Chapter 34- The Video

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Chapter 34

With the help of the boys we managed to make it to our destination without Taehyung knowing.

The boys were at the venue for their concert, soundcheck would be starting soon which meant they'd be gone for the next few hours.

"Tired bub?"

Taerin shook her head no but I can see the sleepiness in her eyes. I smiled and scooped her up "Shall we decorate for appa?" Her sleepy self perked up and smiled.

Namjoon had arranged for us to be let into Taehyung's room, we also had one of the staff go out and get us a small tree as well as some decorations for the tree. I managed to bring some of the gifts we had gotten for the boys so that way everyone would feel the Christmas spirit.

"Do you think Santa will know we are here Eomma?"

I smiled and kissed the matching freckle on the tip of her nose "Yes" her eyes sparkled as she danced in place. "Maybe if we finish fast we can go out and get a few more presents for the boys" she smiled and nodded before quickly turned towards the little tree.

"Come on Tani we have to hurry!"

I smile as Tani just jumps around her barking from excitement. I couldn't wait to see Taehyung's face when he walks through that door.


After some time we had managed to shop for a few more gifts, I managed to sneak Taerin a few presents as well without her knowing. It was already late now the show would be ending in just a half hour which meant we only had a little over an hour before they'd be here.

Taerin had passed out on the bed with Tani next to her, those two had gotten very close recently. Which was nice, he kept her company when I was busy with work.

The room looked cute, the small tree in the corner with twinkling lights lighting up the room. It had a few presents underneath, a couple for the members but most of them for Taehyung and Taerin. I quickly wrapped the few that I had just gotten Taerin and put them under the tree.

I was exhausted, but I couldn't close my eyes just yet. If I did I wouldn't wake up when Taehyung came and that would ruin the whole surprise aspect. I yawned and grabbed my phone, I snapped a few photos of Taerin and Tani. They looked too precious not to.

Smiling at the photos I get a text message from an unknown number. I open it and see a video, I get a weird feeling from it but I open and watch it anyways.

I see Taehyung and a woman backstage, I'm not sure if it's from tonight or if this is from another night. It seems harmless enough, they're laughing and the woman is being a little more handsy than I would like but other then that it seems friendly...until the woman looks around the room leans in closer to Taehyung, her body practically pressed against his. She's saying something to him and he smiles shyly before she pulls him into a room and the video cuts off.

I do my best not to panic and just breath, I watch the video again and again and each time I feel my heart tighten in my chest. This had to be recent right? I look over his attire, he had on casual clothes as if he had just changed after a show. Some loose dark pants and a white shirt with some writing on it that I couldn't make out.


I jump and drop my phone in my lap "Yeah, I'm right here baby" I quickly say rushing to her side. She rubs her eyes and sits up making Tani poke his head up as well. He looks towards the door and jumps off the bed as his tail starts to wag.

Great he's here or close.

"Is Appa back?"

I force a smile and nod as she quickly gets up from her spot and pulls me with her. We hide by the bed and I feel a sense of panic run through me, what if he's not alone? God I can't imagine what Taerin will do or say if he's not. I hold her closer and take a deep breath praying he is alone for her sake.

Yeontan barks making me jump again, I can heard Taehyung's low voice mumbling something as he struggles to get the door open. Taerin giggles and quickly covers her mouth as she peaks around the corner "he's coming" she whispers just as the door pushes open.

I can hear Tani barking "what did you get here? Your suppose to be watching our girls" Taehyung's voice gets softer and almost baby like when he speaks to Yeontan, I know at this point he's probably picked him up and Tani is covering him in kisses.

The door shuts and his footsteps grow closer " that...a Christmas tree?"


Taerin shouts as she jumps out from around the corner making Taehyung stumble back in surprise. I smile as I watch both their faces light up, Tae kneels down as Taerin runs into his arms hugging him as well as Tani.

Taehyung laughs and lets Tani down so he can squeeze our girl even more, she giggles as he kisses her face up and my heart melts but only for a moment before the video flashes in my head.

Why were things always so hard for us?

"Are you surprised Appa? It was Eomma's idea!"

He smiles over at me and I force a smile back. Unfortunately Tae catches the forcefulness and makes a face before getting to his feet. "I'm very surprised and happy" he says eyes still on me as he sets Taerin down.

"Look Appa we even got presents!"

He smiles over at her before his hands pull me towards him, he rests his forehead against mine and my body melts into his embrace. I close my eyes and try to breath through my emotions not wanting to ruin things.

"Everything okay?" He whispers, his minty breath filling my nostrils.

I take a deep breath and pull away and walk towards the tree where Taerin and Tani are sitting

"Taerin didn't want to be without you on Christmas morning and I knew how much it upset you so we decided to come to you"

I avoid his gaze and pull Taerin into my lap for comfort. I can feel Taehyung's eyes on me as he comes and joins us in front of the tree, he tucks my hair way from my face and smiles at me and Taerin.

"Thank you"

I know his words are directed at me, I give him a weak smile and relax my shoulders. "You're welcome" my voice comes out softer than I intended it to.

He holds my gaze for a moment before Taerin jumps from my lap to his. I smile as her little arms wrap around his neck as she tucks herself away in his embrace.

Taehyung melts into her and holds her close, I can see his eyes glazing over before he shuts them tight and nuzzles into our girl. "Merry Christmas Appa" she mumbles, I glance at the clock and smile.

It's Christmas.

I had wished for this moment for so long, and all I can think about is that stupid video. I needed to let it go for the time being and just enjoy my little girls happiness, I'd let Taehyung explain everything when the time is right. But part of me couldn't stop fearing for the worse.



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