Chapter 10- She has a kid?

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Chapter 10

Taehyung's POV

"You'll never guess who I ran into the other day"

I stuff my face and glance over at my sister, it had been a while since I've seen her. She was always busy with school and I was always busy with well... everything.

So I invited her and my mom out for lunch. I never got to do things like this much but it was always nice when we did get together. My brother unfortunately couldn't make it but he promised to make it up to me somehow. I didn't blame him, he was young and had his own life.

"Who sweetie?"

My mother asks I look up and nearly choke on my food when I see my sister holding her phone up in front of us. I hear a gasp come from my mother as she takes the phone.

"My y/n? Oh how is she? Where is she?"

My heart stings at my mother's words, I grab the phone from her and look at the photo. Zooming in on the girl who I gave my whole heart to years ago. I smile slightly, she still looked breath taking. Even though she looks slightly uncomfortable in the photo, I'm sure Eonjin forced her to take it.

Her hair was long and curled, still dark and framing her perfectly round cheeks. Her bright eyes make my heart speed up, it's like she's staring at me and I start to feel myself sweat.

I take a breath and continue going over her features, for some reason Taerin pops into my mind and I smile more.

"She was giving a lecture at my school, I guess she never left. She lives here still, she looked good though."

My sister smiles at my mother who looked like she could cry as she looks over at me. I give the phone back and look away.

"Was she alone?"

Eonjin raises a brow at me "Yeah? I mean she was at work dummy" I glare and then feel my mothers hand grasp mine to calm me down.

"But I will say she had no ring on her finger, but she did have a car seat in the back of her car...I was going to ask about it but she seemed in a hurry"

The tension between us all seems to rise just a bit, did she have a kid? Maybe she had a kid with that guy she left me for...I feel myself starting to spiral as I think back to our break up. It was so out of the blue...

Maybe they were still together...maybe whoever she left me for was her true love. Not me.


I look up to see my sister looking at me with somber eyes "Don't worry okay? I'm suppose to meet up with her for lunch or dinner so I'll find out some stuff for you"

I give her a weak smile and shake my head

"No it's okay, she's happy so that's all that matters. Let's not talk about it anymore"

They  both silently nod and I do my best to get through this lunch without having a mental break down.


Your POV

A few days later

"I don't know how I didn't see it before, Taerin literally looks just like him. I mean she looks a lot like you but she resembles him more"

I smile at Jae, he hadn't stopped asking questions about me and Tae sense that night I told him everything. "She acts just like him to" I laugh as I step back and admire my work.

"It's finally done"

We both stand there and stare, I turn to see Jae's eyes twinkling as he looks over my latest piece. "It's beautiful" he breaths and I feel a sense of pride wash over me.

I took my time with this one and something about it had a huge emotional part of me wrapped into it.

"Thanks Jae, now I guess this is goodbye"

I smile as he wraps his arms around me tightly "It's only for two weeks and your sure you'll be okay? Who's going to help you with Rinnie?" I laugh a little as we pull away

"I think I can handle it, just go and enjoy your family. We will be fine"

He smiles and kisses my cheek "Okay fine but  promise me you will give me updates on you two. I'll miss you both like crazy"

"I promise, now go before you miss your flight"


"Eomma can we listen to my song?"

I smile as I finish braiding her hair. "Sure why not" she bounces and makes space for us to dance as I put on 'Scenery' by her father.

From the moment he put out the song Taerin has had it on repeat. She listens to it every night before bed and often times she makes me dance with her as we both sing to one another.

"Come here bub"

Taerin smiles and reaches up for me, I hold her close as I slowly dance around our living room. Taehyung's voice echoing throughout the apartment, I close my eyes and listen to Taerin's small voice singing along with her Fathers.

I find peace listening to the two singing as the fireplace cackles in the background. Winter was fast approaching which meant the holidays were coming.

One of the loneliest times of the year for us, but it would all work out like it always did.

"I love you Eomma"

"I love you to Bub"

"Me and you forever and ever?"

"Forever and Ever baby girl"


A/n I just love them
Sorry for the short

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