Chapter 14- Taehyung

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Chapter 14

"Hello?...who is this?"

I try to speak but only a faint breath comes out, my pulse is racing and for some reason I'm clenching my thighs as if I had to suddenly pee. Get ahold of yourself, I mentally groan. I was hoping to get a voicemail or even a wrong number but nope he picked up. Fuck.

"Alright I'm going to hang up"

"No wait"

The line goes silent and my breathing quickens along with my heart, I start to sweat before I take another deep breath holding the phone away from my ear so he doesn't hear me having a mental breakdown


My heart flutters when he says my name and I hated myself for it. You'd think after all this time I'd find someone else attractive right? Find another man who makes my heart race the way Taehyung does with little to no effort.

But nope.

Here I am clenched thighs heart racing and feeling like I'm going to faint. Because just the sound of his breathing makes me feel like I'm going to combust.

"Um's me...I hope this is okay eonjin gave me your number..." I lean back against the counter and glance at the clock "Oh fuck"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh shit, um sorry I just Uh seen the time. I'm so sorry for calling so late I' know what I'll try another time I'm sorry for-"

"No wait!"

I feel a smile creep upon my lips, god I really missed him. "Um yeah?" I mumble twirling my hair around my finger. I felt like a teenager all over again, god why did he make me crazy like this?

" I just...I....Your the last person I expected to call me"

I smile wider knowing how nervous he must be, I can hear it in his voice. His deep baritone voice that made my body heat up in way I haven't felt in years...focus!

"I know I'm sorry, just I was wondering if maybe we can up when you have time of course....I want to talk to you about a few things"


I chuckle at his loud and quick response, I hear him mumbling to himself before he speaks again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell. Um yeah I would love to meet you y/n...I should be home in a few days and I think I have a three day break so we can meet then... if that's okay with you"

I suddenly felt giddy, the thought of meeting him face to face after all these years. Getting to see that handsome face up close once again...but then again this wasn't going to be a pleasant meeting. My heart sank a bit.

"That sounds great, um my work schedule is pretty flexible so just text me a time and place and I'll be there"

I say the giddiness in my voice no longer there.

"Okay I will text you"

"Okay...again sorry for calling so late"

"Not a problem, you can call or text me at any hour of the day I don't mind's so nice hearing your voice again y/n..."

I can practically see the blush on his cheeks and I find myself smiling around again like an idiot.

"You too Taehyung"

The line goes silent for a few moments, neither one of us wanting to be the one to end the call. I bite my lip and let out a faint breath knowing I have to be the one.

"Okay well I'll let you I'll be waiting to hear from you"

I say feeling slightly embarrassed that I just admitted that I'll be waiting around for his text.

"Okay...I'll text you...bye I guess"

I laugh a little "Goodnight Taehyung"

I hear a satisfied sigh on his end before I hang up. I feel a mix of emotions inside me as I go over the call, hearing his sweet soak my panties deep voice again made me feel some type of way.

But I also felt sad, nervous and sacred, I had no idea how I was going to go about this whole situation.


Taehyung's POV

I laid flat on my back with my hand over my chest. I wasn't sure if I was having a heart attack or not, I kept taking deep breaths as I went over the last few minutes.

It's was really her...y/ y/n...she actually called me and wants to meet up with me. I can't help but smile wide and feel a giddiness taking over my body.

After all these years...was she finally coming back to me? I really hoped she didn't have a boyfriend...even if she did though...would it be so bad to want to steal her away? After all she was my first only love.

Even to this day I think about her, compare her to every girl, try to bring her up in conversations...I was still very much in love with this girl and even to this day I go over our break up thinking of what went wrong and why she left me? Was there even another guy or was it just an excuse? Did I do something to push her away?

So many thoughts and yet no answers but maybe this was my chance...our chance to start over. I sigh again with a huge smile still in tact, I couldn't wait to see her beautiful face in person again.

I couldn't wait to stare into those beautiful eyes that pulled me into her, to see those beautiful perfectly natural pink soft lips that caressed mine so perfectly...I groan softly thinking about how perfect and beautiful she is...

"Aish...not again"

I say looking down at my growing friend. He had been popping up a lot lately, ever since namjoon and Hoseok ran into her. My thoughts seemed to linger on her more and more lately...god I couldn't wait to see her.


A/n Okay so I decided
I didn't wanna leave you
Guys hanging lol so...enjoy

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