Chapter 7- Jimin...

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Chapter 7

"So um don't freak out or anything but someone is waiting for you in the studio..."

I stop in my tracks and look up at Jae "What do you mean? You know no one is allowed in my studio" I huff heading towards the door

"Well I couldn't say no I mean it's-"


I blink a few times thinking I'm imagining things but he just stands there giving me his adorable eye smile.

"See why I couldn't say no" Jae whispers "He's probably a huge fan of your work"

Yeah right.

I glare at Jae as I close the door "You owe me big time" I whisper as he smiles "Get Rin an autograph and maybe me as well" I shake my head and shut the door taking a deep breath before I turn back towards Jimin.

"What are you doing here?"

I ask setting my stuff down and kicking off my heels.

"We haven't seen each other in six years and that's what you say? Aish even my Hyungs say they got a better greeting I'm sure"


I sigh and walk over to him, he smiles and pulls me into his arms for a hug "Hi" I breath wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled and squeezes me a little tighter

"Hi Y/n-ah"

As we both pull away he looks at me closely and I can already feel the all the questions running through his head.

"You know I can sue you for breaking in here" I say as I walk over and start to cover my work with some cloth. He laughs

"Technically no, that guy let me in. You should fire him"

He teases, I roll my eyes and plop down on the floor and cross my legs.

"So first off how did you find me? Second what are you here for? I know you seen me at the show"

He smirks and then plops down in front of me mimicking my position.

"Ah y/n-ah you should know our company is very big and powerful now. It was easy to find you even with your changed name. I'm impressed with your success though. Even my Hyungs didn't know you were the artist they admire"

I sigh running my fingers through my hair "Did you tell everyone?" He shakes his head "No just Namjoonie-Hyung and Hoseokie-Hyung" I nod feeling a little relieved. I raise my brows at him to continue.

"I'm here because I seen you at the concert and wanted to see you. It's not fair you cut us all off just because of him...we were close friends to you know."

I frown and look at my lap, I know it was wrong but I had to.

"But...I'm sure you had your I will forgive you for now."

I give him a weak smile as he extends his leg out and kicks me lightly "Still an asshole I see" this makes him chuckle and I can't help but join him. His laugh and smile were contagious.

After our laughter dies down a bit we stare at each other, I can see it in his eyes and it scares me but I take a deep breath and say it.

"Go ahead and ask...I know you saw her"

He shoots me a weak smile and leans back on his palms, moving his foot back and forth so it's hitting my thigh. Such a child.

"She's your daughter right?"

I smile thinking of my bub and nod "Yup she's my baby girl" he smiles and nods "I'm happy for you" I arch my brow and watch him closely

"I'm glad you are happy and have a family y/n-ah, you deserve happiness just like he does"

I nod but feel slightly confused, did he not get a good glimpse at Taerin? Cause anyone with eyes can see the resemblance between her and her father...and yet Jimin was acting like I had a kid with someone else...

"Is he-" I clear my throat and look back at Jimin "Um is know...happy?"

I wasn't sure why I asked that but I felt like I needed to know. To help give me some piece of mind...

"I think so, he has his moments. He still talks about you sometimes"

I roll my eyes when I see the smirk on his face, he wiggles his eyebrows and I can't help but laugh "You're so annoying sometimes" he laughs more falling to his side cause the boy can't stay still when he laughs.

"You think of him to huh? Don't try to lie y/n-ah I seen the way you looked at him at that show"

I shake my head and laugh, the blush on my cheeks easily giving me away even though I'm desperately trying to deny him.

"Cute" he laughs right as he phone goes off. "Sorry" he says before answering, I wave him off getting to my feet and walking over to the piece I had been stuck on.

"Yeah, I'm leaving right now"

I glance over and see Jimin getting to his feet "Taehyungie" he smiles tucking his phone away, I find myself smiling as well

"I have to be somewhere but it was good seeing you y/n-ah"

His arms wrap around me once more giving me an unbearable squeeze. "You to Jimin" I breath, he laughs and let's go.

"Now that I know where you are you can expect more unannounced visits from me, just to check in"

"Please don't" I pout giving him a look, he shakes his head and laughs more as he exits my studio.

"Great now I have to find another studio" I groan.


Taehyung's POV

I smile down at the little faces looking up at us. We were donating art supplies as well as a check for other resources they might need at a local after school program.

My smile widens as a few of the kids started asking us questions, like if we'll sing for them or dance. One boy asked Yoongi-Hyung if he can wear his necklace.  I laughed seeing how flustered my Hyung looked at the kid.

"Feel free to walk around, we have a few students in the other room working on some art projects if you'd like to take a look some are outside as well"

I smiled and watched as my members disappeared, walking around the room and some going into the other class but a bright yellow beret bobbing around outside caught my attention.


A/n: Because I'm impatient
Ahh things start to get exciting now

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