts as I save the photo and put it as my background, I reply a simple heart emoji not wanting to say my first I love you back over text. I wanted to tell him face to face at the right moment.

A moment later my phone went off again with a link to the statement bighit put out. I rolled my eyes at the message but clicked the link, skimming past the article and going straight to the comments. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help it I had no control over my fingers.

Most of them consisted of they couldn't believe Taehyung had a daughter. Others were disappointed in his actions and some were even saying they'd kill me if they ever seen me in public, that is it they ever found out who I was.

Others surprisingly were pleasant, saying they were happy for Taehyung cause he's such a family guy and always wanted kids.

I laughed at the few that comments  about bighit's subtle threats, this made me scroll up and read the last paragraph. In true bighit fashion they did put their little subtle threats about mine and Taerin's privacy. I knew the fans who truly respected the boys and loved them would follow but the few who felt they controlled the boys would not.

One comment made me curious though...

"You all should be happy for Taehyung, he's been involved with this woman since pre debut and the fact that he still loves her and now has a kid with her. Sure she made a mistake by not telling him but hey they obviously worked through it if he is claiming his love for her publicly. Talk about goals. Y'all are just mad that she's living that y/n life and you're not"

What was she talking about? Now I had to read this statement. Damnit.

Sure enough there it was...our little love story. Taehyung explained that we dated for three years pre debut, and that I made a tough decision to leave him so he as well as bts can pursue their dreams. He went on to explain that we now had a daughter that he adores more than anything in this world and that he also loved the mother of his child more than anything in this world and never stopped loving her...

I wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes, why would he put all of that out there? I bite my lower lip feeling a tad bit overwhelmed. I didn't know what to feel or how to react all I knew was that I loved him...I loved him more than life itself sometimes and it scared the crap out of me.

The more time we spent together the more I fell deeper and deeper...I didn't want to ever be without him again...

But if his fans couldn't accept this...if it hurt or ruined BTS....I wouldn't be able to live with myself...they've worked and come too far now for me to just come in and ruin things...


A/n Believe it or not but
There are only 10 chapters left
Of this story *gasp!* lol I bet you guys
Are ready for it to end though lol I adore this
Story so much though, so I hope you guys are still loving it as well

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