Chapter 24- Dating?

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Chapter 24

Taehyung's POV

"How are things going with y/n?"

I sigh looking out the window, we had just gotten back to Korea after being gone for almost a week. I was so excited to see my baby bear, it was hard being away from her. Phone calls and face time just weren't enough sometimes, I wanted her with me all the time but that just wasn't the case unfortunately.

"Not so good"

I reply looking over at Jimin and Hoseok.

"Someone sent her photos of me kissing...someone...and threatened her to stay away from me cause I was spoken for"

I sigh again at their shocked expressions "So now she thinks I'm seeing someone and has been more distant than ever...but we did have a nice moment that day she brought Taerin to practice before we left" I smile to myself thinking of how comforted I felt.

"Yah! Back up...who were you kissing in the photos?...was it recent?"

Jimin asks, I can tell he's slightly upset with me. Hoseok hits the back of my head when I don't answer.

"You both know who it was and that it was all before I even knew y/n was still around."

They both sigh and mumble a few things towards each other. "Well she's definitely the one who is threatening y/n, we all know how crazy she was" Hoseok says sitting back in his seat.

"You better get it taken care of before that crazy finds out about Taerin" Jimin adds.

I feel a sudden anger build inside me at the thought of that crazy woman doing anything to my daughter. It was bad enough she found y/n and threatened her, I'd kill her if she touched either of them.

"I know, don't worry I'll get it taken care of"

It's quiet for a moment before Hoseok hits me again. "What was that for?" I spit out before looking back at him.

"Why didn't you tell y/n in the first place that you weren't seeing anyone? Explain that...that woman was crazy and basically forced herself on you"

I slump down in my seat a bit feeling both their eyes on me now.

"I don't know...I was taken a back when I seen the photos. I didn't know anyone had pictures of it...I panicked!"

They both shake their heads and mutter how dumb I can be sometimes. I let it go when I see y/n's apartment in view. A small smile appearing on my lips again knowing I'll see my girls soon.

"Yah isn't that y/n?"

Jimin says pointing up ahead. We sit at a stop light looking to where Jimin was pointing. "Who's that guy? Is that that Jae guy?" Hoseok asks. "'s not" I say watching the man pull y/n into a hug, his hands lower than necessary

"Who the hell is that guy?"

I mutter forgetting they were in the car. She pulls away and looks down but the man tucks his finger under her chin and makes her look up at him. My heart picks up as he leans in and presses his lips against her.

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