Chapter 22- Photos

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Chapter 22

Taehyung's POV

"I'm kinda tired Appa"

I smile picking Taerin up and placing her on my shoulders, she hugs my head and giggles "Your really tall Appa"

"You're just now noticing?"

She laughs as I grab for her hands holding them as I walk back to the house. I had taken her all over the farm showing her all the animals and places I used to run off to.

"No" she laughs. "I think next time we should bring Eomma, she would like it here"

I smile "She's been here before baby bear, just not in a long time" I hear her sigh "You miss her?" I ask knowing she probably does. This was probably the longest time they had ever spent apart from each other.


I reach up and lift her back over my head and place her on her feet once we near the house. I kneel down and kiss her face "It's okay to miss her, we will call her once we get inside okay? Plus you will see her tonight I promise" she smiles and takes my hand "Okay Appa"

"Mmm something smells good"

I say as me and Taerin poke our noses in the kitchen. "It's not ready yet but almost, maybe in another twenty minutes" I nod and hold onto Taerin.

"Come here my baby I wanted to show you some pictures"

Taerin takes my hand and heads over to the kitchen table where my sister was sitting looking at old photos. "Look Rin it's your appa when we was a baby" Taerin giggles as she sits next to my sister and looks at the photos of me and my siblings.

"Oh you guys know grandma Kim?"

We all furrow our brows and look at who she's pointing out. It's my grandmother, I look at her confused and then at my Eomma and sister.

"You know who that is my baby?"

My Eomma asks, Taerin happily nods and looks closely at the photo.

"I met her once with my Eomma, she gave me candy and kept kissing my cheeks" she giggles looking up at me "She also visits me in my dreams a lot, I miss seeing you guys no where she is now? I want to see her again"

The room is silent as we all pass glances at one another, I feel my eyes get watery. How do I even explain that she's no longer with us...

"Baby Bear..."

I say looking directly at her, her brows furrow as she looks around the room "Did I say something bad? I'm sorry" my Eomma hugs her

"No no my baby you didn't do anything, we're just a little sad"

She frowns and looks over at me again, I wipe my eyes quickly and she runs over to me to give me a hug.

I pull her onto my lap and hug her back "You see baby bear, Grandma um isn't with us anymore. She's up in the sky looking down on us" my voice comes out a little shaky as her lip pouts

"Don't cry Appa" she cups my face and gives me Eskimo kisses. I smile at her weakly as she just holds my face and rests her forehead against mine

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